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No Turning Back (Alvis Alendran&SHARPii)

Lloyd opened his mouth to comment further, but he and Harrison both turned their gaze to the seemingly entranced Esther as she approached the pizza. The men exchanged glances as she lifted the slice. She seemed to be half lost in the act of attacking th pizza.
"God man, does she not eat anything at all?!" Lloyd asked with a smile.
"She eats what she can, when she can. But can you blame her? That is a Firenzi's Pizza if I'm not mistaken." Harrison pointed out.
"Point! But it's not that good!"
"She disagrees with you." Harrison and Lloyd each grabbed their own plates, and lifted their own slices, and leaned back. harrison nticed it first, his gaze lingering on Esther's legs a moment. They were long enough to have good shape, and they had the most delicious...sauce spot on them, slowly trailing towards the floor.

"Damn." He cursed quietly, setting his plate down, and lifting a napkin. He leaned forward, adn wiped the glob off of Esther before it made it to the floor. Lloyd perked up, looking at Harrison as if to see if there was some kind of comment he could make to embarrass him, until he saw that he was not in fact trying to cop a feel on Esther, but trying to make sure the mess didn't spread.
"Ah, that's going to leave a mark! And on my watch too! That won't do at all! Esther, I need to know what size you wear!" Lloyd demanded lightly.
Their little conversation in marveling over how she ate, or well lack thereof, Esther didn’t hear it. The pizza was that good that it didn’t even faze her of their conversation or the glob of red pizza sauce that was slowly oozing down. Yes, this was the sight of a woman so deprived of real and actual food that she was splurging. It didn’t matter if she gained ten pounds or went up two sizes. She liked going from size eight to ten and back anyways. Right now, she was between a size six and nine, mostly from recent busy schedules the past six months. Not so much the firm but The Spot, just because she was not only salaried hourly but also heavily depended to be on call.

It was only when she felt a hand on her, she snapped out of it and put her almost fully eaten slice of pizza down on her plate. The touch sizzled her even through the fabric of her trousers, so much, that without looking she knew who that hand belonged to. Jeez, three times and she memorized that touch yet not accustomed to it? Well, three times could easily change things considering how long it had been since she was last touched by a man like that.

Esther nearly lunged for him, forgetting about everything. For a moment, it felt like things blurred a little bit and then she snapped back to reality. “What?” She looked down and saw the offending spot where he wiped the sauce from. “Nooooooooooooo…” She dragged out as if it was the worst thing in the world. It was. These were her best pants. She didn’t have much. If these were out of commission, then what was left?
The girly clothes.

Looking up to Harrison and then Mr. Lloyd, her head tilted and for a moment, she forgot. But then it made sense. He needed to know her size so he could get her something to change into. Aw, how nice. “Size six or eight, but you don’t have to, sir. I don’t mind wearing these and it’s not like it’s offending anyone?” Then she looked between both men before asking, in an almost nervous stutter, ‘R-Right?” She wasn’t OCD but if a stain bothered someone or something disorderly or disorganized, it bothered Esther. Especially even if it didn’t bother anyone but she got it in her head it bothered them.
Like now.
"Six to eight, so we'll so seven and a half... gimme a second." Lloyd lifted his phone and dialled. He ignored Esther a moment while he spoke. "Hey Sue. Yes I know what time it is. And no, I don't care. This is what I pay you for! Great, glad we've sorted that out. Ah, I love you too! Now, delivery. seven and a half. Womans pants. Dress. Thank you for the vote of confidence! What do you mean? Well, bring what you've got then! Just do it now! I'm at the lounge!" He hung up, muttering under his breath.

"Esther, I sat through years of law school with him. Believe me, he and I have both worn worse, adn in far higher brow company." Harrison reassured her. "But Lloyd is in his own little world now, so do forgive his neglect." Harrison listened to the side of the phone call that was audible. He offered Esther some insight. "He called Sue, his clothing person. She's on call to handle any clothing emergencies he might have." He was quiet until Lloyd's statement of I love you too. "Tha was likely her telling him how much of an asshole Lloyd is to work for." He waited again until the talk of confidence. "And that was likely her asking if he'd done something to destroy your pants i en effort to get you out of them." Harrison supplied helpfully. Lloyd looked at him once the phone was hung up.
"Harry?" He asked.
"Yes Lloyd?"
"Did you just tell her all about Sue and me?"
"Well, filled in the blanks, yes."
"Please die in a fire for me."
"No Lloyd. Not for a long time." Both men chuckled. Lloyd looked a Esther.
"Sue did not have appropriate pants, but she's bringing a replacement, and there's a cleaning facility in the basement of the firm, so we cna have it taken care of before you leave here."

