A New Ownership Found [Himeko x Eyesoffire]

"Yes, Sesshi." Lara said, cupping the Elf's cheeks. "And if you are still not with our child I will fill you up once more and do it over again until you womb takes my seed." Lara said in a breathy tone. "I now we need each other now, and it will be more than sexually soon enough. So we have to stay strong." Lara said, cupping water in one hand and letting it drip over Sesshi's body.

Lara leaned back against the side of the hot spring, closed her eyes and sighed. "But for now...I'd just like to enjoy having you touch me in this water." She whispered and took Sesshi's hand and placed them upon her shoulders. "Sit in my lap and just lay against me." Lara said.
As her cheeks were cupped she felt herself blushing again when she heard her mates words. "And I will gladly accept your seed." She replied as she smiled softly. "I know we need each other as well. In time we will have a family of our own and they will be raised here in Moonglade and taught the ways of nature. We are stronger than most will give us credit for, this I know." She assured Lara as she enjoyed the feeling of the water trickling on her body.

Sesshi was happy even if she had been taken by force, she was actually happy. Could feel herself really falling in love with Lara and knew deep down... That she was fated to be her soul mate. Her ears twitched as she heard her mates words and nodded as her hand was placed on her mate's shoulder. She got up and sat on Lara's lap as she could now feel her member below her, causing her to blush more. "And I enjoy your touch as well." She whispered as she was enjoying what little time they had before the ceremony.
Lara's cock rose a little to put pressure against Sesshi's folds. Lara hugged Sesshi close, pressing her cheeks against her own. "Ignore it." She said, speaking of her own penis. "I will not be taking you here now..." Lara whispered and stroked Sesshi's head, running her fingers through her hair. Lara stayed silent for some time, hugging Sesshi close as she closed her eyes and rested her head on the Elf's shoulders. Time passed and the water soothed her body, though her cock was still pressing against Sesshi's folds the whole time.

Lara awoke and looked around, everything was so still, so serene and calm. She listened for sounds, there was nothing strange save for the magic around them. Lara sniffed the air and smelled the thick scent of life. She then looked to Sesshi and kissed her cheek before taking her lips. "I hear music...does this mean we will be starting soon?"
She could feel Lara's member stirring against her folds, causing her own body to stir slight. She continued to remain calm as they were in the purifying waters. She hugged her mate back as she nuzzled her cheek. She could tell that her mate was having a hard time controlling her urges but was doing pretty good at it. "We cannot do it here anyways.." She whispered back softly and a small purr could be heard from her as her head was stroked and her mate's fingers were now running through her long black hair. For a change her hair wasn't held up by her hair band, which wasn't often to see her hair down like this.

Her mate had grown silent as she continued to hug her as she now rested her head on her shoulders. She held onto her mate tightly as she rubbed her back gently as she could still feel her cock pressing against her folds. A bit of time had passed since Lara had passed out, which Sesshi didn't mind it at all. Soon she began stirring, which made Sesshi wonder if she had woken up from the faint sounds of the music in the distance. Smiling softly she kissed her mate's shoulder as she nuzzled her. Seeing her mate's face she smiled and nodded as she kissed her back deeply. "Yes my love, which means we should be getting ready and heading back." She replied as she kissed her again before getting up and out of the water to get herself dressed in her robes. In the moonlight that shown on her body, a small mark that looked like a fang was on her lower hip. It was the mark of her being imprinted on. Not that she noticed as she got dressed.
Lara nodded to Sesshi and got out of the water after the Elf. She got her clothes ready and donned them before walking behind Sesshi. Lara was nervous. It was different for her, so unlike going into battle. She knew the stakes of a battle, what was at risk and what could happen at any moment, but this was so different. Nevertheless she kept a cool head and stayed close to Sesshi. She reminded herself that these were people who wouldn't hurt her, they valued life and though she was a warrior, they understood that she was important to Sesshi.

Lara continued to follow the Elf until they came to the site of the ritual. Lara's eyes widened, she had never seen this, the most beautiful part of Druid's secret home.
Sesshi walked gracefully through the forest as she assured her mate it was going to be okay. She could sense she was nervous and she held her mate's hand in her own as she led her through the forest. "It's going to be okay love." She whispered as she could hear the music was louder now as they could now both see a clearing through the trees. As they left the forest they could see everyone was busy getting the last touches fixed up and everyone was in their own robes. The ones who were noticeable were her master and the other leaders, this was due to those who were official members of the Earthen Ring with the high status like them, they wore their own special robes.

