A New Ownership Found [Himeko x Eyesoffire]

Lara pulled out of Sesshi, her cock covered in semen from tip to hilt. She sighed and sat back, a glazed look in her eyes. Yes, this was exactly what she wanted, what she had needed. And She knew, deep down that the elf was bound to her. Lara knew that she now own property and that the elf was hers to do as she wished.

Lara got on all fours and crawled over to Sesshi once more. She leaned down and kissed the elf deeply, closing her eyes and rubbing her tongue with her own. "You're mine now." Lara whispered. "Mine forever, I marked you and you can't escape that." Lara then smiled. "But you already know that, don't you? You know about these rules, what your body is worth to me and how circumstances have changed for you." Lara helped her to sit up. Lara reached down and stroked her flacid cock, pulling off the excess semen. lara spread it over Sesshi's lips. "Taste it." She whispered to her. "Taste it all and get dressed, quickly."
When Lara had finally pulled out of her, all of their mixed juices came pouring out of her. She whimpered slightly knowing that she was bound to this woman and knew it could not be avoided. Such was her life now. She managed to slowly get herself on her side as she looked over at Lara and watched her carefully now. She was marked for life and a part of her knew that Lara wasn't going to simply hand her over to just anyone now, or at least she had hoped that part of her mind was right.

She watched Lara crawling over to her on all fours as she leaned down and kissed her deeply once again. Lara was much bigger than her and her small frame couldn't compete with that of a Worgen's physical body. Hearing Lara's words made her body tremble as she nodded. "Yes... I know this... I know that I am no longer my own person, that I am now bound to you. I know everything and yet I still fear it..." She whispered as Laral helped her up into a siting position and reached down to gather up some of the excess semen and began spreading it over her lips. Telling her to taste it, which she did. It was slightly salty, yet sweet at the same time. After she had tasted it all she quickly got herself dressed and pulled her hair back up into her phoenix hood and shifted back into her lynx form as she now watched her surroundings again through her golden eyes.
Lara got her pants back on and opened the flaps of the tent to see that still the camp was empty. She felt a deep need to keep Sesshi by her side. Like she had two secrets now Her groin ached a little, but she didn't care. Lara looked around once more and turned back to Sesshi. "Get up, we're leaving." She said, following her urge. Her reasoning was that Sesshi needed to stay by her side, and Lara had urges to satisfy. Lara walked outside and waited until the Blood Elf was out of her tent. Once out she lead the Elf back to where she'd ambushed her.

"You're staying with me." Lara said sternly as she moved around the tree she had been near when she had first sensed Sesshi. The worgen had kept her armor there and he was keen to collect it back. "I won't have you going to jail." Lara mentioned as she strapped her armour on, wearing everything but her helmet. She felt it limited her vision and that the trade-offs a helmet provided weren't good enough. When Lara was ready she looked to Sesshi and nudged her head away from the camp. "I want to stay with you, and you with me." She whispered and began to walk into Felwood, deliberately avoiding where the Alliance scouts were.
Sesshi watched as Lara got her pants back on before going over to the flaps of the tent as if to see if anyone had gotten back. Trying to catch a peak outside she couldn't see anything but she sniffed the air and it was still just her and Lara there. When Lara turned back to her her large red ears twitched when she heard that they were leaving and got up on her paws and stretched out before following Lara out of the tent. She followed her to where she had gotten ambushed and frowned slightly, remembering just what got her caught and how she got caught.

