Drrr!! (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Makise nodded, not looking at Shizuo. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I brought him into the fight, that was wrong and uncalled for." She said.
"Gomenasai." Makise said quietly, then perked when the timer went off, standing up and heading to the kitchen to pull out the last of the cupcakes.
After all of the cupcakes had been frosted, Makise brought them out and set them on the coffee table for Shizuo, letting out a soft sigh. "There, I hope that this is enough cupcakes for now."
Makise nodded and slowly stood. "Okay, so should I head home for now... If you need me, give me a call." She said and headed for the door.
"Pretty far... I'm not proud but I practically got on my hands and knees and bowed down to him."
Makise smiled and entered the apartment, closing the door behind her and heading inside to make herself something to eat.
It was a hot day in Shinjuku. Like incredibly hot. Ayane was forced into short shorts and a bikini top. The AC was on full blast and she was still sweating, "Sweet merciful Lord, its Hell on Earth!"
Izaya had just come back from the market, and he headed to the refrigerator. "Ayane-sama...! I bought some popsicles..!" He called over his shoulder as he put them in the freezer so they wouldn't melt.
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