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No Turning Back (Alvis Alendran&SHARPii)

Harrison looked up as Esther poked her head in. his first look was one of haughty disdain, the temerity of someone not having Mallory buzz them in, to get proper permission! It was an offense that had landed more than one person in a large demotion. But the gaze evaporated when he recognized the voice, and the person it belonged to.
"Miss Martin, of course. Come in." He gestured a hand toward her, and instinctively flicked eyes over the desk. Nothing that needed hiding. There were however, a lot of police reports on the desk. A yellow legal pad was set to one side, a meticulous scrawl that looked almost like a kind of calligraphy. It looked antiquated, like something that belonged to a more Victorian era. But it was how he felt most comfortable keeping notes.

"While you're here, you should know that there has been a message left for you through the police. Apparently a man named... Emerson Card wants to speak with you. Do you know him, or do you want me to simply tell him to leave you alone?" He added. It was odd being here with her like this. It wasn't the first time he'd seen someone that he'd slept with at the office before, but it was the first time he was actually glad to see someone. His mind went to trying to conceive of good reasons to keep her in the office with him. But that was not something that he could afford to do, there was business to be done. He did however hold up a finger.

"Do remember that lunch is going to be served for those on the benefit program. Which you are now a part of, so remember to report to board room three in an hour for lunch." He told her, a smile on his face. "It might do you some good to get to know others in the firm a little better."
She thought for a moment that maybe Mallory would get in trouble. Hence the intercom system but she didn’t say anything. Instead, Esther let out a small breath of relief she was holding when he let her in and she walked right in, shutting the door behind her and striding to his desk. “Thank you, sir.” She didn’t look at him, well not his face. She saw he was once more impeccably dressed as always, looking that he clearly changed since he was wearing a different suit.

Although what did make her look up at him was when he mentioned something, something pertaining to Abby. As much as she wanted to say she didn’t want to talk, Esther knew she had to. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to leave it in his hands fully or in the police’s hands to bring her friend’s murderer to justice and she wanted to be as involved as she could without giving much away. Without giving away she was doing her own digging.

“No no, I’d like to talk to him if that’s okay. You can be there if you like, but I don’t mind.” She said softly. Damn, she was looking at him now and she couldn’t let it leave her mind just how yummy he looked. He looked so crisp, clean and suave in that suit of his and he reeked of powerful man with powerful abilities, even in bed. Lots of images of last night’s playtime came back to her mind right then and there. It caused her to hold her stack of papers in her arms tighter and also averting his gaze and looking elsewhere around his office, as if it was the most beautiful office ever—it actually really was—and that he was the big pink elephant in the room.

Turning to look in his direction, not necessarily at him, she offered a small smile. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to do that.” She said softly. Clearing her throat, she stepped back to his desk and set down some papers. “If you could please sign these and look over those.” She stepped back after and held the stack to her chest with both arms. As for getting to know the people in the firm…well she was just a runner. Surely, she didn’t mean too much. “Where should I start, do you think? With people to get to know here?” She asked with a tilt of her head. “I mean I know Mallory, Bree and well, I know you. Now.” She looked down as she said it. This was Esther. Awkward. Not that girl yesterday who was able to somehow dazzle him with her…wits. No, even at the bar, she was just as awkward. It just helped that they weren’t really listening to her but looking at her rack. She was told this one bit of advice before. Men like boobs and if a girl’s got them, she has to flaunt them and use her assets to her benefit. In other words, her uniform that she wore. It showed off the girls, accentuated everything else and brought her the most tips, usually, each night she worked.

Plus, it was also a great environment to work on slapping and punching people. Because of some of the nasty drunkards that came into the bar, the females were actually allowed to talk back or stick up for themselves if a drunken customer decided to get too friendly. The owner liked to market the sex appeal but if he had anyone’s backs, it wasn’t his customers, it was his employees. Now there was a man who wasn’t afraid of being shut down. There was no earthly way The Spot would ever be shut down.
"Very well, I'll have him make an appointment to come speak to you here. It would be in everyone's best interest to have me be present during the conversation." He said calmly. It was only business there, the need to keep in the loop about anything that might pertain to any looming criminal case. He'd need t make sure he stayed on top of things here. He looked at the pile of files that she was delivering, adn did a practiced sweep of his eyes over them. Most of them were drivel, barely worth his awareness, but they needed him to sign them to move them forward. He did so to the first few, and then reviewed the next lot. Most were good, but one of them was from teh newest person in processing. And it was tragically done. Errors abounded, and it wasn't proeprly stamped for importance. He opened a drawer, and withdrew a pink pad of paper. he wrtoe quickly, and placed it in the file, before closing it.

