Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise moved closer, stopping beside the couch and covering her mouth with her hand. "Shizuo! What happened...?! I mean, you've obviously been in a fight, but why...?! And with who?"
"Oh, these guys Tom were talking to didn't like anything he offered and stuck some goons on us - or me, rather. You got my milk?" He replied.
"What about you..? You're okay, too...?" She asked, frowning softly. "I mean... I know you're strong and all... But, you can still die."
Makise nodded slowly, taking a seat at the table and looking over at Shizuo as Shinra worked.
Makise rubbed the back of her head, frowning softly. "I can walk him home, arigatou, Shinra-san."
Makise moved over to Shizuo and looked him over, swallowing before letting out a soft breath. "Ready to go...?"
Makise bowed to Celty and Shinra, putting her shoes on again and heading out the door and to the elevator.
"I cleaned up the house." She said quietly as they rode the elevator down to the street.
"Will you be okay...? Do you need anything else...?" Makise asked, looking at the ground as the left the elevator.
Makise glanced to Shizuo, chewing on her lip before she took a deep breath. "Do you... Would you like to go out for drinks sometime...?"
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