"Since when do we have our own cleaning service?" Harrison asked.
"Since I put it in last year. Didn't you get the memo?" Lloyd asked with a grin.
"No, I did not."
"Would you even use it?" Harrison honestly thought. He'd been going to the same dry cleaner felt like forever. And they'd been very good to him.
"No, not likely."
"Then shaddap." Harrison grinned, and wadded up a napkin to throw at him.
Her head tilted when she realized Mr. Lloyd was ignoring her. Thankfully, Harrison filled in the gaps. He translated the phone call and Esther had a hand over her mouth. She was trying desperately not to let the flood gate open on her laughter, because she feared it might not be stopped. Her body shook as little fits of giggles took her over but nothing for her to throw her head back and guffaw over. Well, she wanted to. But then that just might prove how close to inebriation nation she was heading into. They could think she had a problem. Although the pizza helped. It was loaded. Like a potato.

Taking in a deep breath to qualm her impending laughter, she uncovered her mouth and just offered a small smile to Lloyd. Any bigger and she might burst out laughing. Seriously, these two men fought like teenage brothers. Although, Esther was starting to think that Mr. Lloyd was the epitome of Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up, except the high-end lawyer version. She couldn’t blame him and definitely admired as well as adored his zest for life but still. Two grown men and they both just lost ten years just like that. It amazed her.

Finishing the rest of her pizza, she placed the empty plate down on the table and sat back, sighing softly. She rubbed her tummy and rest her head on her shoulder. “I’m so full, I think I have a food baby.” She had only one slice, sure, but it was thick, loaded with so many toppings and she devoured it like there was no food for her waiting tomorrow. “Um, embarrassing question, but do you guys think—I mean if there’s any left over—if I could take a slice or three home?”
Harrison shrugged. He looked at Lloyd who held up a surrendering hand. Neither of them were looking like they'd fight her for it.
"Looks as though the prize of the pizza is yours!" Lloyd said with a grin. He understood on some level the question. It was damned good food, and it did sound like she was having a hard time making ends meet, especially with food. He'd not stand between her and a fine Firenzi's pizza. Harrison, on the other hand, had no trouble identifying with her. He did well remember what it was like living on ramen and whatever else he could scrape together. Working odd jobs to afford a few beers, and hustling rich idiots at pool for the better stuff. But it was so long ago, it was like a distant echo of half remembered music. At this point, he could no more claim to truly understand it then Lloyd could. It actually felt that by now Lloyd was more down to earth than Harrison was. Lloyd had gorwn up well monied, and found ways to remain appealing to the average person. Harrison had clawed his way up, and now spent a lot of time glorying in the fact that he could indulge in all of the finest things he desired.

Still, they were able to laugh about it as the two men ate pizza a little mroe carefully than Esther had, Harrison not wanting to make a mess of his nearly thousand dollar shirt. Lloyd was likely in the same boat. Another chime sounded. It had been a little over ten minutes, but it seemed Sue had come through for them, and the staff had gone to collect whatever she'd brought. Garry appeared, and set a folded piled of cloth on a side table, before nodding to Harrison, and departing back behind his screen. Harrison knew at a glance that it was most certainly not pants. The pil suggested conservative length, but not to the ankle, and the black material shimmered like only high grade silk could. Careful stitching along the material was also in black, giving the shine a kind of pattern that was hard to pick out, but kept the attention. It was quite a skirt.
"Well, now that it's here, there a washroom just over there." Lloyd pointed. "Just had the pants to Garry or Allison, and they'll make sure it gets to the cleaners." He explained to her.
Esther looked like she just asked the stupidest question, only proving how struggling her financial situation was. And if it meant taking home leftovers like that, delicious and what not, she’d jump on it since it’d be plenty to feed her for at least the next night or two. If they were letting her have it all, she’d just take the entire box home. It was her pizza now. Not theirs. All hers.

Her head raised when she heard another chime and watched in splendor as a garment was brought to her. Her heart sank however. It was a beautifully rich piece of material molded into not pants, but a skirt. She hadn’t ever worn a skirt around Harrison. It’s not like she was ashamed to. She had skirts and dresses she could wear to work but didn’t see the appeal since it wasn’t her style. She was a blouse and pants kind of girl. Even their time in his office, it didn’t occur to her how much easier it would have been for her to have a skirt on. Maybe at some point she knew, but right now, she was dreading putting on that skirt.

At least it’d match.

Looking to Lloyd, Esther simply nodded her head. “Thanks. And thanks for getting a…” She stood and picked up the garment as if it was so offending, holding it the way someone might hold a stinky diaper. She wasn’t trying to not show her gratitude but it was a skirt. “…skirt.” She gulped almost, as if afraid of it.

Turning, she walked over to the washroom and went inside, locking the door behind her. She placed the skirt on top of the covered toilet and then pulled her shirt out of her pants and started to undo them, the pants, not the shirt. It pooled around her ankles and she stepped out of them, the light hitting over her smooth and soft skin, flawless and simply milky looking. Grabbing the skirt, she pulled it on, shimmied it over her hips. It was a skirt that would sit at the waist and come at least to her knees. Considering she was a bit short, it came a little passed her knees but it conformed to her waist, hips and legs. Wow, it was actually a knock out skirt. Conservative yes in the length, but definitely not conservative in how it hugged her curves. She tucked her shirt back in and then zipped up the garment. Grabbing her stained pants, she observed the stain and frowned. She hoped it would come out.