"I believe this one came from a Mr. Luther? Please see to it that he gets it back." He said, handing her the amended file. From ther he went back to the fast checks, before nodding, and making the needed changes. he set the pile down, taking barely three minutes to go through them all. It was clearly a song and dance he'd done many many times before this. As she asked about others, he nodded to himself. It was a fair question.
"In your shoes, I would speak to Carol, from file processing. She runs the department. It would be good for her to know you. And don't forget about Bill from payroll, he's a good man who is always helpful to know if you ever need to know anything about your check." He told her, keeping to himself that Bill was also a good man to tak to if you wanted to commit some effective tax evasion. Of course Bill would be buried faster than anyone else if he tried to blow the whistle on anyone else.

He looked at Esther, and smiled, and as he blinked, he had the brief image of her leaning close, of what she'd asked last night. Fuck me Mr. Trenton... He gave his head a slight shake to clear it. Certainly not something that he should be contemplating right now, though on some level he did have the urge to simply lock the door and bend Esther over the desk for a while. He closed the drawer with the pink notepad in it, and nodded to himself, settling his mind on the work at hand, and not on the suddenly distracting Esther Martin.
“Okay.” She said softly. “Thank you Mr. Trenton. I really appreciate this.” She said softly, nodding her head. Professionalism and business as always, even as she was with him and it just felt odd to know that she knew him intimately from last night, and he knew her that way too. They were two people who hardly spoke no more than one or two words to each other on a daily basis since she’d been there since she graduated college. One night, they did more than just talking and now they were both facing the effects of that morning after, after he left her place and the air felt awkward to her.

Esther watched as he looked over the papers she handed to him and nodded her head when he gave one back. “I’ll be sure to do that, sir.” She said softly, watching him finish. It was amazing how fast he did this but then again, it was probably incredibly mundane and he did this everyday. Considering the great lawyer he is after all.
Looking through her stack as he gave two names, she saw some stuff that had to go there. Oh, she knew that woman. She often brought her things on a regular basis, exchanged words but neither of them knew the other by name. Today that might change.

“I run stuff to her all the time. I’ll make sure to introduce myself.” She noted and then took a step back, figuring it’d all be done since she didn’t have much more to stay. When he looked at her though, her eyes caught his gaze and she swallowed hard. There it was. That feeling, that same feeling from last night. Surely, he felt it too. Her breathing hitched and she couldn’t look away. “Um, is there anything you need while I’m here?” She asked softly. She started that usual habit of nervousness of biting her lower lip.
She was answering thigns well, taking the idea that she'd be networking in the firm much better come this afternoon. That was good. He honestly felt that Esther had every chance of advancing within the management portion of the company until she could do whatever it was that she really wanted to do with her life. Harrison had no illusions about keeping her here on a permanent basis. She'd want her own life, her own goals. Frankly, that was an admirable thing to want. It had carried him from a dirt poor student on loans to where he was. That and help from Lloyd, but he still had every confidence that he'd have made it to a place like this no matter what. Lloyd had just made it happen faster. He put that thought out of his mind. He would have a case to go over, Esther's potential case no less. And that meant he needed to get back to work on it. Or at least he should get back to work. It was unlikely that ther'd be any courtroom issues for at least three weeks, and even then only if the police were monumentally incompetent. Which he knew they were not, simply rather corrupt in places.

And that meant he did have time. A fair amount of it in fact. And with Esther here, in the office, he had all the excuse that he needed. They were going over case files. And anyone who gave her trouble would have to take it up with him. And he'd not met a lot of people willing to do that. H carefully moved a portion of the files on his desk aside, still making them into a neat pile. His desk was a monstrosity, oak and teak, soldi wood all the way through, making it weigh nearly a quarter ton, and giving him the finest in office fixtures. He stood up as she finished speaking. Anything that he needed her for...

A simple question, well within the purview of a normal business day. And yet after last night, it had ever so many possiblities that danced before his eyes. She was doing that faintly cute gesture of biting her lower lip in nervousness. She was strill clearly not sure of what to do from here, adn might actually atribute what had happened last night to the fact they'd both been drinking. The kiss that thy had parted on might even be seen as something that was only...polite. And that would not do. She kept her eyes on him as he stepped to her.
"Yes, there is something I need you to do for me. Are you ready then? Esther?" he said softly, using her first name specifically, while one of his hands pressed a button on his desk. The biggest thing that it did was to activate a very specific system within the office, called active noise cancellation, deadening sounds from within, making sure it couldn't carry outside. He mainly used this to conduct meeting in absolute secrecy when doing anything questionable. But he'd make full, gleeful use of it now. He stepped to her, barely a few inches between them, and leaned down to kiss her.
Her heart jumped into her throat, not in a bad way but in a good way. He made her skin crawl in the most delicious way, made her toes curl just from when he spoke in that certain way that could always bring her to heel and the way he looked at her, like right now, like last night, like a predator dawning on its prey. She didn’t move, she couldn’t move. Her eyes were glued to his and her breathing started to come faster through her nose. The only way to tell that she was breathing the way she was is if one was standing right next to her or if they saw the way her chest rose and fell.