"So you have been granted another blessing from the ancestors Sister Sesshi. I wish you and your mate well." One of the higher ups spoke to them as she greeted them. She was a beautiful Night Elf that was clad in blue and green robes. She wore a special headdress on her head that gave off her status as one of the main leaders like Temachi. "Thank you Sister Nighthawk. It is an honor to have been granted another blessing from the ancestors." She bowed as she replied to Nighthawk. "You better take good care of her warrior. You may have the ancestors blessings as well, but you'd better take care of her no matter what. She is special to all of us and has shown us more than anyone could have ever shown us for being a Blood Elf." Nighthawk said sternly as she turned to Lara. "You best go over to Temachi and the others, they are waiting for you. Oh and Sesshi." She paused as she looked at Sesshi with a soft smile. "You will be taking your place as one of the leaders. Should any other Blood Elf come seeking our ways, you will be the one to teach and train them." She said as she left them and walked over to the rest of the leaders, leaving Sesshi lost for words.

Looking over at Lara with a shocked look on her face she swallowed hard. "D... Did I h-hear her correctly? I-I'm to take my p-place as... As a leader?!" She squeaked as she was now becoming quiet nervous herself now. She tried to calm herself down as she held onto her mate's hand tightly as they slowly made their way over to where the leaders were. Her master was grinning from ear to ear and the others smiled at the two as they approached them.
Lara couldn't help but chuckle slightly at Sesshi. She nodded, smiling brightly. "Yes, you're to become a leader." She said in an excited voice. Lara gave Sesshi's hand a small squeeze as well and walked with her to the others of the Earthen Ring. Lara had heard the nightelf's words carefully. She knew that the nightelf was right, and that she would have to look over Lara. She was the warrior after all, yet all of this ancestor significance was lost on her. She wanted to understand it better but it all seemed so cryptic. Nevertheless Lara walked by Sesshi's side and stayed silent. They walked to the masters of the Earthen Ring and Lara saw Temachi. She knew that this was a very significant moment and so stayed silent and respectful through the ceremony.
Sesshi didn't know how to fully react to what would soon be her new position as one of the leaders, but she was deeply honored. To have her mate with her there to support her was also a blessing in itself, after all it helped give her the courage to fully go through with this. As they reached the other leaders they all bowed and nodded to her as the rest of the members now started to settle down as they found their places for standing. Temachi and the others looked around and waited for everyone to find their places before they turned their gaze back to both Sesshi and Lara.

One of the Troll leaders cleared his throat as he stepped forward and made his way right in front of the two as he bowed before them. "It be a great pleasure to have ye amungst us Sesshi. Ye who have face many hard trials and yet no matta' what was shoved in yer way, ya still stood strong and fought hard. Now here we are, wit ya standin' before us and wit a mate non da less! As one of da leaders, I Jin'taru Earthbinder, leader of da Earthen Ring, accept ya as one of us and embrace ya as not only as a leader, but as a sista. Welcome to da family Sesshi Sunsorrow!" Jin'taru said as he bowed once more and clapped Sesshi on the back before turning his gaze to Lara. "And ye who has never seen our home, yet da ancestors have chosen ya to be Sesshi's mate, we will accept ya into da Earthen Ring as well. Ya be da first one ta ever be joinin' our ranks as a warrior. Be honored Lara Cresthill of Gilneas, for dis night marks the night where ya are no longer one of da Alliance, ye are now of da Earthen Ring. We will be makin' sure dat non of yer petty factions come after ye for yer blood. And wit Sesshi bein' a leader, dat fool Garrosh cannot harm her." He winked as he bowed before he before walking back to his post.

