Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"Yeah." Makise agreed. "He doesn't smoke in the house either, or he at least tries really hard not to."
((We can do it like dhis...!))

After getting settled in with Masashi, Ayane decided that he still didn't have enough stuffed toys in his crib; so she took Masashi out to pick out more toys. That was nearly five hours ago.
Izaya had called Ayane's phone twelve times, and on the thirteenth, it went straight to voicemail. He scowled and dialed a different number, Shizuo's.
"Maybe later you can light my fire, but that's not important, have you seen Hime-sama?" He asked.
"I thought maybe she came to visit you two, hm, well this isn't good." He scowled softly. "She's been gone for five hours."
Izaya pulled the phone away from his ear. "Yes, five hours... And she's seemed to have turned her phone off, or someone else did."
"Only if you feel you can do something." He said, trying to find anything on Ayane's disappearance, but he doubted there would be anything.
Izaya scowled more. "It might've been.." He said. "If that's the case." He stood up. "We better hurry, how soon can you be here, Shizu-chan~?"
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