Esther saw how he came towards her and she felt her heart beating faster, she swallowing hard. “I—“ She started but she couldn’t really form a coherent sentence or even speak properly, she was too lost in the moment and the way he was walking to her. She should have seen it coming when he repositioned a stack of papers off to the side of his desk. Not that she was afraid. It was just that intense.

Then he came to her and before she knew it, she was reaching up, her hands moving around his neck and her lips meeting his. It was as if she had been dying to just kiss him. Well in all honesty, that’s what she had been wanting to do since they kissed this morning. She had been wanting him to just drag her into the bedroom and do her like there was no tomorrow but it had been better to get on with the day. Now that they had, well there was no turning back now. Plus, after all he did to make so much space on his desk…well that would have been such a terrible waste.

Esther deepened the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck and she standing on her tippy toes just to meet his height. She was so hooked, line and sinker right now and it wasn’t going to be funny. The worst thing? She knew he’d be her downfall. Someway or the other. Just not in the way the way she hoped.
That fire, that intensity, it was all there again, not gone, or even well suppressed, as he might have feared. Frankly, it hadn't even been well hidden, just waiting for a chance to return. It was a kind of fire that he found himself craving, desiring, almost needing now. It had been so long since he'd felt it so profoundly, adn now that he had once more, he seemed determined to make sure that he didn't pass up a chance for it. He felt her arms around his neck, felt her making sure she could reach him by standing on her toes, but he decided to relieve some of that pressure. His arms going aroudn her waist, he lifted her off her feet, just high enough to set her on the desk.

She didn't know it, but all he'd wanted to do after breakfast this morning was to simply pounce on her again, and spend the entire day in bed, ordering in something to eat when they felt the urge, and spending the day in each other's company. But here and now, in the office, he knew they'd have to be at least a little quick. There'd be no time for lengthy foreplay, or prolonged activity, but by the Gods, he was going to make sure they were both satisfied beofre she left this office. Almost consumed with desire and need, he nevertheless kept his hands steady, and moved to her blouse. He pulle,d getting it untucked from her pants, adn then began working on the buttons, moving upthe shirt as fast as he could while still making sure he didn't destroy the buttons. Frankly, if he'd had something in her size, he'd have shredded the garment in a heartbeat to get to her that much sooner. He tossed his own suit jacket aside, not caring about the expense. He had more of them. And they could be repaired.

His hands came up, one catching her face to further press his kiss home, to drive that passion forward, making sure neither of them had any thoughts about backing down from it now. The other hand caught her breast in palm, and squeezed, fingers sliding along the edges of the bra, feeling the soft skin there, once again tempted to rip it from her body, but barely keeping himself in check.
It hardly even fazed Esther as he lifted her and set her on the desk. She was too far into his lips to now notice that she was sitting down and where his hands were going, where they were working towards. Her lips were molded to his as is if she couldn’t get enough. But that’s just because she really couldn’t get enough of them, especially. She moved her body accordingly when he started to undo her vest and shirt and then it was gone and she could feel the cool air of his office on her skin. It brushed over her bra-clad breasts and she could feel the coolness against them even if they were covered partially enough.

Her chin lifted as she felt him kiss more intently, her cheek so comfortable and pressing more into his hand around it and a soft moan came from her through the kiss. He had lips that could make her melt at the first single touch, in an instant. She was putty in his hands now and she had no intention of caring or suddenly coming to her senses. She wanted him. And she knew he wanted her.

Esther’s hands came up to his chest, fiddling with the tie until she loosened it. Her lips parted from his for a moment to properly undress his torso. First with the tie, untying it and letting it part to the side before her fingers went to the buttons of his shirt, undoing them until she came to the part of which his shirt was tucked in. She pulled it free and undid the rest of the buttons, pushing his shirt open and over his shoulders. Then her hands went to his pants, as if in a haste. Well they were in a hurry sort of since they didn’t exactly have all the time in the world. God, she sort of wished she wore a skirt that day. How much easier would it be? Esther wasted no time however, undoing his pants and pushing them and his boxers down to at least free the girth that she longed to be inside of her. She had gotten a taste. Now she wanted several tastes for a long while. She doubted she might never have her fill of him. Oh well, for now, she’d enjoy it as long as it lasted, as long as he was offering and willing.
Esther's hands were in motion, and in motion in ways that he was firmly appreciative of. Her own eagerness was a match to his own, neithr of them seemed to have a great deal of restraint in them about the other. It was dangerous really, something that threatened to splinter his carefully cultivated control. He knew she was bad for him. Knew that she was going to cause trouble for him in the long run, or hell, even in the short run. But he still couldn't quite help himself. It was like a drug for him. Feeling the open air on his errection, that sprang to full height with no further prompting, he knew that Esther was likely of a similar mindset. Abandoning his grip on her breast, he reached down, finger well practiced at the move of getting her pants undone with a single hand, and sliding them down. The sight of that creamy, smooth skin in such abundance, and in such brighter light this was another experience chalked up. He fought the urge to shred the panties under his hand, and simply get started. After all, no one would be able to tell but the two of them, but he held himself in careful check, simply pulling them down.