Each of the leaders had given their speech and now it was Temachi's turn to complete the ceremony. The loud clanking sounds from his hoofs could be heard very clearly as he walked in front of the two and bowed. He held in his hands a special headdress that was made only for Sesshi, as he bowed before her. The headdress was similar to her phoenix attire, but was red. "Sesshi Sunsorrow, tonight we celebrate you as not only becoming a full fledged member of the Earthen Ring, but as a leader. For the first time since your kind strayed from it's path as High Elves and forsake nature, it is an honor to have you, a Blood Elf amungst us. You have faced more trials than anyone else due to your nature and what you are, yet no matter what YOU never gave up nor did you forsake nature like the rest of your kind has. With you as a leader of the Earthen Ring we hope that you can become hope for your people and show them, no prove to them that even though they forsake nature there is still hope for them to redeem themselves as you have. You've never given up and you'll never give up. You are not the type of person to simply give up because of what others may think of you or say to you. You have a kind heart and a pure soul, not one filled with hatred or malice. Tonight I am no longer your master, for I have taught you everything I know. Tonight I am your brother and the rest of the leaders are your brothers and sisters. And as the others have stated, I too will stand and protect you from Garrosh's tyranny. He cannot touch you now that you are one of us as not just a member, but as a leader. I present you with this new headdress and you will presented with your new armor that matches this after the ceremony. You are the true Phoenix of the Earthen Ring and like the rest of us, as a leader you will have your own title. Sesshi the Red Phoenix of Hope!" He said as now the all of the members and leaders of the Earthen Ring cheered for Sesshi as Temachi handed her her new headdress. "Th-Thank you mas... Brother." She replied as she took the headdress and bowed before him. "And you Lara Cresthill, even though you are not to be a leader, we have decided to give you your own title, Lara the Protector of Innocents. You are a proud warrior and even though you have not walked the same path as us, you will now. You will come to know our ways and you will proudly follow them. You will not ever use your sword for war ever again, only to us it to protect others. Innocent bloodshed goes against our ways and it is best you learn that now." He said as he winked to Lara before looking at them both now.

"Tonight also marks the night we have a couple blessed by the ancestors who are to be wedded for life. I know of your circumstances Worgen and I know you will do us proud. I also know that..." He paused as he walked closer to Sesshi and placed one of his large hands on her belly gently before speaking again. "I also know that your children will be raised properly and free from the war. Your children will be raised as one of us as the Earthen Ring, therefore insuring their safety." He assured them as he withdrew his hand as Sesshi looked over to Lara with a soft and gentle smile on her face. "Now our ways are different from others, there will be no need of vows to exchange. However you will be bound to one another with not only our blessings, but of the ancestors as well." He said as he motioned for Nighthawk and Jin'taru to come to him. Nighthawk had a drudic bracelet with a phoenix on it in her hands as she presented it to Sesshi and Jin'taru had a warrior's bracelet with a wolf on it in his hands as he presented it to Lara. "With these it will show you two are one of us and are married. These were made special for you two and no other will have one like it. When you change forms Sesshi, the bracelet will resize itself to fit whichever form you take and they cannot be broken. Now, the ceremony is complete! Karien, Jin'taru! Go bring out my best mead and ale! We will now begin the celebration party!" Temachi said with a wide grin on his face as he patted both Lara and Sesshi on the back. "To our new sister and leader! And to our newest member Lara! Lets hear some loud cheers!" He said as he raised his large hands up in the air and no sooner had he done that the entire area was filled with cheers and fireworks were now shooting up into the sky. Tonight was the most precious night for Sesshi and she would cherish it for the rest of her life.
Lara couldn't believe what was happening. The words she understood clearly and bowed respectfully, nodding in thanks after each leader had spoken to her. She had also given Seehi's hand a small squeeze after every one of the leaders described the hardships she went through. The squeeze was to show that Lara loved her and was ready to devote her life to her mate at all costs, and it was also pride, pride that Sesshi had accomplished such incredible feats.

Lara humbly accepted her title as defender of the innocent. It was a noble cause and a noble title, one that she knew most would be happy to hear of. The ceremony seemed calm and serene until Temachi's call for celebration. Lara hadn't expected Moonglade to erupt in fireworks and cheers like it did. She knew that a celebration was going to occur, but this was far more energetic than she expected. Nevertheless Lara was happy, smiling as she walked to the tables where the food was laid out.

