On the Frontier (BassEXE)

Suzuka gave him a little kiss on the lips as she nuzzled up closer to him, watching him drift off. "Sleep well, Kyo." she said, putting her head to his chest. She would slowly fall asleep herself, a very pleasant smile on her face.
It was one of the first days of the big festival starting up in Kagura Amahara and it was to be expected that there were plenty of merchants and shopkeepers that were looking to take advantage of the large number of guests expected to appear. Safe to say, there couldn't have been anyone that would as excited as the infamous cat merchant, Koma. It was bad enough that she had come here knowing her father was stationed here, and of course she was planning to draw more of his customers to her for the duration of the festival at least. She didn't come alone though. She had managed to drag her partner along for the trip, though he hadn't really been doing anything since went out here. Koma had already finished setting all of their goods aside, so the least Kyo could do was set up the booth and posters and get the fliers ready. She didn't plan to let him off easy with how much slacking off he was doing. She went over to where he had curled up, giving him a gentle kick to the side to wake him up. "Hey, Kyo. Wake up already. If we don't get too many customers because you were slacking off, I'm going to take all the earnings for myself."
Fancy_Brat said:
It was one of the first days of the big festival starting up in Kagura Amahara and it was to be expected that there were plenty of merchants and shopkeepers that were looking to take advantage of the large number of guests expected to appear. Safe to say, there couldn't have been anyone that would as excited as the infamous cat merchant, Koma. It was bad enough that she had come here knowing her father was stationed here, and of course she was planning to draw more of his customers to her for the duration of the festival at least. She didn't come alone though. She had managed to drag her partner along for the trip, though he hadn't really been doing anything since went out here. Koma had already finished setting all of their goods aside, so the least Kyo could do was set up the booth and posters and get the fliers ready. She didn't plan to let him off easy with how much slacking off he was doing. She went over to where he had curled up, giving him a gentle kick to the side to wake him up. "Hey, Kyo. Wake up already. If we don't get too many customers because you were slacking off, I'm going to take all the earnings for myself."
Kyo yelped as he fell off of the crate he was curled up on. "Koma! I was having a great dream!" He complained. (This version if Kyo is a neko as well.)

Kyo sighed, seeing her irritated face. "Sorry. I'll get to work." He mumbled and shifted off.
(I see. o.o)

Koma would have none of his excuses considering all the work she had been putting in compared to him. He had always been a bit of a slacker, and depending on his work today, she was thinking of just ditching him. No point of having him around if it wasn't going to get her any money.

"Hurry up and get everything else set up. I'm going to take my own break until you're all finished." she muttered, propping herself on the crate Kyo was sleeping on earlier.
Kyo began to set up the stall, pulling up the Caterwaul so they could easily access their acquired goods. After thirty minutes, he finally set up the stall.
Koma sat back comfortably as she watched Kyo work, humming happily as she thought about all the money she could make today. There was a lot of good merchandise in store, including some rather suggestive photos that she had to go out of her way to obtain. Those would definitely have customers fighting to nab them. She looked to see that the stall had finally been set up. "Oh, finally. I guess we should start getting those flyers ready."
Kyo smiled at Koma, his ears twitching. "So, want me to grab us something to eat?" He asked. He had always felt attracted to the greedy little neko. But he never knew how to express those feelings.
Koma's ears perked up at his suggestion, which she clearly agreed to. "Of course, and you might as well start setting the flyers while you go." she said, pushing a few into his hands. "It looks like there are a few customers already making their way through, so I'll get to work on filling our pockets."
Kyo nodded. A half hour later, he returned, with bowls of rice, and an empty stack of flyers. "Done." He smiled. His jaw dropped at the line in front of their stall. He ran over and chuckled. "Business is booming, eh?" He asked.
By the time Kyo got back, there was quite a line of eager customers that had lined up, especially due to all of the rare merchandise Koma had brought about. As for the suggestive material, there were numerous bids going on for those, such as one for a picture of Princess Kaguya. She turned to Kyo with a confident grin. "Of course. It's good to have customers than I can sucker into buying things at a higher price. I'd say we're going to be eating well tonight."
Kyo nodded happily, licking his lips already. He immediately began to work at selling and convincing patrons to buy certain items. Then he noticed the picture of Kaguya. He blushed. "Wh-where did you get this!?" He asked, blushing.
Koma did her bit of work as well, managing a line of her own. Of course, she had been directing customers to the more pricey merchandise, just like the one Kyo had found. She let out a soft chuckle, looking quite proud of herself. I had to do a bit of sneaking around, but I think it was worth it. I don't know a single man that wouldn't want to get their hands on something like that."
Kyo blushed. "That's not ethical, Koma! What if she finds out! We'll get our butts kicked! Again!" He said, a little panicky.
Koma grumbled a little hearing how anxious he was getting. "Hmph, even if that's the case, I'd wanna end up selling it anyway. Probably by the time they find out, we'll be long gone." She had already heard a group of individuals calling out, each wanting to get their hands on it. Of course, she would resort to bidding it off.
Kyo sighed. "Okay. I trust you, Koma." He relented. He went back to selling, finding a few mercenaries to sell some antique weapons to. After a while, he began to eat his lunch that he had packed. Soba Noodles with Teriyaki chicken. "Mmmmm." He uttered with delight.
"Hmph! Of course you have no reason to doubt me! If things go well, I'll probably go ahead and snap a picture or two of the surfboard princess too!" she said. It didn't take much longer before the picture of Princess Kaguya was sold off, a good bit of coin coming to the greedy catgirl. With the lines dying down for a little, Koma figured she could take a little break herself. Not like she could get much done with Kyo eating already. "Everything is looking good so far, but we still have plenty of things to sell off. You're lucky there aren't any customers coming by now, as I didn't really say you could take a break." she muttered.
"Mm?" Kyo looked up, some noodles hanging from his mouth, making a comical image. He then swallowed and his ears flattened against his head. "Dammit. Sorry, Koma." He apologized. He continued to eat, however. "(Man, she's such a slave driver. I wouldn't have apologized if I wasn't smitten with her.)" He thought to himself.
There was an odd moment of silence between them as Koma noticed the noodle hanging from his lips. Being so eager to fill her pockets, it wasn't surprising she would work Kyo to the ground while he was working under her. She was glad that he did manage to do it all without really complaining so much. "It's fine. I could use a snack myself." She had saved a few dango snacks to munch on for now, popping them in her mouth. "At this rate, we'll be able to chow down really good for dinner though."
"Yeah, that's true." Kyo said happily, finishing his meal. He then stood up and stretched. He began to take stock in their inventory. "Lessee...we still haven't sold that pair of swords I found in Dulces Tomb..." He muttered.
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