He gave her another passionate kiss, but wouldn't give her the chance to linger on that too long. He slid down onto his knees, and flicked his tongue out at her slit. He ran the tip up along it, before circling around her clit. With a smile that was not one that showed mirth, but mroe the kind of a well fed predator, he set to work on her. His tongue was agreesive, but not harsh, lapping along her slit, and always lingering over her clitoris long enough to give it a good deal of stimulation. He broke away long enough to suckle on her clitoris, running his tongue along it as he did so. He returned to his other ministrations. He didn't want her to finsh on this work, but he did most certainly want to make sure that she was good and ready for him.
It took her a moment to really adjust. He was gone down there in such a flash that she didn’t see it coming. Her legs opened, fully expected him inside of her, all thick, hot, all male flesh deep inside of her and making her scream like he did last night. Her voice was still a bit sore from it, as was her entire body. But just as he was gone in a flash, the pleasure spiked up the moment she realized what he was doing and her head tilted back a bit, a soft gasp and also an exhale as if the light bulb went off came from her. Her hands gripped the edge of his desk so hard and tight that she nearly went white knuckles.

Her hips bucked lightly and she moaned softly, almost whimpering. He was taking his time and it’s not like she didn’t want this. No, she did. But it was such a tease, he was such a tease. Still, Esther didn’t have the will or the heart to tell him to stop. He just had to be touching her in some way and she’d probably explode. Moving her hand around the back of his hair, she lowered her chin so she watch him, swallowing hard. “Mr. Trenton, please.” She practically begged, her gaze locked on him, in full awe of what he could do. If she wasn’t careful…

He could be the death of her.
Oh, she was so close to begging it was almost painful to hear for him. The need to move further with her was almost a physical thing to him. But it was more than enough, and he could easily feel she was good and ready for him. With that thought, he pushed his tongue forward, pushing it into her, just as a teasing gesture to keep her going, before standing up. He paused partway up to plant a hungry kiss on her neck, while lining himself up with her. With a careful, yet firm thrust, he moved his hips forward. He sank int her, feeling the hot, soft walls of her tighten up on him beautifully, and he heard himself groan at the feeling.

Gods had it only been last night that he had first done this with her? It seemed another place, another time, far away and long ago. A half forgotten memory that flared up into a more potent, vivid clarity once he had her in front of him again. And now that he was buried in her, nothing else seemed to really matter beyond that. He got his arms around her, and pulled her tight to him, one hand going around her waist, and on an urge, physically lifting her off of the desk, holding her in the air, and working his hips into her with a steady, hard rhythm that shook her body with each thrust. Gods, if being with her like this was a drug, then he was most definitely an addict at this point.
A deep breath of air was sucked in through her teeth as she felt his tongue delve into her and she tilted her head back, her hand falling from his hair and her hips pushing up into his mouth to meet his tongue, anchoring all her hands’ weight onto the edge of his desk for leverage. It felt so good, such sweet, sweet torture and one she knew she could fall apart at the seams to. But just as quick as he did, he took his tongue away. Her hands were still white knuckled to the edge of his desk but she watched him, how he came up to her, aligning his body to hers and then the delicious plunge of him sinking so deep inside of her. Her right hand flew up and gripped his shoulder, shaking lightly as did her body and she held onto him tightly, like her life depended on it. He was right there inside of her again and it was as overwhelming and heady like last night. Like this was so right, for them both and not just for her. There was something there.

A loud moan came from her as the pleasure spiked through from the feeling of him entering her and her left arm wrapped around his neck. It seemed just in time too as he pulled her to him, closer and lifting her off the desk completely, allowing her legs to wrap around his hips, her feet locking together. She rode him, he rode her and Esther wasn’t quiet one bit. She moaned loud, reveling in the full feeling of him thrusting and filling her even deeper, as if it was possible. Each time she felt him hit the back, she moaned louder, the entire feeling like an earthquake happening inside of her, shaking her to her core and pleasuring her like there was no other way to. He pleasured her so well, she knew there wouldn’t be anyone else. Not again. Ever. No one could measure.

Especially when the fireworks he made her see were better than any 4th of July performance.
She was wrapped thightly around him now, and not just with her legs. Not for the first time, Harrison was glad thta he'd had the noise cancellation installed in his office. After all, what he was doing now would hardly be acceptable by the standard of the company. Not that it mattered, especially now. he knew that not five feet outside of his door right now, his secretary was likely wondering what was keeping Esther from emerging, adn concern for her firend might make her inclined to check in. And that would prove...awkward in the least. But to his own surprise, it only served to push him further. He didn't want to stop. Not now. Maybe not ever. It was one thing to realize that a woman was like an addiction, it was quite another to actually want to do anything about it, other than keep indulging. And that was most certainly what he was doing. Indulging.