"What's made you change all of a sudden? Thought you was going to hand me over to the other officers?" She asked with a curious tone in her voice as the fel markings on her shoulders and forehead glew brightly in the night. She followed Lara to the tree and noticed her armor was in there. So that's why she was able to sneak up on me, she took her armor off knowing I'd be able to hear her if she got close to me. Very cleaver, specially for a warrior. She thought as she watched her put her armor on but leaving her helm off. "Why would you betray your own faction to save me?" She asked as she watched Lara finish getting ready and motioned for her to follow her away from the campsite. "Why do you want us to stay together? Is it because you've mated with me?" She whispered back as she walked carefully alongside Lara and kept her head low as they walked through the Felwood.
"yes." Lara said, looking down at Sesshi. "Partly because you're mine and I don't want to lose you to an Alliance prison." Lara turned to look at Sesshi. "You've been able to give me something no other person has, pleasure I didn't believe existed. When I was young I didn't know what to do with myself, how I fit in, but you...when we were in the tent I knew I had to claim you. You could have used magic to kill me, but you didn't, you let me enjoy myself, enjoy the part of me that I had never used." Lara scratched the fur on Sesshi's head fondly. "I thank you for that, Sesshi." She smiled. "It's the least I could do to get you out of there. Besides I need you by my side." Lara knew she'd be wanting Sesshi again.

"We need to get to a place where we'll be safe." Lara said, staying close to Sesshi, drawing her large, two-handed sword from off her back. "Somewhere we can both enjoy life and stay out of sight of Horde and Alliance. A sanctuary, perhaps?" Lara added, but knew that there were no true sanctuaries in Azeroth. She looked around quietly, Satyrs were plentiful in Felwood and she knew that fighting a group of them would attract other, more undesirable attention.
She couldn't believe what she was hearing as Lara started answering her questions. "I still do not like being another persons property, but I suppose this is better than dying in jail or worse... Being experimented on and dissected. But still... Why abandon your faction? Aren't warriors supposed to be proud members of their faction? Why are you so... Different?" She replied as she raised her head slightly to look at Lara. "To be honest... I never knew a woman could be born with... With a penis before. I myself never fit in anywhere except for my family and the Earthen Ring. The other's of my kind look down upon me because I did not chose a path that was... Fitting for a Blood Elf... And you could have easily killed me, yet you did not. So why should I kill you when you instead spared my life? I figured it was only right that I'd spare yours and not kill you. I won't lie though... Even though my body enjoyed it... I personally didn't enjoy it..." She whispered as she sniffed the air and could smell nothing but a few animals and a couple of scouts that were ahead in the distance.

"But... You are welcome I suppose. However I don't understand why you need me by your side but I cannot simply object, now can I? I will stay by your side as long as you continue being honest with me." She stated as she then stopped for a moment and thought about a place that would be safe for them to hide. They were close to Moonglade and there she had a home and her fellow druids would protect her there. They hated Garrosh and if she had turned her back on the Horde and joined them, they would allow both her and Lara to continue to stay there. But she knew that if Garrosh found out, it would get attacked. It was her only option though and a risk she'd have to take. "Put your sword away Lara and listen to me. I still have my home in Moonglade and I am still a druid. If they find out I have left the Horde for good, they will want me to join the Earthen Ring, which I will. However IF Garrosh finds out about my betrayal things could get tricky. But I have a few cards up my sleeve that I can use. Now, do you trust me?" She asked as she waited for Lara's reply. She was a powerful druid and she could easily carry someone in her talons while she was in her flight form. She'd done it as part of training when she was still learning about her true calling. She had to carry her master, who wasn't light by any means, and carry him a good distance a day. Sometimes even to Thunderbluff and back. So if Lara trusted her, she would shift into her flight form and fly them to Moonglade where they would be safe.
"I am different, Sesshi...did you not see what was between my legs?" Lara said, not looking at the Druid. "Did you not feel it?" She asked, still not looking. "I will always be honest with you. I need you now, more than I have ever needed anyone else and I cannot deny that." Lara then looked at Sesshi. "Moongalde, the home of the Druids..." To be a warrior in Moonglade, that was rare, very, very rare. Lara had never expected to actually see the place, only hear stories of the powerful druids that came from there. "We can go to Moonglade." Lara decided. "And if Garrosh wants to kill you he will not find that it will be easy." Lara looked to Sesshi and smiled. "You're kind. I'm glad it was you I chose to mate with."