As drinks were passed around Lara turned to Sesshi and placed a hand upon her stomach. "I take it that Temachi's words indicated we have a child...I can breed with you." Lara kissed Sesshi. Pulling away slowly and licking her luscious lips. "And perhaps tonight, you and I will do more than merely kiss?"
As the ceremony had gone on she knew Lara was still a bit nervous but she also knew she was proud and happy. Her new title as a protector was very fitting for her mate and also to her, it would be something their children would be proud of. When Temachi had placed his large hand on her stomach in made her heart skip a few beats when he spoke of their children. In many ways, he had confirmed that Lara could in fact give life and it made her happy.

The celebration was similar to when she was first accepted into Moonglade as a druid, though tonight it was more special now that she was a leader and that Lara was the very first non druid or shaman to ever be welcomed into the Earthen Ring. It was more common for a warrior to join the Cenarion Circle, but never had it been done for the Earthen Ring. So tonight was truly an amazing night for them all. Several of her fellow druids had came to them and gave them both their warm welcomes and even gave them some new housewarming gifts. Even the shamans came over with Jin'taru and congratulated them and also gave them some gifts as well. She smiled at all of them and thanked them as she got some of the food with Lara and then took her seat.

Sesshi gladly accepted the mead when it was passed out and blushed when she felt Lara's hand on her stomach as she spoke. "Yes my love. He is very wise and knows things we do not know. Even though I share his gift, I do feel that his words are true. We will see in a week my love." Sesshi answered as she kissed Lara back and smiled gently when she pulled back, licking her lips. "Mmmm... Yes, I do believe we won't be getting much sleep tonight but I do want to do more than just simply kiss when we go home." She winked as she ate her food and drank her mead.
Lara nodded knowingly. Yes, even Lara knew sleep was going to be put aside, they both had other ideas on their minds. Lara enjoyed the celebration immensely, even going so far as to dance with some of the other druids and shamans. When they turned into different forms she turned into a werewolf and howled alongside cats, bears and birds. Some ad shifted into moonkin as well and Lara couldn't help but marvel at their size. The food was delicious and the mead was perfect, just the right kind of drink to have a really loud, fun party. It was great to see usually serene druids erupt into these wild animals, but it shouldn't have come as a surprise, they were one with nature, and just like nature they could be peaceful or wild.

Lara went back to her seat next to Sesshi and pressed her forehead against the side of her face. "Tell me, love...how does it feel, knowing you are a leader of an immensely important group, and to be carrying our child?"
Sesshi clapped her hands as she watched everyone dance and having a great time together. As peaceful as they were, they were wild, but not savages by no means. However, they could become savages if their kind was in danger or their home for example. She too joined in for a couple of dances as she had taken her moonkin form, which wasn't often but she did every now and then. When in her moonkin form she was bigger than her mate, which was saying something. She loved dancing in her moonkin form though, and it was always a wonderful sight to see her in such a form.

Her moonkin form was similar to the Troll's form except the horns were a bit smaller and the feathers were almost a blood red color. After she had shifted back into her elven form she took her seat and watched her mate continue to dance with the others as she howled loudly with the rest of them. It truly was a glorious night for all of them, and it was rare when all of the leaders came and gathered together with almost the entire Earthen Ring clan.

When Lara returned to her and took her seat again she smiled softly as she pressed her forehead against her cheek. "Well, I won't lie... It all seems like a dream to me but I know it's not. I never dreamed I'd be able to come this far and get to take my place as a leader. But I accept this and I am proud to be carrying our child. But Temachi said children, does this mean I might be carrying more than one? Or that we will have more in the future?" She whispered as she began twirling her thumbs together.
Lara listened with a sly smile on her lips. he was grinning wickedly at Sesshi. The noise all around them seemed to not even phase her as she looked only at Sesshi, as if the rest of he world did not even exist. Then Lara placed her hand over Sesshi's twiddling thumbs. "Shhh." he said. Lara slid her hand down between Sesshi's legs and press her fingers against her pussy. "We'll find out soon enough...and if it's only one...I can always help you get more." She said in a heated voice.

But as quickly as Lara had her bout of horniness, she smiled and laughed, pulling Sesshi out of her chair. "I haven't even danced with my mate yet." He said, pulling Sesshi to her body. "Come on." She pulled her next to a large bonfire and held Sesshi's hands as she danced around the totems. Lara was laughing loudly, pulling her close to her into hugs which pressed their breasts together or spinning her out, much in the way Lara had seen humans dance in ballrooms.
Sesshi didn't see her mate was grinning at her as she placed her hand over her twiddling thumbs. Her face then turned a bright red when she felt Lara slide her hand down between her legs and pressed her fingers against her pussy. Already starting to stir problems with her down there now. "Yes we shall my love... I want us to have a family and even if it's one... I would be more than happy to bare more children for you." She panted as she tried to maintain her composure.