Her ever increasing volume was turning him on just a little more each time, and that was a wonderful feeling to have. Esther didn't have a really recognizable technique, nor did she rely on specific tricks to do what she did. She was a creature of just raw, sexual passion and energy. It was a rare discovery to make in a person, and it was by far the preferred partner of Harrison. He had a few tricks of his own, but he'd always used them as more of a fast augment to his own raw passion. Tricks could fail, tecnique could run into problems. But raw passion, that was impossible to suppress. The greatest risk was that one without that passion would be overwhelmed by the overwhelming feeling from the other.

With Esther it was like finally finding a proper match. Not storms vying for control, just two forces trying to find a middle ground to meet on. And each time he heard her moan, each time he bottomed out in her, he felt like they were finding it properly. He was coming up on his finish, he could feel it, far faster than he normally did, but then there was just too much going on to take his time. His breathing begn to come a little more ragged, his heart beat harder, and he could feel himself start to jerk within her.
He was definitely something else. Like this other world species that she wouldn’t ever be able to keep up with. She wasn’t even par and he was a thousand levels ahead of her but perhaps none of that had to matter. This was just sex. That’s what she’d keep telling herself. Perhaps there might be that little chance where they could call upon each other for this little game called sex. She certainly didn’t want anyone else. Hell, no one else could compare. Would he be game?

Her hands gripped at his back, holding on and her lips went to his own, to his neck, to his shoulder, her teeth even biting down on it to maybe stifle or to just inflict more pleasure. She didn’t know what he liked. She didn’t think twice about doing the things she did. She just did. She seduced him last night—seduce by Esther’s standards—and she was in his office again, taking him like there was no tomorrow. Like there was no chance of anyone interrupting them or finding them like this. What a compromising position to be found in! She didn’t care. All that mattered right now was him, her impending orgasm and more importantly, him.

She could feel it deep in her belly. That feeling like she was just about to be pushed over the edge, the feeling like she was teetering on the edge of sanity and absolute insanity into carnal pleasure heaven! She was soaring higher and higher on that telltale cloud until the world seemed to explode right before the inside of her eyes, her lids clenched tight. She screamed. It didn’t occur to her to be quiet. It never did. She didn’t know he even had something to make the entire room sound proof. She simply…reacted. The pleasure took her over and it made everything all the more sensitized. She could feel it but she could also feel him. She could feel him jerking inside of her and it prolonged her pleasure and her release. He felt so good. Too good. Too good to be true. Another thought that hadn’t struck her. It didn’t matter. Nothing did. Nothing mattered when two people could achieve this amount of pleasure, this level of it.

Nothing would stop her. She was on this road and if at the end was the edge of the cliff, she would fall. She would fall hard and right into his arms all over again. Because that’s where Esther was heading. Falling right into his big strong arms, falling for a man as dangerous as him. She didn’t know much about him but she could. She could learn. She wanted to. She wanted him. Couldn’t she keep him?
Live in the moment. That was what was screaming through his mind, blotting out the thousand thousand very good reasons he should simply finish up with her, and make this the last time. And no one would be able to fault him for that line of line of reasoning. He even felt at Esther would likely agree with him on it, provided he wasn't buried in her at the time. But whenever he was around her, the future wasn't a concern. It was all about the right now, and what he could get and experience in that stretch of time. Something he hadn't realized he was looking for, but now that he'd found it, something he wasn't sure he'd ever really be able to walk away from.

He felt teeth dragging along his shoulder, felt the bloom that warred between pain and pleasure. Harrison ran a hand up, adn pushed her face over to his own, capturing her mouth with his own, taking a sweet, slow kiss from her, something that stood in contrast to the passionate, almost desperate motion that he was making lower. He ground his hips into hers, pressing himself hard into her and letting a groan of his own loose through the kiss. He felt himself jerk harder, knowing he was out of time and endurance with this woman. He kept her close, even drawing her a little closer to himself with his arm, while he came inside of her, shot after shot flowing from him. It was a longer, wracking feeling that he had, something that robbed his knees of a lot of their strength, and he needed to lean forward, rsting his knees against the desk, but still keeping her a few inches off of the desk, never letting her go completely.

He was losing himself in her. Piece by piece, he was losing.
Her mind was completely boggled and then his lips came to hers and she was lost. Her hands left his back, slowly and came through his hair, fingers threading through such soft locks and it only caused her body to push into his more. She moaned softly into the kiss as the last waves of her orgasm started to cease and she was just left with delicious aftershocks. Her body still sensitive, she thought she could teeter but then she felt him more. Oh, he felt divine inside of her when he came and she could feel the warmth, as if it was coursing through her completely. Oh, she felt so warm and in his arms, she felt so safe.