Lara saw Sesshi change into her flight form and allowed the Druid to pick her up. Shesshi was stronger than Lara thought. The worgen watched the land move beneath them as the dead trees of Felwood gave way to the mountains between itself and Moonglade. She never knew what that place looked like and when Sesshi set her down in Moonglade she was stunned by how peaceful and calm things were. Nature was vital here and Lara couldn't help but think of her cock, was it natural?
"This is true..." She sighed as saw Lara was now no longer looking at her. "I did feel it... Cannot lie there..." She said as she swallowed hard when Lara confessed to her before looking back to her. Yes she knew that anyone other than a druid was normally not welcomed there, but she was one of the higher ups and could almost be a counsel member should she join the Earthen Ring. But if Lara was with her they wouldn't attack her, they would welcome her but warn her about any funny actions that would go against their ways. "Very well then, I shall take us to Moonglade. And... Thank you for your kind words..." She said as her body then shifted into her flight form.

Her form was a beautiful elegant bird, nothing of which had ever been seen before, just like her other forms. On her head was a phoenix circlet, her feathers were red like the rest of her forms and on her back and chest were duidic fel symbols. Her form was also larger than a normal druid's form which also explained why she was able to simply carry someone in her talons. Flying up a bit she then grabbed Lara gently by the back of her armor and made sure her talons didn't break through the steel, which she could have easily done but wouldn't do it. She then flapped her wings and took flight as she carried Lara towards Moonglade. Lara was a lot lighter than her master, which made the trip easier for her.

After a good bit of flying they had finally reached Moonglade. She flew to where her home was and slowly descended to the ground below them and carefully sat Lara down on the ground. Shifting back into her elven form she noticed some of the guards heading to her along with her master to greet her. Noticing Lara the guards took arms but her master raised his large hand and silenced them. "The ancestors have guided you home safely to us. My visions have spoken to me of your arrival and with your... Mate." Temachi said as he looked over Lara with a careful eye, yet showed no hatred towards her. "As you know Warrior, we are peaceful creatures here and do not believe in unnecessary and unneeded bloodshed. But you have both left your factions when you both chose this path and with you my sister..." He looks over to Lara as he spoke before turning his gaze to Sesshi. "You have heard the ancestors calls, correct? You've seen this woman who is to be your life mate in your dreams, correct?" He asks Sesshi who is now kneeling before her master. "Yes I have master. I was a fool to dismiss them for believing that this was what the ancestors had wanted of me." She replied softly as she looked up to see her master frowning at her. "You should not simply dismiss the ancestors like that. Have I taught you nothing?" He said with a stern look of disapproval. "It's not like that! You taught me very well! It's just I..." She was cut off as he waved his large hand. "You need not explain yourself to us, however you know you must take your place as one of us as a member of the Earthen Ring, correct? It is the only way you two will remain safe. We normally only allow Shamans and Druids within our ranks, but for your mates safety, we will allow this one exception." He paused as he then turned his gaze back to Lara. "Your name is Lara Cresthill, correct? The ancestors spoke highly of you and they have given you their blessing. For you being a warrior to be granted blessings from the ancestors is a high honor, one of which you should be proud of." He finished as he now granted Sesshi room to speak. "Yes Master Temachi, you are correct and I will gladly take my rightful place as one with the Earthen Ring. I'd rather work with my people rather than fight in a useless war." She replied as he motioned for her to stand. "Go, rest up. We will get everything prepared for your ceremony. We will leave you two be for the time being." He said as both him and the guards left them alone for now.