Opening the door, she shut the light off and folded the pants in her arms and saw a hand come out to take them. It was of the man Garry. She offered a thankful smile and handed it to him and then walked back to the chair. She couldn’t bring her legs up, fearful of showing more than she might have intended. So instead, she sat back, crossed a leg over the other—not meaning to tease slightly to the man it might have been important to—and grabbed her drink and cigar and resumed like nothing went wrong. She thought she looked good in it but now she was feeling out of her element. Exposed, vulnerable and very much like a girl.
Lloyd took the moment to talk quietly with harrison when Esther left.
"Okay Harry. She's a nice kid. But damn, she's young!" He said with a mild recrimination in his voice. Harrison only shrugged.
"That's the dream, isn't it? To have a much younger woman?" He retorted.
"Oh fuck you too Harry!" Lloyd grinned as he spoke. "But I like her. right by her, okay? In all ways." Harrison nodded knowing what he meant. Don't use his position to advance her without her earning it, and don't just use her until he lost interest. If he was going to break it off with her, he'd have to do it right, and not be a cad. It was solid advice, and the kind that the two of them usually shared when one of them got involved one way or another with a woman.
"Agreed." They touched glasses to seal it.

When she emerged in the skirt, Lloyd did smile. It looked good on her, showing just a little bit of leg below the knee. What he saw was pale and smooth, which certainly appealed to him in all of the best ways. But thi was a girl with her sights set on Harrison, so he kept the comments to himself. Harrison on the other hand felt no inclinations to hold back. He raised a glass to her as she sat down.
"It suits you well. I approve." he told her with a slightly suggestive wink. Lloyd, not paying the cloesst attention to Harrison, missed the gesture.
After she emerged from the bathroom and sat down, she had no idea or knowledge of what they had been talking about. All she just did was smile and resumed her habit of drinking and smoking. Oh, if this kept up, she’d go right back to what she used to do mostly in college. How attractive was that?

Oof, if she cared about being attractive, it meant she had it out bad for this guy. This guy being Harrison. She didn’t look too much for anything from Lloyd. She wasn’t one of those girls seeking comments everywhere. She didn’t even look to Harrison. She went on like it was the most normal thing ever.
Then he complimented her. It took her off guard. It was a simple compliment but it was the wink he gave her. She felt her insides melt, her cheeks flush and she looked down, distracting herself in taking a long drag from the cigar, blowing out a thick stream of smoke straight above and relaxed back a little bit, her back touching the cushion of the chair. “Thank you.” She said finally and softly, looking down at her knees and then just barely lifted her gaze up to meet Harrison. It was a suggestive look. And if Lloyd wasn’t here, she’d be hiking up her skirt a little bit to drive Harrison mad, if she could.
The look did not go unnoticed by Harrison. Not at all. It was a fairly clear suggestion. His mind actually did go to several different ways to get Lloyd gone for a little while, but nothing really became easily accessible. Not like Esther who was suddenly much more accesible, it would be such a simple thing to walk over to her, adn slide that cloth up and start to really go to work on... he was going to have to damn well get his mind off of that for a while. Else he might do something to embarrass both himself, and Esther. Lloyd would never let him forget it if he actually lost his sense of self control that much. He took a pull at his scotch.

Time rolled by, with a few more glasses of scotch coming from the bottle, and Harrison looking around the room, remembering all of the times he'd spent up here when they'd just finished it. Lloyd looked at his watch and swore.
"Damn it, is that the time. Shit. I've got to get going! And you two.." He loked at them closely. "...are in no shape to drive. Esther's pants should be done in about twenty more minytes, so just grab them when you're on the way out, adn I'll make sure there's a car waiting for the two of you." He told them. harrison opened his mouth to argue, but Lloyd waved a hand. "No buts Harry! Indulge me." Harrison sighed, but nodded. Lloyd stepped away, and sent the staff home. He followed them, leaving Esther and Harrison in the lounge. He did give her a smile. When the elevator dinged, and opened, he waved a hand somewhat dramatically.
"Shall we then?" He asked her.
She had a desire to jump this man’s bones right here and whether Lloyd was there or not, with this second drink, Esther was starting to not care. If it meant being able to have Harrison the way she wanted to and the way she deserved, she’d do it. But something inside of her told her not to. And that was the image of Lloyd’s face after, just dying to tease them both about it. It was one thing to not let Harrison live it down but for Esther? She would never be able to look Lloyd in the eye ever again.

Time went by though and she kept sipping on her drink. She had another and during that time and finished it by the time Lloyd departed. She waved her goodbye since she didn’t want to speak. She wasn’t too sure how she’d sound. He left and she sat up, putting the end of her cigar out and she placed her empty glass down and made to stand. “We shall.” She found it very easy to stand surprisingly and she walked towards the elevator after smoothing the skirt down. She turned back to Harrison after pressing the button on the elevator door. “Can I keep this?” She asked, pointing to her skirt.
Harrison gave her a smile, and let the elevator move. He could almost feel the desire roling off of her, that feeling that she wanted more of what she'd had in the office eariler in the day again. And after everything that had gone on...he couldn't just let her have it.
"Of course. Llloyd wouldn't have sent out for it if you weren't meant to keep it." He assured her. He assumed a relaxed pose, carefree, and not seeming to pay any attention to the attractive woman beside him. "I do hope you enjoyed yourself tonight." He said casually. He kept his calm smile on his face, and waited. He could see the mounting frustration on her face, the want for him to do something, and the dissapointment that it didn't look like anything was going to happen after all.

