A New Ownership Found [Himeko x Eyesoffire]


The wolf who serves
Mar 11, 2011
She was pacing back and forth outside the Warchief's quarters as she waited to be called in. She hated waiting like this and didn't wish to wait any longer. She just wanted to get it all over with so she wouldn't have to see Garrosh for that long. Sesshi Sunsorrow was the daughter of her aunt's younger sister, Mio Sunsorrow. Her sister, Rinsho was already out on a mission that Garrosh had sent her on about a week ago, though from what she gathered her sister had been sent out to Pandaria like her mother and most of her family. She was a rare Blood Elf though for her choice in class, seeing as almost everyone of her kind strayed from the druidic path. For Sesshi, she embraced the path she had chosen as a druid and when she was of age sought out someone who could teach her the ways of being a Druid. When she had finally reached Moonglade the guards had stopped her and told her only druids and druids in training were allowed in, she told them that she had came there seeking to become a druid and needless to say, they were quiet surprised. "You're the first of your kind to come to us seeking our way of life. Pray tell child why do you wish to become a druid?" One of the guards had asked her. "I maybe a Blood Elf, but we were once High Elves. Despite the fact that I followed the path of my family and curved my addiction from arcane magic for another source, but I wish to become a druid to show that even though we abandoned our true natures before we can still follow the paths of nature. Hunters follow the path of nature, do they not? They take care of their pets who are from nature, so why should I be any different from learning my true calling as a druid? I do not need fel magic anymore nor do I seek it. I have found myself living as one with nature ever since I was born as a High Elf and after becoming a Blood Elf I have missed my true calling in life. I ask, no I beg of you to please allow me to really become one with nature!" She explained as the guards had looked at each other in shock and nodded to one another. "Very well then child, if what you say is true then please follow us. We see you have brought no weapons with you, which is wise yet not smart since you had no way of protecting yourself on your journey here. Come with us and we shall take you to your new trainer, Temachi Softhoof." The guard on the left spoke as she nodded and followed the guard inside Moonglade. As they walked she looked around her new surroundings and was impressed with how lovely it all looked being surrounded by nature.

After walking for a bit the guard stopped by one of the houses and knocked on the door. "Master Temachi, we have brought you a very interesting girl who wishes to learn our ways." The guard spoke as noises inside could be heard. The door opened and a very large male Tauren looked at them and looked over Sesshi with a curious look. "Hmmm... So a Blood Elf wishes to learn our ways? Why do you wish to become a druid little one?" He asked as his mellow green eyes looked her over. The guard explained what Sesshi had told them and his eyes widened with glee. "I had foreseen one of your kind coming to me to learn our ways, one who has abandoned their old path of huger for fel and arcane magic. You are the one who my dreams spoke highly of. Very well then, if the ancestors have your blessing, then I will teach you personally. Narus, leave the girl with me and find her one of the empty homes please. She will be living amungst us from this day forward." He spoke to the guard and Narus nodded and left them as she went to carry out the order. "Come inside little one and make yourself at home." He said as he moved out of the doorway to grant her passage. "Yes Master Temachi, thank you." She replied softly as she entered his home and looked around for a seat. His home was rather large, but it was a given due to how large he was. But it was very well decorated to say the least. Just by looking at it from the outside you could easily tell a druid lived here, but once inside it was more obvious. Finding a seat she sat down as he walked over to sit down in front of her. "Now tell me child, just what made you want to stray from the path that the rest of your kind walks on?" He asked as he got up and started gathering some dried herbs. "Well master, I have always been in tune with nature and even after following my family into finding a new addiction, I still longed to be with nature. A druid seems to be the only path that suits me." She answered as she watched him gathering the herbs. "Well that pleases me to no end to hear this from you child. You wish to walk the path that we druids take and I will help you. The ancestors have given you their blessing and I will train you. From this day forth I am your master and your mentor. You will live with us and should you chose to go back to the Horde to help aid them, you are more than free to do so. But do not stray from this path ever child. Do you understand me?" He asked as he walked back over with the herbs and gave her a stern look. "Yes I do." She replied simply and he nodded as he tossed the herbs into the bowl on the table. "Very well then. You will be known as one of us after we go through the ceremony." He spoke as she watched him carefully. "These herbs here will be lit on fire and you are to inhale them. These are the purifying herbs that will help purify your body, soul, and mind. It will also let me have a glimpse of your past to see which path of a druid would be best suited for you." He finished as she nodded and waited for him to continue.