As it subsided and she was simply in his arms, realizing she wasn’t touching the desk, her hands traveled down his strong arms, rubbing them gently, as if coaxing him to let her down on the desk but as if to not fully let her go. She wasn’t ready yet for him to pull back. Her lips went to his shoulder, pressing a kiss over the bite mark and then trailed over and up to his neck, kissing, sucking, her hand moving into the back of his hair, softly stroking. She loved his hair. She loved his lips. She loved what he did to her. She loved…

Her eyes closed and Esther pushed the thoughts away. No, she wasn’t going to let it go there. She couldn’t. It’d end badly for them both, especially her, this she knew. She was going to enjoy it while it lasted. Until one of them—namely him—came to their senses.
Harrison let his breathing start to steady as both of their orgasms subsided more fully. The kiss she had offered him was still...hungry. As though she might have finished, but there was a part of her that wasn't quite sated. It was a firm realization in his mind that he might not be either. The urge to draw this out, make this last a long, agonizing time was certainly there, but he knew they'd not have the time. They'd be looked in on before he was done with that kind of work. He very gently set her down on the desktop, breaking off the kiss to get a better look at her. He tok a short step back, and felt himself slowly slide out of her. It was done slow enough that he could feel each inch of movement that he made, and could onyl imagine what it must feel like for her.

His mouth opened to make a quip, some small joke about inter-office activities, but his mouth closed before a word came out. He felt a sudden surge of want, of profound desire by looking at her scarcely clad form sitting on his desk. It was something that demanded attention, and demanded that he take some serious actions. He'd been tender with her, by and large, without an overt show of aggression, but right now, that was all there was. That burning aggression. His lips peeled away in a look that might be a grin, but it was mroe of a half feral snarl, a slight warning of what might be coming quickly. He stepped back to her, mouth coming to hers in a flash of unleashed passion, throwing as much into it as he dared, while his hands went to her shoulders. He broke the kiss after only a moment, and grinned at her. With no further preamble, he flipped her over, and ran a hand up her back. With a single expert movement, the cpasp of her bra popped free. He didn't care that it wasn't fully off, he was runing on adrenaline and instinct now.

He stepped closer, his feet guiding her legs farther apart, and bending his knees just enough to get himself lined up. There was no other warning, no preamble, no refinement to his actions, he simply plunged himself back into her with one, long stroke. The hand that had worked on her bra came free, and reached up, gathering a small handful of her hair, pulling it tight, and he leaned forward, his teeth landing on her neck quickly and firmly as he thrust into her. The impact rocked her up, bouncing her onto her toes, and likely would have rocked the entire desk had it not been such a monstrosity of a contruct. He repeated the movement of his hips.

Again. And again. And faster.
She felt him lower her down, her bare bottom making contact with the cool temperature of his desk, despite how hot it felt in his entire office because of what they did. It smelled like sex and it was a delicious and heady smell that took her over. If she didn’t feel so sated, she would have been more than happy to go again. Or well, was there ever a time to feel perfectly sated after one go? No way. She wanted him again. But surely…

It took her quite a bit by surprise, the sudden change in his demeanor. She saw it when her eyes opened and she looked at him, completely floored, melted and turned into putty from that little snarl. It was perhaps the sexiest thing she ever saw. Harrison Trenton staking his claim and his claim was her. She swallowed hard, waiting, knowing and knowing what was to come. Her heart beat faster and she felt more wet than she did before, eager and waiting. Then it happened and Esther was so not ready but she was so not complaining.

Her hands came to grip the edge of his desk as her body was pressed up against it. She felt the shift and without a second more or even a warning, she felt him deep inside of her. The sound of her cry couldn’t have been held back by that plunge, neither were the several more to come after his constant thrusts. It was a bump. Bump. Bump. Bump. Esther moaned so loud, her body shook, still so sensitive after it all and her knuckles went white with how tight she held onto his desk. It was amazing. Exactly the way she always hoped to be taken. She had desires, certain kinks and certain fantasies. This was one of them; to be taken in an office by such a strong man, she wouldn’t know what hit her, literally. Each thrust pushed her over. Each thrust she felt so deep inside of her, it was that same feeling when she felt him hit the end each time. Esther was panting, she was moaning, not a single thrust went by she didn’t react to or make a sound to. She couldn’t help it. He filled her so well, immensely.

It was a series of fucks. Mind-fuck to be specific to be taken this hard. It was a whirl, her entire world spinning in the best way. Her body was filled over the max with pleasure but she didn’t want it to stop. “Oh my god.” She gasped, still shocked and stunned to all that was happening. “Mr. Trenton.” She moaned his name. Never in her wildest fantasies did she think this one would pan out and of all men, Harrison Trenton, a celebrity. Yes. Yes, a thousand times yes!
It wasn't gentle, but there was still a level of restraint to it, just enough that he didn't inflict some actual damage on her. But that was all he was holding back. His fist in her hair, he pulled her back towards him, arching her back, causing her breasts to protrude more pronouncedly, and brought her ear to his mouth. He slid his teeth over the upper portion, gently biting it as he did so. he went a little lower, giving a firmer bite to her earlobe, before speaking in a low, husky voice that was nothing about being human, and all about animal urge. Only a single word emerged from his mouth.
"Beg." He half snarled. He didn't offer mroe than that, simply giving her that one word to go off of.