"Well... Looks like not only I will be part of the Earthen Ring, but so shall you. Don't mind my master, he really is a nice guy. Very strict and stern, but he has a very kind heart." She said as she led Lara into her home. "This is my home, it's always been rather too big for me when living by myself but with you here it won't be so big and empty anymore." She said as she lowered her hood from her face and allowed her hair to fall down again. Her house was a simple druidic home, filled with herbs, animal hides, and some furniture. There was a kitchen where she had spent many nights preparing meals for wounded druids and any visitor to their village. She also led Lara to her bedroom and showed her where she slept. "There's a guest room if you'd like to... Sleep there." She said as she bit her lower lip. After hearing her masters words of Lara being her mate, it still made her feel uncomfortable. She had the visions yes, just like her master. But she had not wanted this vision to be true. But the ancestors were with both of them and she knew it was useless to ignore and fight against them now.
Lara was surprised to have been accepted so readily into Moonglade. She knew that she owed it all to Sesshi. Lara didn't say a word as Temachi spoke, nor did she try to speak at all, she only listened, and listened well. Moonglade was a place of peace and nature, and she understood that, Lara ensured that her sword was well sheathed. Another surprise hit her when she realized that she was to be accepted into the Earthen Ring, no one other than a Druid or Shaman was given that privilege and her mouth fell open slightly. It was interesting to see this powerful, yet calm and composed Tauren speaking before her. Lara watched and listened, doing nothing more. She bowed a little as Temachi left.

Turning to Sesshi's house Lara gazed up at it for a moment. Then she entered. The house was big enough for both of them and Lara took a walk around the place before following Sesshi to the bedrooms. "I would like to sleep with you." Lara said, looking at the beautiful Blood Elf. "I did not know that the ancestors could tell of our mating." Lara said, still staring at the bed. "Your drudic ways are strange to me, but they are good ways. Unlike the Scarlett Crusade you do not slay the innocent, and though I am a warrior and revel in battle I can appreciate life as well." Lara looked to Sesshi. "I know you make life with you magic...nature gave me these clawed hands to take life...but maybe nature gave me a penis to make life as well?" She said, still staring at Sesshi.
Sesshi had been surprised as well when Lara was accepted to be part of the Earthen Ring, but knew that this was their only option now. She was happy to be home though, very happy actually. She was far away from the war and far away from Garrosh. She knew that once she became a part of the Earthen Ring they would help her with getting Garrosh off of her back. Which is a good thing. The smell of oak was strong in the house and it smelled wonderful to her.

As she gave Lara the tour she noticed the woman seemed a bit impressed with how she had everything set up. When they reached the bedrooms her ears twitched when she heard Lara say she would like to sleep with her. Sesshi's face grew slightly red when she heard that and nodded. "Ummm.. Very well then..." She replied softly as she bit her lower lip slightly. "Yes, the ancestors only speak to those who are open to them. I have the same gift as my master and they've always spoken to me, guided me my entire life. This is why I chose the path of the druid." She paused as she listened to Lara. "We despise the Scarlet Crusade and their ways. As druids it goes against our nature and ways of killing an innocent. However, when we chose a faction like the Alliance or the Horde, we have to go against our nature and ways to survive in war." She sighed as she then blushed again when she heard the last part and shifted slightly on her feet as she turned her gaze to the bed. "But is it possible for another woman... To give life? Even with a penis, is it possible?" She asked nervously as she then turned to look at Lara again.
Lara walked into the bed room and began to strip off peices of her armor, placing them in a neat pile by the bedside. "We could find out." She said softly, sitting on the bed to take off her greaves. Lara looked at Sesshi, she knew that they would need to mate again, and soon. This bed would be prefect, it was warm, quiet and soft. Lara licked her lips and walked back to Sesshi. The worgen was in normal clothes now, beneath which lay her bra and panties. "We should perhaps find something to eat." Lara suggested, cupping Sesshi's cheek.