Once he lit the herbs the room began to fill with the smoke from them as she inhaled slowly and deeply. Closing her eyes as she cleared her mind of everything as he had further instructed and allowed herself to be free of everything. He saw her past and how gruesome and horrible it had been. How her family had suffered so much, yet despite all of that, she remained pure of heart. She was innocent and only killed when she had to. But he could also see she was a proud member of the Horde and upheld the laws of Thrall when he took her kind in. Saw how much time she had stayed in the forest and refused to live in the city like the rest of her kind. So much he had seen and he understood her path very clearly. She was a rare one that was true. One that would be able to match any role of a druid and master all roles. Only he himself and a select few could have had this path chosen for them, and she was now one of the few. After he was finished he cleared his throat to let her know she was free to open her eyes and listen to him. Opening her eyes she looked at him as he stood up and bowed before her, surprising her. "You, Sesshi Sunsorrow are one of a kind and you are more pure than any other Blood Elf I have ever met. Your path has been chosen for you and you are like me, you will be able to master any role of the druid and master all roles. There are only a few of us who can do this, and you child are one of them. I am glad the ancestors sent you to me, there is no other druid here in the village that can teach you the proper ways that I can. Your training will start tomorrow seeing as it's been a long day and Narus is back with the key to your new home. Go get some rest child. You have new cloths that will not shred when you do change forms. But go get some rest child and we will begin your training in the morning. Food is also provided for you and everything has been taken care of so you need not worry. You will fully be one of us after the ceremony tonight. I look forward to seeing you there with us, sister." He finished and got up to lead her out. "I am very grateful for this master, I truly am." She said as he nodded and Narus bowed before them. "I too look forward to seeing you tonight and the ceremony master. I am just so glad that my path in life is truly what I had wanted for." She finished as she bowed before him and took her leave with Narus as she was led to her new home...

She sighed as she had remembered what brought her to her path and smiled softly to herself as she continued to wait outside to be called in. The ceremony had been a nice one though, and even though the training was really harsh and brutal, she still managed it and was persistent in learning the ways of a druid, which she had passed with flying colors and was the best student her master had ever taught. One of the Kor'Kron walked out and gave her a grunt look as he cleared his throat. "The Warchief will see you now druid." He spoke as she nodded as she was led inside. "Sesshi! I am pleased to see you and I have an important mission for you." Garrosh gruffly spoke as her ears twitched as she listened to him. Getting up from his throne he walked over to the map of Azeroth and pointed at a location which she recognized. "There is an Alliance camp that has been formed here in Felwood and I want you to go there and assassinate every Alliance scum you see there. We aren't taking prisoners and I want you to do this as a solo mission. With your skills this should be no problem for you at all. Correct? Now! I want you to gather ANY information on the enemy as you can and report back to me AFTER you complete your mission and return to Orgrimmar with haste. Do NOT dawdle druid or it may cost you dearly!" He ordered as she nodded. "As you wish Warchief." She bowed and he waved his large red hand at her, dismissing her and she then took her leave. She had everything she needed and shifted into her flight form and made haste to Felwood, just wanting to get the hell out of Orgrimmar and away from Garrosh as fast as she could. Once outside of Durotar she sighed to herself and continued to fly to Felwood. "That fucking fool doesn't deserve the title as 'Warchief' I will never understand why Thrall left us with this madman." She spat as she passed over what is now known as The Northern Barrens. It took her two days to get to Felwood and when she finally reached her mark, she landed and shifted into her lynx form and waited for the rest of the sun to set. She could hear the Alliance talking amungst themselves and could understand what they were saying. After all, she could understand any language and was one of the best assassins her family had to offer aside from her sister Rinsho and her aunt Himeko. She didn't know that she was being watched, let alone that the Alliance had set up an ambush for in case someone from the Horde came, but she stood still and was stealthed as best as she could possibly be. Still waiting for the right moment to pounce and make it their last moments of breathing.
She smelled the druid before seeing her. Lara's eyes (Top row, 2nd from left, the purple) opened wide as she silently moved from the tree's base, through the thick, dead undergrowth of Felwood. Her armor was off her body, the large worgen warrior crawled on all fours until she spotted the source of the scent. An animal, curious, Lara moved closer, she wasn't used to seeing an animal like this in this part of Azeroth. Most things here were dying or demonic, but this was a cat.