He stretched, and his hand was near the control panel. He pressed the stop button, making it shudder to a halt between floors. Before the faint bouncing had finished, he was on her, hands around her waist, and lifting her enough that she wouldn't trip from his rush at her. Her back went to the wall of the elevator, and his mouth foudn hers in a kiss that had all of his pent up desire adn tension. Gods, it hadn't even been a day, and he felt like he needed another hit from his newest addiction. He set her down, more of dropped her, but she was only a few inches off the ground anyway. He wanted his hands free. one was already up into her hair, getting a hol of her, and drawing out the kiss, making it all the more intense. The other had went low, catching the hem of her skirt, adn sliding it up past her knees. It was all going to happen. Right here. Right now.
Before they left, Esther went back after pressing the button to the elevator to grab the pizza box and her purse. She lifted it up and her eyes lit up. That was plenty to feed her for three days! She shut it and then picked it up and went back to the elevator, by that time, the doors opening. She walked in with Harrison and knelt down to place the box on the ground. She didn’t want to hold it. She just leaned back against the elevator wall and tilted her head back against it, her eyes closing. She loved elevators. She liked it better when they didn’t have bad muzak. There was none in here. It was quiet and she found comfort in the silence and the sound of the elevator mechanics, the machine moving. It always felt so good.

Esther was ripped from whatever mental reverie she was in when she felt the elevator stop suddenly. Her eyes opened and she looked to Harrison. “Harrison—“ She started but didn’t get to finish. He was on her and she wasn’t quick enough. Not that she would ever be with him. He had her against the wall, her legs wrapped around his hips and her hands came to the lapels of his jacket, holding onto it as she kissed him back. It was more than just kissing back. He was devouring her mouth and she was all too willing and felt her body melt into his. She felt her body slip down, her heels touching the ground but her lips never left his. It was such a body kiss too. Not just something to crane her neck into. She craned her entire body into his being. It was the only way she could keep up with the massive orgasmic attack on her lips.

Her lips parted from his as she felt his hand wandering and she looked up at him. “Off. Off. Off.” She whispered as her hands went to his pants, working to undo the belt and then the pants altogether. It was happening. Oh lord, it was happening and in an elevator. This had to be at the top and it was going to happen right now. Maybe she could sow all her wild fantasies with Harrison. He seemed to be willing.
Harrison let her fumble at his pants, not really caring, but more than willing to let her get it done. He felt eh belt open, and the upper clasp come free. Seconds later, the zipper was down, adn the pants were in free fall. His boxers went down, freeing him. He was already pretty steadily turned on, and gods, he wanted more. If he'd been really setting his mind, he'd have likely been ready, but he'd been too focused on catching her off guard. This was going to be fast and furious, passionate and desperate. He dragged her face back to his for a brief instant, giving her one of the strongest and most fierce kisses yet. H pasrted from her, gazed into her eyes for a moment, seeing that she was very nearly as needful of this as he was.

Hand still in her hair, he pressed her down, pushing her down onto her knees. He was grinning that feeling of budding feral instinct that meant that he was not going to be able to keep himself at bay. All he needed was to have her get him ready to go, adn then they'd be into the far more interesting things. And she'd likely be half out of her mind. It wouldn't take much, his body already starting to repsond to the memory of being sheathed in her, adn the longing to repeat the feeling. Gods, this was getting out of hand.
Then he was out and her eyes landed on all that was holy, wondrous and far too good to be true, it should be illegal. Her hand made a motion to go down to that much steel but she was stopped as he brought her face back and her legs went weak at the heat of passion in such a kiss. It was so fierce it’d give Tyra a run for her money as to what ‘fierce’ truly meant. Not some glossy eye picture or look an infectious model pose. No, this kiss was the epitome of fierce and she felt it radiate throughout her entire being before resonating straight and deeply into her core. She couldn’t help the moan that escaped her or the fact that when his lips parted, she once more tried to follow his lips, as if not to let them be away from her. They were too good and addicting not to kiss. How she’d survive not being able to always have contact with them on a regular basis—even in the office at all hours of the day—she wouldn’t know. She just knew that if this continued and it happened frequently, she’d be expecting it and waiting for it.

Her eyes floated upwards to meet his gaze and she saw what was probably in hers. This was completely mutual and whatever he might feel, at least as far as physical attraction goes, she felt it too and she wasn’t the only one.
He didn’t really need to ask her twice or make the motion twice. Esther went willing down on her knees, not even feeling when the caps of them touched the elevator floor. She was in a whole other world, a complete daze and relished being this close up in contact with his arousal. She leaned in, her hand coming around to wrap fingers at the base and she started to stroke just as she let her tongue run along the head. This was easily her favorite part, and the best thing to suck on. The tip. It was always the tip of anything phallic shaped. A lot of innuendos in a lot of products in this very corrupt world.