"I hope I did not lower you status within Moonglade, or amongst you fellow druids." Lara said, walking down the stairs and into the living room. They could mate here as well, perhaps on the floor once again, like the animals they were. "I understand that warriors aren't welcome here, and I know that I am an exception and allowed to be in the Earthen Ring, I'm just worried that others might think little of you because of what I did to you."
Sesshi watched as Lara entered her room and began stripping off the pieces of her armor and placed them neatly by her bed. She walked into the room and went over to the closet as she began changing into her casual drudic clothing for now. It was a simple leafed robe that was green and had leaves on it. "We... We could..." She replied as she could feel her face growing slightly hotter when she looked back at Lara. She knew that Lara needed to mate again soon and now that they were in a safer place, it would be slightly different. Even if it was against her will she could not simply question what the ancestors have showed her. Blushing more when Lara cupped her cheek in her hand as she spoke of getting food. "I have some food saved up in the kitchen. Lets go get something to eat, I also have some ale if you'd like." She said softly as she led Lara out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"You haven't lowered my status at all. If you had master would have told me otherwise. But since this is the will of the ancestors, no one can question it nor judge it. It is what it is now." She replied as her ears lowered slightly as they entered the living room. "If the ancestors will it, then it is destiny we must follow and obey. Non of us, not even the Earthen Ring can go against the will of the ancestors who watch over us. So you do not have to worry about anything Lara, it is because of them that my status hasn't been lowered and because you are welcomed with open arms within the folds of the Earthen Ring. They aren't too happy with what you did to me, but the ancestors foresaw this coming and even my master saw it." She paused as she looked over at the floor and somewhat hid her face for a bit as she spoke.
Lara leaned against the wall in the living room, closing her eyes and listening to Sesshi speak. Lara nodded slightly and frowned. "I understand." She whispered and walked into the kitchen. "if this is the way things are going to be then I will accept it as such." Lara said, moving to Sesshi's side. Once the food was out she helped to bring it to the table. Lara sat down at the opposite end of the table from Sesshi. She wasn't sure when her need for the Blood Elf would arrive, she just knew it would. The food was a mix of cheese, fruit and fungi with bread and ale. Lara was unsure if Druids are meat or fish. Nevertheless she ate what was in her plate, it tasted good, despite being a worgen, Lara loved the food.

When she was done she placed the plate aside and looked to Sesshi. "Thank you, that was lovely." Lara said, looking at the Blood Elf. She felt her cock stir slightly but ignored it for now. "if there is something you need to do, don't wait for me...you can go out and do it, Sesshi." Lara said.
"The only thing we cannot over look here in Moonglade, is fighting. We do have sparing matches often, but we do not fight to kill. That is only part of our training when we have to learn how to survive." She said as she got the food ready. She normally had meat or fish but she was out due to having to work for Garrosh non stop. "I know it's not much but it will have to do for now. Tomorrow we can go hunting for some meat and fish if you'd like. There is a spot near here where we normally go hunting. I will say this though, when we hunt animals, we use all of the animal and give thanks to the ancestors for allowing us such a wonderful meal. This is why you see pelts in my home, well our home now." She said as she took her seat and watched Lara take hers across from her as they ate together.

After they finished eating she got up and gathered her own plate as she walked over and picked up Lara's plate. "You are more than welcome. I hope it was enough. The ale is something my master enjoys brewing. It's a special ale he's been working on long since before I came here. He also makes mead, which is very sweet and very yummy." She said as she giggled slightly as she took the plates over to the counter. "We were told to rest and relax till the ceremony so we probably should do that." She replied as she turned to face Lara. She could feel her lower region starting to stir slightly but she just ignored it as she walked into the living room. She too felt the need to mate again but she didn't want to accept it just yet.
"Sesshi." Lara said, getting up from the chair and walking towards the Blood Elf in the kitchen. "I though I'd reveal something else to you." She whispered and changed form, showing her human self to the Blood Elf. Lara was a tall brunette with full lips and an almond-shaped face. Her eyes were bright and intelligent while he hair cascaded down, to about shoulder-length. Her skin had a slight tan to it from being out in the field for so long.

"Now you've seen it all, Sesshi." Lara whispered, "everything I have to offer...everything I am." She walked towards the Elf. "You know, as well as I, that will need you again, and you know that mating once more will strengthen out bond. You may not like it, but your body wants it and you have to do it." Lara was now whispering heatedly in Sesshi's ear. "I crave you."
Biting her lower lip as Lara walked closer to her as she whispered and then changed into her human form. She was quiet beautiful for a human and she was taken a back as she felt herself blushing again, and her lower region was stirring more. She didn't know that Worgen's could change back into their human forms, she only thought that they lost their original form when they were turned. But this, this was a complete surprise to her.