His other hand came up to roughly grope her under the now loose bra, while setting himself a little better behind her so that now every few thrusts he was able to actually lift her completely off of the floor. His breath was ragged and hot on her back, his teeth coming in to drag along her shoulder, before coming up to the other side, making another snarling order.
"Beg now." It was certainly not a request, it was a firm demand. An animal insistence, something not borne from modern sensibilities, something as old as mating and dominance. And harrison was loving it. He released her breast, and raked his fingers down her body, bringing a ripple of sensation in their path. Not planning it, but simply finding his hand in an opportune place, he rubbed two fingers along her clitoris before shifting the hand up to her shoulder, driving her down onto him with even more force. He was bottoming out harder than he ever had, and he loved every second of it.
She gasped, the very sound of his voice, the tone it took, the way he said it, it was a direct hotline to her very core and it had her moaning softly. Every part of her was so sensitive right now that just about anything seemed to be able to do the trick. He wanted her to beg, she was so far gone she wouldn’t complain or pitch a fight. She wanted him however he would give her and she would have him completely. Otherwise, she’d pitch a fit for not getting what she wanted, what he wanted, what they both wanted. “Please.” It was a half-assed attempt at a plea but she couldn’t quite seem to muster the word because of what was happening. It was a wonder she had been able to speak before. But to beg now? He had to be out of his mind. Still, she wouldn’t give up.

Each tug of her hair, each touch her gave her, hell just even his teeth would have been enough to be her undoing but she held back. She could feel it too, that same build up and her body start to shake inwardly. Shivers ran up her spine and she was quite taken surprise by the repeat of his command. How could she resist? Especially when he asked in such a way that could make any clothed woman’s panties wet or simply combust? Yeah, Esther was putty. He was the puppet master and she was the willing puppet, her strings being pulled by him and all her pleasure in his hands.

“Mr. Trenton, please.” She gasped, her bottom pushing into his front, repeating that in synch with his relentless thrusts. She felt weightless, like she was literally being lifted up from the ground each thrust. That’s because she was. It was happening. He was doing that to her and it was like each thrust brought her higher and higher to cloud nine all over again. But then the moment came, a new world dawned on her when his hand found the ultimate pleasure spot and there was no holding back. Her hand flew to his wrist just in an automatic reaction but she didn’t stop him. Her knees bent, and if it weren’t for him and his constant thrusts, she might have fallen to the ground, she certainly couldn’t be able to stand on her own or maybe feel her legs. But he touching her there was the start and it was more intense. Her clitoris was the spot that would always be her undoing along with her neck. Those two spots and he hit them both, different times but good enough.

“Oh my—“ She cut off and then cried out. Her body shook, her inner walls clenched and unclenched around his thick girth and she saw fireworks. Except this show was better than anything fourth of July could have ever prepared for, including New Year’s and any other major day that fireworks were used in celebration of something. It was like her entire world just exploded as she was dealt a most amazing orgasm, an Earth shattering one, an orgasm she never had. She loved it all. It would wear her out but that’s to be expected from a great one. She marveled in it. Basked in it. She was so gone. Esther took her one way to ticket to cloud nine and she wasn’t coming back for a little bit.
Harrison arched his own back, feling himself tighten hard, the movemnt pulling her head back with him, arching htem both. He came within, but not like he had before, no, not a sudden release that came and went in a few moment leaving only a pleasant after feeling. No, this was a long, drawn out affair, where he felt his seed spilling within her in a long, steady stream. It was an orgasm that actually lasted, something he'd not really felt more than a hint of before, now fully realized. He ground into her, keeping her tight on him, a small part of him noting that she was pinned on his errection, and his hand, barely balanced on the edge of the desk. It took nearly half a minute to finish, but when it did, he had to very gently unlace his fingers from her hair, releasing her to the desk surface again.

His heart was hammering in his chest, and he needed to catch his breath. He leaned over, actually presing against her again for a moment, getting enough wind back, and managing to step back. He slid out of her, wanting nothing more than to simply drag her to the floor adn hold onto her for a while until they both got their wind back. Of course, if he did that, he'd likely go right back to fucking her senseless, and they both had things they needed to do this day. He breathed out a long sigh, and leaned against his desk, reacing a hand out to her, and running it along her faintly sweat dappled back. She'd need to be prepared for the rest of the day, so he rose from his perch, thinking to walk a little in his office to get his footing.

His closet here was a god one, having more than a few changes of clothes for himself. He'd never needed to dress a woman from his wardrobe, but then he still didn't need to. He brought out a thick, cushy towel, and lay it on the desk for her.
"You might want to...dry off." He advised her. He was still getting his wind back, still not quite fully recovered from that bout. He would have to make sure this didn't become too frequent. Suspicions might be raised, but mroe importantly, it might prove nearly impossible to get anything done if he took long breaks simply to sate his urges with Esther. Much as that sounded like a good way to pass the time, it wasn't practical right now. He picked her up off the desk, and geave her a single, burning kiss to let her know exactly how much he thought of her performance.