After a few licks around him completely, Esther made work to take him into her mouth, stretching it open wide enough to fit him in and still taste every bit of him, to let her mouth be in overflow of Harrison’s taste and flavor. A soft moan came from her against him and her eyes shot up to watch him. It was the sexiest thing ever. To watch a man as she pleased him, knowing it was because of her. It made her even wetter.
Those eyes, looking up at him, questing, seeking, looking for the effect of what she was doing for him. To him. And gods, she was doing things to him now. Not only the obvious, the fact that he could feel teh warm, soft wetness of her tongue working on his shaft, the tender feeling of her lips around it, and how she moved her head to keep going. The eyes flcking up to watch him, it was the icing on the cake, the question of was she doing it right, was she doing what he wanted, was she pleasing to his sensibilities? If he had been in the mood for a more traditional dominance game, he'd have looked bored, looked almost like he was barely aware of her presence.

But this was not going to be a traditional dominance game.

His head tilted back as she sank him into her mouth, a long, slow, hissing groan that filled the air, and made him glad that he'd found this particular addiction. The moan she let loose was enough to actually send a feel of vibrtion all up his shaft, adn into his body, adn he could barely believe the effect it had on him. He had gone from most errect to hard enough to drive a nail. It was very nearly the most turned on he'd ever been in his life. And by the Gods, he wanted more. A part of his was willing to just let her go until he came, but that would require him to be patient, and to wait, neither things seemed likely or appealing to him right then. His hands came to her head, and he had the flash of swift insight, pumping her head along him quickly, almost savagely, sizing a portion of control from her, beofre his hands went lower, getting under her arms. He gave her no warning, no time to prepare, he simply pulled her right back up to his level, and nearly attacked her with a kiss. It lasted only an instant, a vicious gesture of passion, before he brok away, and planted a another kiss of equal intensity on her neck. He'd seen what such had done to her before, and wasn't above using such tactics to keep things going.

His hands flew up her skirt, and he was glad that Lloyd had been unable to procure her pants. A skirt made things so much easier, and a little more fun. His hadns reached her panties, and he wasted no time at all. He was starting to slide thm down when he lost the patience for them completely, his hadns clenching on them, and pulling towards him suddenly. The material resisted, but only for an instant before they came apart, the front of them ending up in his hands, the back falling to the floor. That was all the sign he needed to grab both her legs, and haul her into the air without hesitation or effort. That fire, it was burning brighter. He thoght to say something, anything, a way of staking his claim with words, but what needed to be said? he was staking a claim on her in the most basic, primal way that humans could. He brought her down onto his shaft, adn took a deep breath as he felt her hot, wet folds wrapping him as he sank into her. A hadn came free, and got ahold of her head, bringing her to him in a kiss. It was something he was craving now, not something that he usually spent too much time on, but she had skill in it, and it made him feel that much more connected, more into the moment. And the moment was what he was craving. His hips moved back, adn then he slammed them forward. No waiting, no mercy this time. He began to work himself in her fast adn furious, keeping her back pressed tight to the wall.
It was incredibly gratifying and soul satisfying to watch him. She knew he liked it, she knew it by how he tasted in her mouth and it was just too good. Never in her wildest fantasies did she ever foresee this. Not even in some steamy dreams she might have had at one point that she would never let come to the surface. Maybe dreams do come true. Yet there was still something. Since this started, she was waiting for someone to come out and say ‘Gotcha!’

She was taken for a whirl when his hand started to move her head, guiding her and controlling her. She made a small sound as her hands flew to his legs, holding onto him as he made her go to newer lengths and extremes on his arousal. She had never taken anyone that deep before, hell she had never taken one like Harrison’s that fast or deep in her mouth but she didn’t make sound and neither did she try to push away. Just when it seemed she was getting accustomed, her lifted her up high enough that she could wrap her legs around his waist.

Ah, so the benefit of said skirt. A thought that she didn’t even get to really relish or think on too much before his lips descended onto hers, causing her to lose sight of anything else but him, this elevator and the undulating passion about to let loose inside of it. It felt warmer, much hotter, her body was already starting to become moist in the small confines but she was putty in his hands. Only all too willing, needing and giving. She gasped softly when he tore her panties. She cared and then she didn’t care the moment he impaled her with his length, causing her head to tilt back and she cried out. Oh, so big, so thick, so long and it hit the back of her channel in that most explosive way that rocked her body and her very inner core. “Mm.” She breathed, her hands moving to his shoulders where she held onto him tightly or tried to but because of his jacket, she couldn’t find the leverage, her hands kept slipping and she didn’t want to ruin his jacket. Her legs tightened around hi waist and she slid her arms around his neck causing her body to push into his chest further, her hips into his, taking him in more. Fantasy number three, check.