She listened to Lara's words carefully and she knew what she said was true. Her body was needing to be matted with again and she was having a hard time controlling her urges now. "T-Take... Take me then... Take me now..." She whispered back as she couldn't believe what she was saying. Her body was needing this badly and she needed to be matted with desperately.
The need in Sesshi's voice had Lara hard in a second. The worgen moaned a little as her hand slid into her pants. "You...you mean it? You want me...to take you?" She whispered, surprised at Sesshi's demands. Lara moved closer to Sesshi and ran her lips along the elf's cheek. "You make me so hard...it's so big!" Lara moaned as she took Seshhi's hand and put it down her pants and pressed it against her cock. "Feel it...this is what is going to go...inside you..." Lara moaned with pleasure, she could feel Sesshi's skin against her own.

"I want you, i want you so badly." Lara was breathing heavily now. She took Sesshi by the hand, out of the kitchen and into the living room. "Please, please let me have you...I need you again, desperately." Lara' voice sounded strained, as if she never heard Sesshi tell her to take her in the first place.
She couldn't help herself, her body was craving what Lara could give her. She couldn't lie to herself nor deny she needed it, craved it. Swallowing hard she nodded as her breathing was becoming heavy. "Yes.. I mean it... T-Take me..." She moaned softly as she felt herself growing slightly wet when Lara moved closer to her and ran her lips along her cheek. "I cannot help that I do this to you...." She replied softly as her hand was then taken and pulled down to where her already hard cock was and her legs shook slightly. She rubbed it gently as she nodded again and moaned once more. "I want it inside of me again... My body is craving it..." She whimpered as she allowed Lara to lead her into the living room.

"I want you badly right now too... My body acts so strange when you're around... I cannot help it..." She whined as she removed her robe to expose her undergarments and panted heavily. If one was to look at her crotch they could see she was soaking wet right now. "Please... Please Lara... Take me..." She begged again as she started removing Lara's cloths.
"Yes....Yes!" Lara aid, her voice sounding more confident with every passing second. Sesshi wanted her and she'd have her. Lara pulled the elf down to the floor and allowed her to take off her clothes. Lara's breasts were exposed to Sesshi for the first time, they were quite ample and her nipples were fully erect. Lara, in turn, took off Sesshi's bra after her robes had come off. Lara was in human form for this and she licked her lips as he closed the gab between their bodies. Lara slid her hand into Sesshi's panties and sighed. "Good, it won't hurt as much if you're wet." she whispered.

Lara took off Sesshi's panties and threw them aside, she tore off her own to reveal her cock, long, hard and throbbing. "Turn around, Sesshi...on your hands and knees...once your ass if facing me I want you to put my cock inside your own body...I want to watch you pleasure yourself with my cock." Lara whispered
Her body was glad that Lara was going to let her have what she was now craving. As she was pulled to the floor she pulled Lara's shirt off of her before removing her bra and tossing it to the side with her shirt. She took note on how erect, so perfect and round her breasts were. She blushed and moaned when her breasts popped out of her bra and looked up at Lara with lust in her eyes. She moaned loudly when she felt Lara slide her hand down her panties to feel her wetness. "That's good... Right?" She whispered back as she was getting wetter now.

Once her panties were pulled off and tossed to the side she laid there completely naked for the first time in front of anyone and felt her face grow hotter. She watched Lara tear off her own panties to reveal the cock she had felt just a few moments ago and twitched slightly, needing it. "Y-Yes Lara..." She moaned as she got on her hands and knees and looked over at Lara and gently grabbed her cock and began rubbing it against the folds of her pussy, making sure she got it lubbed well before slowly inserting it into her pussy. Causing her to moan loudly. "Fuck... Fuck me please... Fill me with your seed... I want your cum inside of me badly... If you think you can give life... Then let us try and create life together..." She panted as she was begging to be fucked.
Lara grunted loudly as she felt Sesshi pull her cock into her pussy. Lara's hands moved to Sesshi's hips and she heard the Blood Elf's words. "Oh yes...Oh yes! So good...so tight!" Lara had her eyes closed shut, she had her teeth gritted as she strained to keep control over her body. Slowly, Lara pulled her hips back before pushing them into Sesshi again. Then she repeated the process before setting up a rhythm. The living room began to fill with the girls' moans as Lara thrust away into Sesshi. The worgen pressed her human hands into Sesshi's hips and held on for dear life as she fucked away into the Blood Elf.