She suddenly felt an urge she had tried to suppress so often. Lara moved back a little. Growing up she never became close to anyone, her own body had scared her. She remembered cold, wet streets, being lonely and hungry. She clearly had a vixen's face, and her body was everything a man would want, but there was something else to her, something she hid from the world. Lara hid it well when she chose to become a warrior. Her training was constant, she saw every fight as a chance to improve and the men stayed away from her because she was dangerous. However she found herself being pulled towards women, a need that she couldn't stop. She left Gilneas to pursue a career as a warrior, and she knew that the Horde was the best enemy to fight. that was why she came to Felwood, to be close to the action, to engage in bloody battle and strike down her enemies. Yet...here she was, watching a cat and aching for it.

Lara took a few deep breaths and smelled for any other scents, no other Alliance members were nearby, just her and this cat. She wondered if it was some Forsaken trick...there was no other race in the Horde she hated more than the Forsaken. She respected orcs, tauren and trolls for their combat prowess and she knew that Blood Elves and Goblins could be dangerous in their own right, but Forsaken, the bastards attacked the innocent and slew even the young. They were the ones who committed the most war crimes, even going so far as to use the plague to wipe out the Gilnean population. Lara had no qualms about Garrosh, the orc was responsible for the increased hostility of the Horde towards the Alliance. She was glad for that, that meant more fighting, and more chances to become even better.

Lara edged a little closer, moving as silently as possible, she knew cats had sensitive ears, even large ones such as this. She moved a little closer and then sprang forwards, tackling the cat to the ground and pinning it under her. As a warrior Lara was naturally strong, but in her worgen form it made her even stronger. She sniffed the cat's neck and smelled something different, something pure, natural, clean. Her groin stirred. She was breathing faster. Something was strange with her body and she knew it.
It seemed like the sun was setting slower just because she was wanting it to. Due to how dead the place was it did make it a bit trickier to hide and conceal herself. But the spot she had found was a bit better to hide in so she stayed there and waited. She could hear movement near her but thought that it was just another animal. But if one got close enough to her they could see the druidic markings on her shoulders that glew from the fel energies in her body. Even though she did not feed off of fel magic, it was still in her body and was something she could not help.

She watched as the camp was starting to clear out which made her a bit nervous to say the least. Just what are they up to? She thought as she tilted her head and watched them leave. She was thinking about just snooping around the campsite while they were away to see if she could find any useful information for Garrosh but decided to just wait to be on the safe side. After all she didn't want someone left behind catching her in the act. She heard more movement and her ears twitched as the sound was getting closer to her now. She was starting to get a little worried at this point but refused to let who or whatever fully notice she was here.

Stealth missions she was great with, stealth missions in these types of areas, not so much. After Garrosh had taken over as Warchief he had sent her and her family on the worst types of missions ever imaginable, and they were more risky than Thrall would have ever had sent them on. But this was the life she had to live now and she hated it. She loved the Horde, but this wasn't the Horde she grew to love. It was darker and evil, something she was against strongly. It went against her nature and teachings as a druid to use the dark magic that Garrosh was having his shamans and warlocks use. Even the Darkspear tribe refused to use such magics seeing as it went against their ways that Thrall had taught them.