Now she could die a truly happy woman.
The sounds she made, that was part of why he became so savage with her. The cires, the moans, these were things that apealed to him on a primal level. he never cared for just silent passion. The soudns and thunder of actions needed to go together, they needed to be present for him to find the greatest appeal. The first time they'd been together, it had been incredibly good, but had an edge of experimentation, like neither side was willing to fully cut loose, wasn't ready to reveal too much of what they wasnted to do. These last few times however... there was no such restraint. There was only sound and frenzied movements that called for more of the same.

He felt her hands sliding onto and off of his shoulders, a few aborted attempts at a grip, but the outrageously fine wool defied her attempts deftly. When she gave up on that, he felt her arms snake around his neck, finding the grip and leverage that she needed to steady herself properly. When she pulled herself closer to him, he found that his hold was just that much more solid. His arms abandoned their previous holds, finding her legs wrapping him gave him all the leverage that he needed to keep her in place. He moved a half step farther towards the wall anyway, making sure that she wouldn't fall at the wrong moment. An arm went around his midsection, keeping her tight to him, while the other threaded into her hair, keeping a hold of her. His palm slid around, coming just behind her ear, adn letting him keep a hold of her, and push the kiss to entire new depths.

The flaring of passion was denying him the normal detatchment that he knew provided impressive stamina and lasting time, And while a part of him felt that it should bother him, he found that it really didn't He just wanted this now, and he wanted it fast and quickly. With her newly braced, he redoubled his efforts, plunging in and out of her faster, harder, more frenzy in the movements. There had never been this feel of addiction, this feel of desperation in the way he approached a woman before. Somehow or another, Esther had done something to snare him effectively, and now he was just trying to keep himself sane in the downtime. He could feel himself start to tighten up, to jerk faintly. he was getting far too close. Anything extra she managed would likely be what it took to push him over the edge.
It felt like her heart was going to explode out of her chest she was breathing so hard and fast. She could feel her pulse to new extremes in her head and it was almost so overwhelming if she didn’t know what was happening inside of her and who the cause was. It was Harrison and he was plundering new depths inside of her. Each thrust made her moan loudly. There was no way to calm it or quiet it. Not that she wanted to. No one was in the elevator with them and no one would know. Just Harrison and her and that was the best dirty secret to ever keep.

One hand moved from around his neck and braced back up against the wall above her head. Her other hand slid down to his shoulder as he rocked his way against her, each time pushing her higher. She felt like she was going to soar to higher depths than ever. With the passion, the heat and the fire mixed in with the setting of the elevator and the little game they had been playing in secret in front of Lloyd all evening, everything was being poured into this one session. It was intense. Then again, she had a feeling each time with Harrison would always be intense and in its own way. There would never be a time better than the other. Each time wouldn’t be able to compare. Each time would be in their own league, on their own different level but it didn’t mean anything less. It was already at its best. He was already at his best.

The desire was thick and ready to bloom deep in her belly. Her pants and gasps were all she could hear in her ears as well as any sound he made, and her own sounds, though her own sounds sounded more muted than anything else compared to her breaths and his sounds. Her ankles hooked together to better keep her legs properly around his hips and she moaned a deep moan. Her body started to shake, just as she felt him jerk inside of her and throb. Oh, it was so good, like a muscle relaxant times a trillion. Her head threw back against the wall, she not caring about the pain, her lips parting from his and she cried out. Her body clenched, her hips pushed into his and it stunned her how quickly she could achieve orgasm. Then again with him and how their entire evening up at in the lounge had been a sexy little foreplay match, it shouldn’t be so surprising. She was wet the moment Harrison gave her that look filled with primal need. Now, she was simply reaping the rewards of being such a good girl and not jumping him then.
Harrison had been called urbane, refined, and suave. None of those adjective would be fitting for him at this point. He was primitive, savage, and feral, at his least human in these moments. He doubted anyone he'd been with in the past would truly recognize him. What was it about this woman that brought out his more feral desires? It was as old as caves and fires, but it was something that was missing from him normally. He borke their kiss a moment, and his teeth fell heavily on her neck, a possessive bitre, one that stopped short of breaking skin, but only just. There'd be amark come the morning, that much was certain, and what was more, Harrison really didn't care. In this moment, he didn't care if someone saw it, if someone questioned it, there was nothing wrong with it. As far as he was concerned, Esther was his.

The thought would be jarring later, something he had to roll over in his head, but right now, he still didn't care. Not one jot. His movements were punctuated by the grunts of effort that it took to keep up his pace. Veyr rarely he'd made the joke that good sex should damn near be like work. This was one of the times it seemed very apt. After the bite, he returned to her mouth, still feeling that hunger in her, that need that he found so addictive. Maybe that was why, the feeling that this other person not only desired him, but needed the things he was doing to her, and that feeling was reflecting off on him. As he felt himself jerk within her, and begin to shoot inside of her, he let out a steady sigh of release and pleasure. Gods, this woman...