After a few moments she was then pulled out of her chair she giggled softly. "Yes, I was wondering when you were going to ask me for a dance.~" She smirked as she was pulled into Lara's body as she was then led to one of the large bonfires and took her hands as they began to dance around the totems the shaman's hand placed down. Sesshi couldn't help but giggle as she was pulled in close and had her breasts pressing together as she was pulled out and spun around. This was very different from how she was use to dancing but she enjoyed it non the less.
When Lara sat back down she was in her human form and sweating, breathing heavily. She watched Sesshi for a moment and then turned to look around at the other druids and shamans. On a normal day she wouldn't see so many, but now, since there were festivites she saw druids of all different types. Even some other worgen were here, in their cat forms and bear forms. Lara chuckled as she watched one in a tree form dance and pretend to be caught on fire. One of the shamans didn't get the joke and actually covered in him water, ending the tree's fun.

She then turned to Sesshi and watched her for a little while, eyes trailing up and down her body. She hadn't realized how beautiful of a mate she had until now, how luck she was to have penetrated her first and how lucky that she was to be the parent of their child.
She smirked slightly as she saw her mate in her human form, sweating and panting heavily. She giggled at the action that was going on and laughed when the poor shaman didn't get the poor druid's joke. Smirking to herself as she mumbled a few words under her breath and watched as the roots under the ground spring to life and pick up the shaman as she began making the roots dance with him. He looked around frantically to whoever had done it, but couldn't find her. However everyone burst up into laughter at the sight and even he couldn't resist laughing.

She could feel her mates eyes on her as she turned her head to face her as she grinned happily at her. Leaning in close she licked Lara's ear and chuckled softly. "Like what you see love?" She whispered as she let her hand trail up Lara's leg before reaching her cock and stroked it gently. No one was paying them any attention so she was able to get away with this.
Lara laughed at Sesshi's little trick. She knew now to be careful around her, Lara didn't want to be dancing with any roots any time soon. It was both exciting and dangerous to be seen with Sesshi's hand up her leg. But Lara sighed and looked down to see Sesshi's face. "I love what I see." She said softly. "Not here...we'll have plenty of things to do to one another when we get home, Sesshi." Lara said. "Though perhaps taking you in the outdoors is something you'd like...to be fucked under the trees, the smell of grass all around us as I pour my seed into you again." Lara nipped Sesshi's ear. "Perhaps you can have my longer, thicker wolf cock instead of my sleek sexy human one."
Sesshi liked playing tricks on others, to her it was amusing and especially when she was surrounded by so many others that she could easily get away with it. "I'm glad love and I'm only teasing you.~ Figured fair is fair." She giggled as she removed her hand and thought about what she said and smirked deviously. "Mmm... Now that I would love. Later tonight when we are free to be alone I want you to fuck me in the forest. I know a spot behind my house where we can be alone and no one will bother us. Not like they would anyways.~" She mused happily as she took another swig of her new mug of mead. If she kept drinking as much as she was she'd be drunk in no time, though not like it'd matter. It'd only make her body more sensitive for later.
"You know I'd fuck you anywhere, if you only asked me." Lara said, placing her finger upon the lips of Sesshi. She turned her attention back to the rest of the celebration. There were some Alliance druids she'd spoken too, tried to figure out the situation in Gilneas at the very least, had the Forsaken been pushed back, had they suffered like they should have. Lara was about retribution. And to her this line of inquiry was legitimated by the fact that she protected the innocent. It was clear that the Forsaken were using elements of the Scourge to combat the Gilneans, and she knew that men, women and children were all affected. She wished she could have helped.