The sound had stopped now and she sighed in relief but she was too soon to let her guard down as she was then tackled and pinned. Grunting she tried to get a glimpse of her attacker but couldn't due to the position she was in. She could smell that her attacker was a Worgen and knew she had been found out. "Get the hell off of me Alliance scum!" She snarled as she contemplated on changing into her bear or moonkin form. Today clearly wasn't her day seeing as for the first time in her entire life of doing these stealth missions, she had been caught. The Worgen had her pinned down really good and she was still trying to figure out just which form she should take to deal with this Worgen. It was humillating to be caught like this, let alone pinned down. She managed to move her head a bit to get a look at her captor and noticed it was a female. "Lovely... Getting caught by another woman... Now I really am letting myself go here to be caught by anyone let alone a Worgen." She sighed as she tried to push her off of her but to fail miserably.
"A talking cat." Lara said, grinning. So it wasn't just any animal, it was a druid. She ensured that she securely had the druid pinned down, now it was more dangerous than a mere cat. "Your stealth can't keep my sense of smell from hiding you." Lara teased as her eyes scanned the body of the cat. She wondered whether it was a troll or tauren in the cat's skin. Lara wasn't too familiar with druids and how different their forms looked from one another. However she did see the markings, fel symbols marked her body, that gave off a fel energy. Lara furrowed her brow, unsure of what kind of Horde solider she had caught. She sniffed the cat once more and tried to understand the scent. Lara knew it was a female, again her groin twitched. She tried to suppress her growing need with a small grunt.

"If you try to run I will hunt you to the ends of Azeroth and beyond...you can bet I will find you, I am worgen after all." She threatened the druid. Lara got up and pulled a small knife from her belt and held it to the druid's throat. "One wrong move and I'll slice you open, you won't even be able to scream as you die." She growled. Lara escorted the druid back to their camp, only to find that everyone had left. She frowned. No one had informed her that they would be moving out. Perhaps a drill was going on, either way the sentries wouldn't need to go as they had a job to do. Since their commanding officer went off as well Lara decided to move the druid into her own tent. She closed the tent off behind her and twirled the knife expertly in her arms before sheathing it.

"It's just you and me, Horde filth." Lara said, kneeling down to the Druid's level. "Tell me the truth of why you're here and I won't kill you...then explain it to the rest of the officers here and you'll be allowed to live in peace, away from all this battle and bloodshed."
She couldn't help but sigh when she was called a talking cat. Not all druids could talk in their animal forms, but she was one of the few who could. The Worgen made sure she was pinned down to where escape was out of the questions but she would see what she could learn if possible. "I was trained well after all. But I should have known they'd have a Worgen with them." She sighed again as she tried to wiggle free. She could feel the Worgen's eyes looking over her body and knew she was found out to be a druid, however being the only Blood Elf druid it would be hard for the Worgen to find out just what her race really was, so she figured she'd stay in her lynx form for now. "Why in the hell must you keep snuffing me you damn mutt?!" She snarled as she tried to push the Worgen off her again.

"I have no intentions of running away, just carrying out the orders my Warchief has given me." She spat as she then felt a knife being held to her throat. Lovely... Well now I'm in a bad bind here now... How am I gonna get out of this now? She thought as she tried to remain calm and cool as the woman threatened her. She allowed the woman to escort her to the camp that was empty but she kept her guard up. She could easily escape and strike back, but she didn't want to make anymore false moves like she had already made by getting caught. She was led into one of the tents, which she assumed was the Worgen's tent and found a empty space and sat down there, letting her tail wrap itself around her body.

"Call me whatever you'd like mutt. I've been called worse and treated worse before." She said as she looked into the Worgen's purple eyes and sighed when she was questioned about why she was there. "If I tell you Garrosh will kill me, then again if I don't tell you I will die by Alliance hands...." She paused as she thought of her choices and lowered her long red lynx ears as she sighed heavily. "Fine... I'll tell you, I do not wish to die by Garrosh's hands so kill me swiftly after you hear me out. I was sent here to assassinate all the Alliance here at this camp with no help. I was supposed to learn everything I could and gather as much information about why you all were here when you shouldn't be. Now, I have told you everything so make my death quick and clean please." She answered as she closed her eyes and waited for the Worgen to kill her off. Not knowing the woman had other plans for her.
Lara put the knife away. He stared at the druid for some time. Then she sat down across the large tent from the druid and watched her in silence. "You won't die by my hand, druid." Lara said sternly. "You kept your promise, and I will make sure Garrosh will not hear you told us of his plans." Lara didn't understand it, but she didn't feel like this druid should be locked up. She walked over to a nearby table and poured water into a cup. Then Lara walked towards to druid and held out the cup for her. "You must have flown far to get here." Lara said, placing the cup in front of her to drink. She knew the druid would have to change into her normal form to drink from the cup.