He felt himself subside, and leaned onto the wall, and her, before smiling at her gently. he gave her a different kiss then, a soft, caring, tender one that let her know sometihng else. Care, appreciation... and for more than just the things she did.
Their bodies slumped back. His into hers and the wall, hers just back into the wall. Slowly, her ankles unwound and she dropped one leg at a time onto the floor, a lazy thump from the heel of her boots. Her body slackened a little bit and it took her a moment or a few to really collect herself properly because of what he just did. She wasn’t even sure if she was in her body still or if she had actually died and gone to heaven.

With a heavy sigh, her head lolled to her shoulder and her eyes opened. They opened to the perfect picture. Harrison’s gaze on hers and his delicious mouth formed in that sweet smile that made her insides melt all over again, worse than putty. He flooded her. Then he gave her perhaps the most sweetest kiss that left her begging for more. Her hand back up against the elevator slid down as if in submission and came around the back of his hair. Her other hand moved around his cheek and her body seemed to get some leverage of its own back and pushed into his. She kissed him back and held him in that possessive hold like he was hers and hers alone.

Slowly and definitely regrettably, Esther parted her lips from his but she didn’t part her body from his. She wasn’t ready to. Every fiber in her was begging him to spend the night with her. They didn’t need to do this again. She just wanted a warm body in bed with her, someone to cuddle up to. Not a body pillow. A real human being. Harrison.
Sighing against his lips, she closed her eyes and swallowed. Her heart was still beating so fast but it no longer because of their post-coital act. No, her heart was racing because she wanted to ask him but was fighting the urge. All they did was have sex. Sure, she spent time with him and Lloyd in the very nice plush lounge. But that meant nothing else. It didn’t mean she was allowed to ask him to spend the night with her. Or did it?

A chance. She had to take a chance. If seeing Abby dead last night meant anything, it meant that life was too short. She had no idea how true that was to be quite honest. “Stay the night with me.” She wasn’t asking. She was requesting.
Harrison did step back, feeling his length sliding out of her, and he did it slowly enough to make sure that the effect was not sudden, but delicate. A last kind of tease. He held her close to him a few moments more, before realizing that they would have to get moving. They couldn't hide in the elevator all night after all! He stepped away from her with more than a touch of reluctance, and bent down to draw his pants back up. He was doing the belt up when he herad her speak. Not loud. Kind of gentle, as though the words were being drawn free from her carefully and with more than a touch of caution. Stay with me... It didn't sound like an invitation to do this again so soon, it seemed more like she was trying to find some kind of comfort in the world, and of all the things she could find, it was him that she had settled on.

His mind falshed to the image, waking up in her apartment again, the soft good morning, the way tihngs could go for people who weren't just people who occasionally got together for sex. The soft, kind moments that belonged to those who called themselves lovers. It was a gesture. Something that he knew as well as he did the first time he'd stepped into her apartment. The shoes, everything else that came along with that night, all of them loaded gestures. His acceptance or refusal of this was going to be meaningful, one way or another. There was no getting around that. Yes, and it was making them more than what the were Say no, na dit made it clear he'd no intention of letting them become more.

He caught himself. Did he want them to be more than they were? The more he thought of it, the more he decided that he did want to accept. He had another flash though. He waking with him in his domain. All of the comforts of his home, and her among them. It was enough for him to decide. He looked her straight in the eye.
"Esther. I will not be staying with you tongiht." He paused in his speaking, a bare second, just that one second, but a part of him knew that it had to feel like a year passed in that moment. "But you are most certainly welcome to spend it with me." He told her, his hand touching the side of her face gently, invitingly, welcoming.
After his body moved away from hers, she pushed herself up from the wall and straightened herself out. She felt all…languid down there and without her panties, it only made it that more interesting considering he didn’t pull out. She kept her legs closed firmly enough as she smoothed her skirt down, fixed her shirt and her vest and then brought her hands up to her hair. She didn’t even want to know. She simply pulled the hair tie from it and piled her hair up atop her head and tied it. Loose tendrils escaped from it and framed her face but it was a good look, one she pulled off quite nicely, considering it was all post-coital. It seemed to work on her really well.

Turning back to him after he dressed, still awaiting his answer, she looked at him expectantly, even as she knelt down to pick up her purse and the pizza. Her purse hung from her shoulder and she pressed the end of the pizza to her stomach, her arms holding it to her, cradling it almost though it remained horizontal and not up against her shirt. No no, she wasn’t stupid.

It felt like forever. And then he answered. Oh. He didn’t want to. Okay, that was fine. She did her best not to let her face fall visibly. She just nodded her head. Then he countered and her eyes shot up to his and she smiled softly, her cheeks turning quite a bit red. Asshole, she thought to herself, though deciding not to voice that thought. Not yet. Surely he knew. Of course he did. Asshole! Though she wanted to laugh at the thought.

“Do you want me to spend the night with you?” It was clear she wanted to spend the night with him. But the question remained; did he want to or was he simply saying it so not to hurt her. It wouldn’t hurt her if he didn’t want to. They had sex. Nothing more. He had no obligations.
She seeme dead set on offering him ways out, exits that he could take. WHile on some level, it was appreciated that she applied no pressure, a part of him did wonder if it was a reaction to having bad experiences, or if she was actually preparing to find an excuse to be ready t flee from him. And after all, why not? He was her boss's boss's boss. And he was so very much older than her. He pondered that for a second. With his age he'd have been... playing a championship baseball game with a trvel team about when she was born. Entering college when she was seven. It was a little bit of a sobering thought. Call him a cradle robber if you wanted, he did what felt good, and that was what he was doing.

