Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise opened her eyes slowly and looked up at Shizuo. "The baby has been delivered and you're welcome to see Mika-san now, she's requested the both of you come."
Shizuo brought Makise into the room where Ayane was in. The raven haired maiden laid in her hospital bed, craddling her newborn son. She looked up and smiled, "Maki...! Shizuo...!"
"Aya-chan!" Makise entered the room with a grin, ignoring her brother all together and moving to her friends side. "He's so cute..!" She gasped.
Ayane laughed softly and nuzzled her son, "Hai...his name is Masashi...~" She said. Shizuo smirked slightly, "Good lookin' kid...probably gets it from you, Mika..." "Hehe...You think so, Shizuo?"
"Well if he got his looks from Oka-san he must get his personality from Otou-san~" Izaya purred.
Izaya made the motion for zipping his mouth and locking it before throwing away the key. "Little Masa-kun..." Makise smiled. "He's adorable."
((Good idea, Izaya~~))

Ayane giggled softly, "How much longer are you due, Maki?" "Next couple months should do it..." Shizuo answered. Ayane smiled brightly, "I'm so excited..." She swooned
((Oh god~~))

Makise grinned. "Isn't it exciting? I wanted to keep it a surprise on what I'm having so I don't know if it'll be a boy or a girl yet..!"
"I think that's the best part." Ayane smiled. She glanced at Izaya, "Do you want to hold your son, Izaya...?" She asked. Shizuo scoffed, "Careful,, he might drop it."
"I'm insulted, Shizu-chan..! Who do you think held Maki-chan when she was a baby?" He asked, taking Masashi. "Not reassuring." Makise muttered.
"Mind his head, Izaya..." Ayane told him. Shizuo crossed his arms, "I take it this baby won't make you two a happy couple?" He asked. Ayane blinked, "What? Oh, no...I..." Ayane stopped and looked down, "I don't know..."
Izaya cradled the baby against his chest, sitting down in the chair and looking at Ayane. Maize blinked, not getting in between the middle of this.
Ayane fidgetted. She didn't want to admit that she actually loved Izaya. "I don't know what Masa will do...I know he'll make me happy, though..."
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