On the Frontier (BassEXE)

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Kyo smiled and swept her and kissed Suzuka passionately.
Suzuka gasped softly in surprise as she was so easily swept off her feet into Kyo's arms, but he had a good hold on her. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back, with all those in attendance applauding them. Suzuka pulled back shortly, giving him a pleasant smile. "Well, that was sure worth the wait, wasn't it?"
Kyo nodded. He then walked with her down the aisle. As they walked, he was clapped on the back. "Congrats, man!" Haken smiled. "Yeah! Have fun tonight!" Aschen said happily, in her DTD mode. Kaguya hugged Suzuka. "I'm so happy for you, Suzuka!" She said happily.
Of course, this day was so much better with all their good friends that were in attendance as well. While Ky and Haken got to talk together, Suzuka had gotten swamped by Kaguya, with Aschen giving that little comment. She wasn't even sure if the android girl was geninely happy or just messing with her as usual. "Well, there is still plenty more to attend to. I still have not even gone through with my special dance. I would only perform it on a day such as this, after all."
Haken ribbed Kyo, smiling. "I wonder who she's gonna perform that dance for, eh?" Kyo blushed ferociously. "Sh-shut up!" He stammered. "Naw, Kyo. I'm messing with you." Haken grinned. The group and the rest of the attendees headed to the dining hall for the feast.
While the rest of the guests started to make their way to the dining hall, Suzuka stayed by Kyo, wanting to stick around for a little. "Well, I wouldn't say that he was completely wrong. I do have a dance that I can show only you, but that can wait until later." she said with a little grin. "In any case, why don't we have ourselves some food as well? I think you'll be pleasantly surprised."
Kyo blushed. "Y-you don't say...." He stammered. He nodded and walked her to the dining hall. "I'm starving." He grinned.
Suzuka giggled softly seeing his reaction. "Hmm...just what sort of things are you thinking about anyway?" she asked, locking her arm with his as they walked. "Well then you had better eat your fill now while you can. I'm sure that the chefs prepared some wonderful dishes for tonight. I would expect as much for our wedding."
"I-I'm...n-not thinking about anything!" Kyo insisted. Then he smiled. "Trust me, since the Einst, I haven't been eating as much. Kinda been keeping myself in shape. But tonight, I dine like a king! Or.....prince...as it were." He chuckled.
Suzuka chuckled to herself from his reaction, always amused when he would get a little flustered. "Oh? Even so, you would have needed to eat and keep up your strength. You shouldn't be so reckless. In any case, you had better eat today to make up for that. The two would finally reach the dining hall, where all the table had been filled. As for the bride and groom, they had their own designated seats up in front. "Ah...so we are going to be on display." she said amusingly. "Let's get our food already."
Kyo nodded. Soon, everyone was eating and chatting merrily. Kyo smiled and held Suzuka's hand. Shuten had even come to say congratulations! He was a good sport about Kyo, for a lack of a better term, stealing his girl.
Suzuka was glad to see there Shuten could accept her decision, and after they had finished speaking with him, they had gone off to where the food was lined up. She held tightly to his hand as they got closer. "Mmm...it smells so wonderful too. I can't wait to partake of it."
Jake began to grab assorted food. Fried chicken, grapes, broccoli, and several other foods made it onto his plate. He grinned and went to sit down after Suzuka served herself.
There was plenty of time before Suzuka was to perform, so she figured she would make the most of this chance to eat. It would give her all the more reason to go wild in her dance just to burn it all off anyway. She ended up with a salad, fish, and some chicken as well, soon joining Kyo as they made their way to their table.

(Jake? XD)
Once they were seated, Suzuka wasted no time in digging in, letting out a pleasant sigh with the quality of the food. She should have expected that the food would be spectacular. "I knew it. They have really outdone themselves with this food. I'm sure I could eat it all today."
Kyo smiled brightly. "Heh. Me too." He rubbed her back lovingly. He kissed her cheek and went back to eating.
Suzuka paced herself as she ate, not wanting to suddenly cramp up in the middle of her incredible routine. Her dances were already quite stunning, but it was expected that she would really go all out for today. But then just what sort of dance did she have planned to show Kyo when they were alone?
Suzuka gave him a little smile in return after she had popped a bit of food in her mouth. "Fumu...and now that we're married, everyone knows that. I do hope you'll be looking forward to later when I have my own dance for just you."
Kyo blushed. "U-um....w-well...." He stammered. He recovered his jovial mood for the rest of the party.
Suzuka giggled softly seeing him get all embarrassed. Perhaps his thoughts about what kind of dance she would do weren't too far from the truth, but he'd find out soon enough. When Suzuka had finished her meal, she stood from her seat. "I should be getting ready for my performance. It will be quite amazing, so I'd hope you will be watching every second of it."
She gave him a playful wink before she went off to prepare herself. She hadn't had a big performance in a while due to the incident with the Einst, but those who knew her could say that she was quite a sight to see even while she was by herself.
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