Top grade. Accept no substitutes.
His climax was--insert a delicious spine traveled shudder there—heavenly. The warmth radiated through her and it felt like her body was on fire she was so hot. But it was the best feeling ever. Where they both came to their perfect end together. He could feel hers and she could feel his. It was what words could not express really.

Her body was molded into his. She didn’t move. She let him take all the time he needed because Esther couldn’t move as it is and being in his arms, well it was better than sleeping alone on her bed. He had such strong arms, his chest was a comfort to be pressed back into and he always smelled so good, his scent was forever memorized by her senses. Esther panted hard, her eyes closed and actually leaning back into him was as much support for her as him leaning on the desk for his own. But then he pulled back and then he was gone and that was when some feeling and reflexes came back.

Esther nearly collapsed to the ground, her legs feeling incredibly shaky as she was left on her own. It took her a moment but she caught herself at the last minute and adjusted her hands so she wouldn’t fall. Her body leaned into the desk and she slowly turned, her legs squeezing together before leaning back against the structure. She let her breathing come back together before taking the towel and nodded her head. “Thanks.” She breathed, running the towel over her body and elsewhere that may be prudent to clean up before setting it down. She went for her clothes after fixing her bra and she slid her panties on. She moved quickly as if she knew that what they did was very risky. The post-orgasmic bliss was still there but reality was coming back enough to know she had to make haste. Perhaps one of the major downsides of being good friends with Harrison Trenton’s secretary, Mallory. Lovely, lovely indeed.

Her undergarments were on, as were her pants and blouse and she was just grabbing her vest to button that on. She leaned back against his desk to put her ankle boots on and then was trying to fix up her hair since it was a mess now, that much she knew. She untied it and then flipped it before gathering it up and tying it tightly. Her bangs came loose and she pushed them over to the left so they wouldn’t be in the way and so her incompatible hair just might look remotely okay and not like she was hiding ‘just-fucked-hair.’
Harrison moved with calm, sure purpose, retrieving his clothes from their various states of disarray on the ground. He did take a little time as he moved to admire the view he had as Esther set about righting herself. She admittedly had nearly as much to do as he did, tucking himself away, adn getting his pants belted in place. The smooth feel of his silk shirt was reassuring in it's own way, as was the solid, comfortable feel of the suit jacket. Once that was buttoned, he ran fingers through his hair. Not for the first time, he was glad of the fine quality of his hair. It let it right itself very quickly. A few minutes, and he was ready to dface the world, and with enough time to watch esther getting her vest buttoned.

He came up beside her, and smiled. He gave her a short peck to the cheek, and oddly playful gesture considering the roughness that he'd just been using on her, but an affectionate one. He offered her the stack of papers that she had to run out, a specific one on top.
"Now, remember. The top one is for a Mr. Luther in processing. Make sre he gets it soon, and he should have a reply for me. Once you've run the rest to their destinations, bring the reply to me, and it should be time for lunch. I'll take you to the board room that we're using today." He told her calmly, pleased with how he was able to get his mind back on track. He felt his eyes trailing down her neck towards her breasts, and snapped them back to her face. Well, so much for that line of reasoning.
There was this voice. She wasn’t sure since her ears felt like they were ringing. How many times had she come? Had many times had she screamed? Good lord, it was that feeling of coming out of a rock concert or any concert really where they played the music so loud and when in a place of quiet, it’s like suddenly being able to hear things properly. But this voice…where was this voice coming from? The kiss to her cheek should have been a dead giveaway but Esther wasn’t completely there yet. She hadn’t yet returned from heaven and it was taking longer than usual. Then again, he did give her two pretty damn extremely intense orgasms so that seemed to be understandable.

When she looked up after putting her boots back on, it finally dawned on her that Mr. Trenton had been speaking to her this entire time. Oh. Oh.
A blush came to her cheeks since she hadn’t really listened to a word he said and she felt a bit guilty but it wasn’t really her fault. Talking to her right after two intense orgasms was the stupidest thing to do. Not very bright Mr. Trenton.

“Come again?” Her head tilted when she asked, only becoming aware of the double meaning to that question the moment she said it. She blushed again and looked down, shaking her head. “I didn’t really listen to a word you just said. My ears are still ringing and my head is clearly in the clouds.”
He had to smile, it was just too much not to do so. He leaned forward, and in a low, suggestive tone he spoke.
"Don't quite have time for that right now, do we?" He asked, his mouth only a few inches away from her ear for a moment. He had to admit he was enjoying the chance to just be a little playful here and there. But to the point! "Processing. Luther. Give the top one to him, and wait for his reply. Do the rest of the running, and then bring me his reply. Time for lunch after that." He condensed his instructions, figuring it wasn't worth going too in depth over at that point. He had every confidence that she'd be able to get it done aptly.

Harrison began to ponder where to go next with the business aspect. He had a few reports he needed to go over, one of them from the police, and another...not quite as wholesome as that. But likely far more informative. He'd wait for Esther to depart before getting to that particular piece of information.
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