"The Alliance does not kill prisoners of war. And I do not intend to dishonor myself by killing you." As a worgen warrior, Lara had a strict sense of honor. "You are my prisoner, but that doesn't mean I should treat you ill. You helped me out, I will help you by making sure you're strong enough to survive the journey back to Stormwind and live in jail until this damn war is over." Lara leaned into to accentuate a point. "but know that this is all I will do for you, nothing more. I do not care if you die in jail, I just need to make sure you stay alive to get there."

Lara poured herself a cup and drank it quickly. "You'd better drink up quickly. I don't know when the rest of the soldiers will come back, but when they do they will want to talk with you for some time, and you won't be getting much water then."
She raised her head slightly as she heard the Worgen say she wasn't going to kill her and that her betrayal to the Horde had been let out. She was a bit relieved but knew she would be killed by Garrosh should she not return. She watched the Worgen go over and pour some water into a cup and sat it down in front of her. She didn't shift back into her elven form instead she lapped up the water from the cup with her tongue and looked back up at the woman. "Thank you for the water." She said as she continued lap the water up and small purring could be heard from her.

"Well at least your faction has honor still, wish I could say the same for mine..." She paused as she looked at how little water there was left. "Sadly this war will never end... I knew I should have just stayed in Moonglade and joined the Druids of the Earthen Ring. Too late for that now, eh?" She laughed weakly as her ears lowered again at the thought of dying inside of one of the cells all alone. The thought of never being able to see her family again made her sad yet she knew this would happen if she had gotten caught. "I wish I hadn't failed... Mother... Sisters... I'm so sorry I won't be returning home again..." She spoke softly to herself as she finished off her water for fear when the others would be returning to interrogate her. "At least you treat your prisoners better than Garrosh treats those of us within he faction... We have to work to earn anything, I was lucky enough to have been born into the family that is very skilled with their classes and knows just how to work things out. My aunt is a great diplomat and I wished I had learned more from her in that sense. But all in all... I should have never left Moonglade..." She finished as she laid down on her belly and let her golden eyes wonder around the tent.
Lara felt that urge again but suppressed it. She nodded slowly, listening to the druid. Hey eyes moved over her body and they landed on the markings again. No tauren or troll had those, she reminded herself. Lara got up and ran her hand through the cat's fur until she touched one of the fel marks. She frowned and looked closer, they seemed part of her skin. "The Horde disgraces itself in one way, but honors itself in another. You still have Thrall who battles for the fate of the Earth and all things living, believe in him if you must." She whispered to the druid.

"Moonglade was a wise choice, it is peaceful there I hear, at least from my worgen brethren who are druids. Many of the Alliance and Horde see it as a sacred place, if I am not mistaken. To be moved from Moonglade to Felwood is a drastic change. It is a shame you were caught by me. Though I cannot let you leave here. I am sorry." Lara then ran her finger over one of the marks and felt her body shift. "What are these? I have seen no troll or tauren druid with these markings."
She watched the woman looking over her body again and watched as her eyes landed on her markings. As the woman went back over to her and ran her fingers through her red fur she purred slightly and then felt the clawed hand reach one of her markings. Yes they were part of her skin, like every other druid, she had her own special markings. "Thrall has abandoned us... He abandoned us the day he left that... That madman in charge as Warchief! Garrosh wants to eradicate those who are not of PURE Orc blood from the Horde. Our lives mean nothing to him." She replied as she laid her head down on her large paws.