They were like animals on the floor, Lara was grunting and panting loudly as she rubbed her cock against Sesshi's inner walls. "Oh Sesshi! Sesshi please...you make it so good, so good...please Oh-p-please!" Lara was lost in her lust, her pleasure and her satisfaction. Lara began to fuck Sesshi hard, even pulling her hips back so she could dig deeper inside the Elf.
She moaned loudly as she felt Lara's cock enter her pussy. "So big! But... But feels so good.~" She moaned as she could feel waves of pleasure flowing through her entire body. Oh this felt better than the first time her body was taken, but then again this was her choice to be taken this time. She let both her hands rest on the ground as she began panting slightly when Lara started to slowly pullout before pushing back into her. "Nnnn...." She moaned as she was enjoying the feel of Lara's cock inside of her.

Clenching the ground with her fists as her body began slowly rocking back and forth as her moans could be heard pretty well. In deed they were like animals, due to the fact that Sesshi was an animal by nature and the fact that Lara was a Worgen, despite the fact that she was in her human form. "Harder! Fuck me harder please! I need more! My body is screaming for more!" She growled lightly as her own feral instincts to mate where starting to take over her.
"yes! Yes!" Lara said, a little louder. "I have more." She thrust hard into Sesshi again and again. "Take it! Take it! take it all!" he shouted, fucking her faster and deeper. Her mouth hung open as she looked down to Sesshi's back and her hips moving in time with her own. She could feel her cock moving over and over again. This had to be right, this had to be good, otherwise why give her a cock this big? It gave her intense pleasure to do this. Lara reached forth and took hold of a little of Sesshi's hair, twirling it between her fingers. "Nnn...Nnnn...Ah!" She gasped as she slammed her pelvis into Sesshi's ass.

"You like this? Don't you!" Lara said, growling a little. "You love being fucked by my cock...tell me how you feel, Sesshi!"
"Good! Good! I'm glad! I want it all! I want to feel your hot seed deep inside my womb!" She cried out as her pussy was now starting to get pumped pretty well with Lara's cock. "Give it all to me! Do not hold back!" She growled as her feral side was now starting to fully take over her body and mind. She was enjoying the feel of Lara's throbbing cock that was being pumped into her tight little pussy. "More more more!" She cried out as her juices were spilling out on the floor below them.

"I... I love this..." She whimpered as her body was growing very hot from her needs. "Your cock feels so good inside of me! It feels so damn good! Fuck... Fuck... I can feel my orgasm starting to build!" She growled as her nails were now digging into the wooden floor below her.
Lara grunted loudly and began to ram her cock into Sesshi. The room filled with a wet, slapping sound as the two of them fucked each other on the floor. "Ugh! Your pussy like's that, doesn't it? Gods, you like it, don't you?!" Lara said, opening her eyes and looking down to Sesshi on the floor. "You speak your needs. I love it!" She said happily as she could satisfy Sesshi because she shouted what she craved.

Lara watched as Sesshi's juices spilled on the floor and smiled. "Cover it...cover the whole floor in it...cover me, every inch of me, Sesshi. Do it! Squirt on me, I want your scent, I want it now!" Lara moaned and shoved her cock into Sesshi over and over again, grunting with pleasure and exertion. She was sweating and it dripped down her body and fell onto Sesshi's fine ass. Some of it trailed down her stomach to her dick only to be shoved inside Sesshi quicklyand forcefully.
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