On the Frontier (BassEXE)

For the performance, there was a large dance floor in front where all the guests would see. Kyo would be getting a rear view mainly, though Suzuka intended to turn around at some point. She had changed from her wedding kimono to something that resembled her more common outfit, of course, showing off her slim belly and wide hips. She also had her trusty fans in hand, though there would be no giant mecha accompanying her today. That would probably not end so well. "Well then everyone, it is time for the main attraction." Suzuka's voice would boom in the hall, just as peppy as ever. Those familiar with her performances of course gave a cheer, though everyone was watching rather eagerly to see what she would have in store. "Be ready for a wild performance, but I do hope my husband keeps a close eye as well." she said, turning her head briefly to give Kyo another bold expression.
Kyo flinched. "Urk!" He blushed brightly. She was calling him out! He tried not to show his embarrassment as he watched Suzuka intently.
It was probably not too surprising that Suzuka would call him out, and her comment was followed with a good number of wolf whistles and cheers. Kyo was just going to be on the receiving end of so much teasing today. The lights had dimmed in the hall, but the large disco ball hanging from the ceiling started to lower, followed by the ever dramatic lights that would flash over Suzuka and the rest of the dance floor. As expected, it was complimented with the high energy music and deep bass that just seemed too outrageous for an event like this, but she was already starting to get into it, the familiar swaying of her hips as she twirled the fans above her head and to her sides getting the crowd excited. At times though, of course she would give her attention to Kyo, perhaps making her movements a bit more enthusiastic and sensual at times.
Kyo just simply watched as his wife danced her heart out, teasing him with every sway, every motion. It was too much for him. He began to squirm in his seat, and he noticed Haken smirking at him. That jerk. He knew he was being tortured by his own wife. He sighed frustratedly, drowned out by the music.
Suzuka did not really intend to tease Kyo in that sense so much, as there were others watching. It was just the nature of her dance that she was swaying about so much, her slim figure glistening a little with sweat. Regardless, she continued to dance with just as much energy as when she had started. The song had reached its end soon enough, and it had been a wild one indeed. And at the end, the lovely oni had struck a final pose, standing tall as though she was not the least bit fatigued from this.
Kyo smiled and the everyone began to clap, including Kyo. Kyo stood up and walked over to his Little Oni, and kissed her gently. "Amazing." He whispered.
Suzuka turned to her husband as he came to greet her, and she was quite pleased to have him kiss her. "Hmhm...but of course. I did say I would make it incredible, but I still have another performance later tonight." she said with a little giggle. "In any case, I think a shower is in order. I'll return after I change." she said, going off again.
Kyo nodded as she walked away and the festivities continued. He went to sit down, happily chatting with his friends. He saw out of the corner of his eye that the three Orchestral Army members were in attendance! That was a surprise.
Pretty soon, Suzuka would return in the hall, and it was actually the Orchestral Army that she came across next. They had been able to reach an understanding before, but Suzuka still didn't seem to get along with Kyon much, and it would have been obvious that she was staring enviously ay Henne's ample chest. After a casual exchange, she had gone back to Kyo. He'd be able to tell she had showered with the scent of her shampoo lingering still. She let out a soft sigh though, still looking in good spirits. "Hmhm...I'm sure you noticed then that I did spend most of that dance for you, right?" she asked with a little grin.
Kyo nodded. He blushed as well. "I'm worried about your other dance...if this one effected me like that..." He mumbled, his face beet red.
Suzuka tilted her head slightly, feigning ignorance. "Hmm? And just what could I have possibly done to you? Was my dance just that amazing?" she asked, tooting her own horn somewhat. She could see that he was blushing a little, so she had a good idea of the effect.
"Come now. Since we are married now, you need not be so tense. Or is it just that you are looking forward to the dance later tonight?" she asked, unfolding a fan to cover the grin that had spread on her face. "You will just need to be patient. But after seeing you like this makes me think tonight will be very interesting indeed."
Kyo blushed. Did she realize how much she was teasing him? God, he couldn't stand this tension much longer! He simply kissed her cheek.

Suzuka figured it would be enough teasing for now, but she couldn't help it with how he would get so defensive. She happily accepted the kiss on her cheek and she was able to sit and relax for the rest of the event with him.

(Certainly. I suppose when they go back to their home as newlyweds. :3)

Kyo stepped into their new home, smiling happily. "Well that was fun, eh Suzuka?" He asked happily.
Suzuka for once seemed a bit exhausted, but she still managed to keep her dignified demeanor. "Yes, of course. And I'm pleased to hear that you had enjoyed yourself as well."
Kyo simply smiled at Suzuka. He sat down and patted his lap for her to sit down on. He rested his head back, sighing happily. "I love you, Suzuka. Don't ever forget it." He smiled at her.
Suzuka noticed his little gesture, and she came to sit in his lap as he had requested. "Hmph, of course I would not forget. Seeing as we're already married, I would expect nothing less from my husband."
Kyo blushed, feeling her butt press against his groin. He regardless wrapped his arms around her belly. He started to kiss her neck softly.
Suzuka tried to adjust herself properly in his lap, though she didn't get too much time as he had already wrapped his arms around her, kissing her neck gently. "K-Kyo...?"
Kyo smiled. He whispered seductively in her ear. "Suzuka...can you do that dance for me?" He whispered, licking her earlobe.
Suzuka was surprised with him asking about it, especially when he got so embarrassed when she mentioned the dance. "W-well, of course I will." she muttered, wincing a little as he licked at her earlobe. "Then just sit here and get comfortable."
Suzuka was dressed in her usual attire once more, and unlike earlier, it was clear she wouldn't be having any music accompanying her. Her hands gently trailed down her bare belly as her hips got to swaying, but in a much slower and sensual manner than usual. She had even started to move a bit closer to Kyo, letting her hands rest at his chest, while she was practically rolling her hips in his lap. Though she had been the one to say this was coming, Kyo would be able to tell she was a little embarrassed.
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