"I lived in Moonglade for years and after my training was complete, I returned to the Horde and now I serve Garrosh whom I hate but have no choice... I loved my home back in Moonglade, I do visit my home from time to time. But I'm mostly stuck inside the confounds of Orgrimmar. Garrosh likes to keep me on a tight leash, so to say. Though... I hate having to live as a prisoner no matter where I go... But I cannot escape what has happened and even IF I managed to escape, Garrosh would kill me on sight." She sighed as she felt the woman running her finger over one of her markings and felt her shift a bit from her finger. "That is my own special markings, each druid is given them. But I will tell you this now, I am neither a Troll nor am I a Tauren. I do not like my enemies knowing my true race for they'd use me for whatever experiments. This is why I haven't changed back into my normal form. If I'm to die I'd rather die in my beast form than die from being experimented on and dissected." She replied as she looked up into the woman's eyes, as if pleading to reconsider sending her to the jails in Stormwind.
"Do I look like someone who will experiment upon you?" Lara said. Lifting her hand from the druid's fur and sitting by her side. "I am a warrior, warriors do not experiment. If I wanted to kill you I would have tried. But I chose to give you life. And you will continue to live, druid." Lara's purple eyes seemed to glow, her secret throbbed a little. She held out her hand, knowing that this druid wasn't just an enemy any more. "I am Lara, Lara Cresthill from Gilneas." She leaned back a bit. "I cannot trust you fully if you do not reveal to me who you truly are. And I want to trust you. If I thought you an enemy then we wouldn't have been having this discussion, would we?" For the first time, Lara smiled at the druid, it was a pretty smile. "I am not Garrosh, you have nothing to fear from me." She said softly.
"You may not experiment on me... But once I am thrown into jail and should I shift out of my form... They will see me for what I am and they will experiment on me... You may have spared me for now, but I do not think I will get so lucky with the guards in Stormwind." She murmured softly as she watched the woman hold out a hand as she introduced herself. "My name is Sesshi Sunsorrow... Though I still do not really wish to give my race yet. I hope giving you my name should work for now." She replied and she felt herself rubbing her head against the woman's arm. Something she had never done before unless she was being petted by someone in her family. Recoiling her head she backed up a bit. "S=Sorry! I don't normally do that... I... I didn't mean to do that..." She apologized as she saw Lara smile at her, which for a Worgen it was a very pretty smile. "This is true that you are not Garrosh, but I cannot help but be scared." She whispered as she laid back down and rested her head back down on her paws.
Lara turned and sniffed the air a bit, closing her eyes as she took in what she smelled. She opened her eyes and looked back at Sesshi. "No one is here, their scents are long gone. I think perhaps I may see who you are? I am curious to know. Please." She looked longingly into the eyes of the druid. "I gave you my word that you would not die and I haven't killed you, I have given you water." Lara moved closer to Sesshi. "Do not apologize for that, I enjoy your touch. Please." She smiled again. "Allow me one look, you secret will be safe with me, I swear it." Lara hoped that she could at least befriend this druid for the time being as she didn't make many friends due to her secret. It ensured that she keep her distance from everyone. But this druid was different, she felt a slight attraction to her. "Sesshi, I promise you that you may return back to your cat form once the other arrive. I will tell them I found you like this and that is all."
She too sniffed the air and noticed that yes in fact they were long gone. She sighed as she saw the longing look in her eyes, which she didn't really understand it but she lowered her eyes and nodded. "I do not know if I can fully trust your words on not telling anyone... But if I find you out to be lying to me I will find a way to get even with you." She replied as she let out another sigh and shifted back into her Blood Elf form. Her face was concealed by the phoenix hood she wore that matched the rest of her phoenix outfit she had been granted after she helped defeat Deathwing. It was a special outfit made by her master Temachi himself, he figured she had more than earned it for all she did for Azeroth. Her black hair was tied up and stuffed inside the hood as she leaned back against the wall and looked at Lara with her fel green eyes. "This is my true form. I am not like any other of my kind, where they have all forsaken nature to this point, I haven't." She said as she pulled one of her knees up and let her other leg lay there on the ground. "Though my last name alone should have given you more evidence that I was a Blood Elf. But alas, now you've seen my true form. And you're the first Alliance to ever see me like this to live. I came across a Human Mage who saw me change while I was bathing and he wanted to have the priests experiment on me to see just why I was so different from the other Blood Elves. Simple fact is, I like the rest of my kind use to be a High Elf, but I never strayed from nature and this is why I chose the path of a druid. To maybe someday bring my kind back to nature and its roots." She said as she continued to watch Lara with careful eyes. "But why do you say you enjoy my touch?" She asked curiously, letting her elven curiosity get the best of her here.
Lara's eyes widened as she looked over the druid. She would never have guess she was a Blood Elf, even with that last name. Lara's curiosity grew as well. She leaned in, "You're not keeping you end of the bargain fully." She whispered and pulled down her Phoenix hood to look at Sesshi's face. Once she glimpsed it her need reached new heights. Lara licked her lips and moved closer to the Blood Elf. "I...I..." She stammered a little and ran her hand up Sesshi's arms slowly. "I was just being honest with you when I said I enjoy your touch." Her voice got a little softer.