He gave her a smile, one that was a call back to his time back in college, the kind he'd use when he was about to be up to something.
"You might still be getting to know me Esther, so I'll let it go this time. If I didn't want you to come back with me, I wouldn't have offered." He tod her. It wasn't the usual way he talked. Not a steady, calm, and controlled voice. This one was a little edgier, with an edge of rebellion in it. The voice of a natural born trouble maker. And one that was still good at it. He reached around and ressed the stop button, letting the elevator resume it's descent to teh basement. They could collect her newly cleaned pants, and be gone. After all, the penthouse apartment he maintained in the city would need to be looked in on.
If her cheeks weren’t red enough, they had to be now. It seemed almost like a slap on the hand the way he said it but at this moment, she couldn’t really care. Harrison Trenton wanted her to spend the night at his humble abode. Or at least she assumed humble abode since she was almost certain he didn’t live in a hole in the wall apartment like she did. Oy, that was embarrassing. He had to see where she lived and he had sex for the first time with her in her bedroom in her hole in the wall apartment. Okay, so that wasn’t so bad. But she had a feeling she was in for one hell of a culture shock.

Plus, something about his voice, even she could notice it wasn’t the way Harrison usually spoke. This was…something else. A glimpse, perhaps? Whatever it was, he could talk to her like that any time and any day. As the elevator resumed it’s descent, she turned to face the door and leaned her back against the elevator wall, humming lightly to herself. She was kind of on this high. She couldn’t stop smiling, even if the object of her smiles was standing right there, when she was incredibly happy, many songs decided to coral its way through her brain so she would start humming, and she had a pizza box in her hands, about to be on her way to spend the night at a celebrity’s house. She wanted to giggle like a little school girl or jump up and down and clap her hands together. Neither of which she actually did, but she had a feeling things were looking up.

Although knowing her luck, it was all probably in her head.
By the time the elevator came down to the basement, her pants were ready and they were ready to go. She followed him out to the parking lot where, true to his word, Lloyd said a car would be waiting for them. Good, because neither of them could drive. It was one thing to be a little bit drunk, but now she was still a bit drunk and still basking in the afterglow of her delicious orgasm and his too. She was in no position to drive.

Getting into the car, she settled herself in the back seat and placed the pizza box on her lap, as well as her bag. She looked to Harrison after he would settle in and then looked ahead. Once all passengers were accounted for, the driver got in and started the car up again. “Where to Mr. Trenton?”
Harrison smiled at the driver, and nodded.
"Just home. 1136 Lexington, Everest Tower." He told the driver, calm as could be. It wasn't as if he'd just offered the address to one of the most prestigious towers in the city. Except that he had. And that it was publicly known how much it cost even to maintain a low end aprtment in those towers. It was enough to stagger the average person. The driver, however, said nothing, just put the car in gear, and rolled it onto the street.

It wasn't too far of a drive, barely fifteen minutes. The tower itself didn't appear, it loomed. It was a massive construct, and Harrison had to appreciate the structure when he saw it. The building was a marvel, and had cost more money than any other in the city. And that was because it wasn't a concrete structure. It was made of granite. Rods to reinforce it ran through teh stone, but still! More than forty stories in the air, and real, honest stone cut from the earth wrapped it all the way up. The doorman knew Harrison well, and the two traded a nod. His gaze lingered on Esther a moment, as though deciding if Harrison was bringing home a woman, or if he was putting up a niece for the night. Harrison ignored him, and went to a small elevator off to the side. It was the best part about living in the penthouse here. It came with a private, high-speed elevator. The trip up took only a minute or two, and when the door opened, he stepped into teh very short hall, adn unlocked the door to his home.

"Come in." He told her kindly, doing a half bow, and waving a hand, making an almost courtly gesture. He was back to being a little more urbane than the average man. On someone else, the gesture might have looked comical, but harrison did it with such sincerity that it actually looked fitting on him. The foyer alone was larger than Esther's kitchen had been. A well tooled mahogany door slid open to reveal the closet, and the racks for shoes. A few jackets and coats hung within as well, though they might have been a touch out of season. The floor was smooth, polished, and a grey marble. Beyond that... the living room opened up into a room that was large enough to host a party in comfortably. Sixty people could have stood within and not had to bump elbows. Here, the floor was a dark wood, almost black, which made it teak. Fantasically expensive, but excelletn at repelling liquids, and also hard as could be, making it hard to damage. The furniture was in place, charis and a couch similar to the ones back at the lounge, thought looking a little better kept up, as if Harrison had gone out of his way to make them just a little mroe comfortable, and just a little higher quality. A hall led deeper in, and door on the right led to what seemed like a kitchen. "Welcome to my home Esther."
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