Time passed and the celebrations went on late into the night. Lara was feeling her itch for Sesshi starting to grow. She looked to the Blood Elf frequently and back to the fire.
"Mmm... Don't tempt me.~" She grinned as she licked Lara's finger when she placed it on her lips. She enjoyed the rest of the celebration with her mate and also spoke to some of the Horde Shamans and Druids to see what was going on. Garrosh had been enslaving the Darkspear tribe and even went as so far as to try and kill off Vol'Jin. Only the Darkspears, Thrall, the ones who saved him, and now her knew he still walked among the living. For once in her entire life, a small sign of hatred could be seen in her eyes when she heard the news of Vol'Jin. But she calmed herself down and took deep breaths, thanking them for the information and begged them to keep her informed as best as they could. They told her they would do the best they could but could not make any promises, which she was okay with.

As time passed and the more she drank, the more her body was starting to crave what only Lara could give her. She looked over at her mate and leaned over again and licked her ear as she then pulled it into her mouth and smirked. "I believe we should... Call it a night?" She whispered seductively as she stood up and wobbled a bit but caught herself in time. "We're gonna call it a night please let the others know." She told one of the shamans as she took Lara's hand and walked off with her.
Lara followed Sesshi slowly, watching the sway of her hips. Laras cock grew long beneath her robes and she was glad the robes could hide it. When they got to the house Lara took off her robes immediately and placed them on a chair before going to Sesshi and roughly pinning her against the wall to kiss her. The kiss was aggressive and hard, her tongue pushed into Sesshi's mouth and Lara tasted all she could. Her cock grew long and began to push against the Elf's body. When Lara pulled away her lips were covered in saliva. She licked them clean. "I need you." She whispered.
The moment they got home and Lara removed her robe she let out a little giggle when she was pinned against the wall and was then kissed. She liked this aggressive side to her mate and wanted more of it. Her pussy was aching to have her cock stuffed inside of her and for her to be pumped up with her thick and hot seed. She could see her mate's cock was already very hard as it was growing longer by the second as it was then pushed against her body. When the kiss broke she quickly took her robe off and tossed it to the couch as she greedily reached down and stroked her mate's cock and began rubbing her already wet pussy against it. "Then take me." She replied in a heated voice that had a hint of serious need in it.
"Uhmm!" Lara gasped and closed her eyes, the sensation of Sesshi's pussy rubbing against her cock was too much to bear. "Then...then stop dancing on my pole." Lara strained to say. She opened her eyes and looked to Sesshi. "You wanted me to have you outside, and I believe you waned your ass to be raw by the time I'm done with your body." Lara smiled. "Of course I won't leave your beautiful pussy out. Look at it, it's dripping, poor thing. I'll give it some attention." She shoved Sesshi against the wall again and it was her turn to rub her cock against Sesshi's body. She even slipped the head of her penis into the elf. "Just. Like. This." She said, licking her lips. Then the pulled out and way. She turned Sesshi and spanked her ass hard, leaving a hand print. "Outside! You can even have my wolf cock, love."
"I cannot help it... Your cock feels so good..." She panted and then nodded. "Mmmm... Yes... I want you to take me badly outside... Fuck me like the animal I am..." She breathed heavily as she blushed again. "My ass needs attention but so does my poor little wet pussy. We cannot let it get no attention, now can we?" She winked as she was shoved against the wall again and this time, turning the tables on her and began rubbing her cock against her body. Moaning softly when she felt the tip of her penis enter her as she spoke to her before pulling out and backing away slightly as she turned her around and spanked her ass hard, causing her to moan softly, and leaving a nice red hand print on there. "Mmm... Yes.~ Let's go out back I want your wolf cock stuffed deep inside of me badly." She moaned as she shifted into her lynx form and went outside with her mate as she took her out back and led her to her special spot.
Lara followed Sesshi and turned into her wolf form immediately. Her cock grew greatly in size. It got thicker, harder, longer, and the veins seemed to stick out further giving it more texture. Sesshi would certainly be able to feel the veins as Lara pushed her member into her. Lara stared at her ass, even after she turned. The moment she knew that they were in their special place Lara began to masturbate. "Your asshole is so small..." He said, grunting as she stroked her cock. "I'll need to slip in easily, love. I'll need a wet c-cock..." Precum exploded onto her hand and she spread it over her shaft. Her penis was glistening in the moonlight. Lara looked at it and smiled. She knelt down on the ground, "come here, baby...ass or pussy, whichever one you give me now, I have a large, long, thick present for it."
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