On the Frontier (BassEXE)

Koma popped a couple more dango in her mouth as she watched Kyo get back to work. "Mmm...well I'm sure we'll have some people coming in that'll want a look at some weapons. Probably one of the best finds we came across ourselves, so I don't think we can just give them away without a good price." she said, chuckling softly as she thought about how much she should sell it for.
Kyo nodded. "Yeah. Got a point there, Koma." He said, rubbing his hands together as he continued to take stock of items. "Hmm. I see a few books in here....they any...." Kyo blushed brightly. He didn't remember procuring erotica literature!
Koma was about to say something about the books that Kyo found, but he'd already gone ahead and opened them up. "Oh those. I already went through them, so I don't really need them anymore. If you're not going to look through them, then I'll just ell those off too." If Kyo would keep reading, there were some very...interesting scenarios that played out in those books.
As he flipped through the books, his eyes got wider and his blush got deeper. He immediately snapped the books shut. "Y-Yeah, we should sell these!" He said a bit unnerved. But he slipped one book into a backpack when she wasn't looking. He blushed a bit.
"Sounds good." she said, not really thinking much of his reaction to her reading material. Whatever had been in those books, Koma must have been fairly interested in. "I'm sure someone will be willing to pick one of those up. They're still in good condition after all. I take pretty good care of my things, especially if I'm going to sell them later." She paused as she could see he was a little fidgety. "Hm...? Something wrong?" she asked, tilting her head slightly as she finished up her snack.
Koma stared at him curiously for a little while longer before she decided to dismiss it. "Oh well. In any case, might as well put those books on display. I'll check a few more things to see what else we can sell." she muttered, heading over to where he was earlier to look through everything they brought. She had bent over slightly, her rear being a little more defined with the outfit she had. "Hmm...at this rate we'll be out of the really good stuff soon."
Kyo blushed brightly, fidgeting and trying in vain not to get aroused at seeing the sassy neko's outlined ass.
"Hmm...? Are you listening?" she asked, not hearing any sort of response from her comment before. "We'll just have some common stuff that we can maybe try and sell off near the end of the day. From there, we'll just need somewhere to sleep. We could look for an inn, but not here. I'm sure that wolf already knows I'm here."
"Know anywhere around that might be good? The only thing I did see looked like one of those really flashy love hotels a while back." She went ahead and took a box of some more merchandise, setting it aside for later. "What do you think of that? If not there, we'd have to maybe walk a bit more."
"Well, I don't know if it was. It sure looked like one though." Koma glanced back to Kyo, trying to make sense of his reaction. A little grin came to her face though. "Doesn't it sound like a good place to stay though?" she asked with a playful grin. When she was like this, it was hard to figure out what her intentions were.
Her grin never left her face, though she did back off for now. "Oh well. Depending on how late it is when we head out, we may need to stay there anyway. Keep that in mind." she said, quickly going off to tend to a couple customers that had come by the shop.
Kyo blushed insanely bright, and he was grateful that his clothing didn't let a lump show in his pants. He turned away, fiddling with a device he had procured, trying not to imagine Koma naked.
Koma went about trying to sell off most of the regular merchandise they had brought along, having some moderate success. As it was getting to night time now, they had more or less sold as much as they planned to. They'd certainly have a lot less to carry now, and they could really go out on dinner if they wanted. "Heheh! We're going to eat well tonight!" she said, gently nuzzling her cheek against a few gold coins that they had acquired from their selling. "We should start tearing this all down then."
"I say we find ourselves a nice buffet to pig out in." she said, a rather feisty expression on her face as she helped out. Might as well celebrate and go all out."
Kyo nodded. "I can taste our victory already!" He said happily, licking his lips. He finished stowing the last of the unsold merchandise in the Caterwaul, and he began to pull the mobile shop. "Where to, Koma?" He asked.
"There is a good place around here if I remember correctly. I can eat and drink to my heart's content, and I won't even spend all that much of what we earned today." With that, she started to lead him through the streets of Kagura Amahara, expecting him to pull the shop around behind her.
Kyo began to wheel the shop behind him, following Koma through the streets. He couldn't shake the seductive image of her out of his imagination...
It was a somewhat sad sight seeing that Koma was leading them and not carrying anything, leaving Kyo to pull the cart. "Oi...you haven't been saying anything." Koma muttered as she looked back to him. "I'd rather you not be in this odd mood so you don't spoil the mood when we're eating..." As harsh as her words sounded, she still seem to harbor some concern for Kyo.
Kyo snapped back to reality. "Oh! Sorry. I'm thinking about something..." He explained quickly, blushing brightly.
"Really..." Koma gave him an odd look before looking ahead. "Well, the restaurant is just up ahead. Might as well put the shop up front and get a seat where we can see it." There had been a couple times that people tried to take stuff from their shop, only to be roughly dispatched.
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