Lara had this urge to have the elf, to mate with her and claim her as her own. "Sesshi...I need to..." She stopped herself but let his hand slip slowly between the Blood Elf's armor to feel her skin. "I have to..." Lara whispered, her purple eyes locking with Sesshi's green ones. She slid her hand down almost between her legs and felt the opposite of what she had. Lara's blood rushed to her groin and it grew quickly, hard in a matter of seconds, but still hidden in her pants. Lara swallowed and pressed her breasts against the Blood Elf's leather armor. "You opened up to me." Lara whispered in her ear. "I should...I should do this same." She said and reached down to her pants. "Promise you won't tell anyone." She whispered in Sesshi's ear, her tone dripping with lust.
Her body had stiffened a bit when Lara got closer to her and pulled her hood down to reveal her face and allowing her hair to fall down, yet still held in it's hair band. As Lara moved closer to her she heard the woman stutter slightly before finishing her sentence, which caused Sesshi to blush slightly. "This is a first for me... I've never had anyone tell me they enjoyed my touch before, then again I normally live alone and secluded." She replied as she bit her lower lip and she could sense a slight change in Lara's actions now.

Her pale ears twitched as she heard a form of urgency in Lara's voice now as she began speaking but felt her face grow very hot when she slipped her hand between her leather armor to feel her skin. "Lara? W-What are you doing?" She asked with shock and worry in her voice as she then felt her slide her hand down to her lower region. She didn't know what to do or say right now as she feared if she acted out she'd be killed, or worse, handed over to be experimented on. She felt the woman's breasts pressing into her armor now, causing Sesshi's breathing to become a bit heavier. She swallowed hard and bit her lower lip to prevent a moan from escaping when she felt the warmth from Lara whispering in her ear.

See elves have very sensitive ears and she knew it was one of her weaknesses even though she had never been in this situation before. She only knew from her mother and aunt explaining it to her. "I... I won't tell anyone, just please don't hurt me." She whispered back as her eyes now looked down at Lara's pants where she had reached with her hand. Something inside of her told her what might happen next and it made her worry more. "P-Please... You don't want to do this to me..." She whimpered as she could tell that this woman was needing her and in many ways, had claimed her for herself.
"I-I do want to..." Lara said, taking hold of her secret and pulling her pants down with her other hand. "I need you." She breathed in time with dropping her pants to reveal her large, thick cock. She moved closer to Sesshi, pressing against her once more. Lara slipped her hands into Sesshi's leather armor and pulled down her robes to reveal her underwear. "Nng!" Lara grunted, gritting her teeth, the sight of her underwear sent a jolt up her cock, making it harder, longer. "i need this." She whispered and wrapped one hand around the Blood Elf while the other gripped her rod.

Lara lowered her arm and pulled down the Elf's underwear to her knees. She saw the folds of her womanhood and knew that was where he had to enter. She'd kept his part of her a secret for so long, but now she knew it was who she was, all of this came naturally. "I trust you, Sesshi. Just let me do this...trust me." Lara whispered and nipped her ear as she pressed the head of her cock against Sesshi's folds. The pleasure was indescribable and Lara felt the need to push in further.
Her ears lowered as she listened to Lara saying she wanted to do this. As she watched Lara pull her pants down and her eyes grew wide in shock as she saw the large and thick cock that had been hidden by her pants. "W-Why do you n-need me?" She whimpered as she tried to back up more but couldn't as her body wouldn't move. The woman had moved closer to her again and was now pressing against her body once more as she felt her hands now slipping into leather pants before pulling them down to reveal her panties. "P-Please don't do this!" She whimpered again as Lara wrapped her hand around Sesshi and then gripped the member.

This was so wrong! She had never done anything like this before and didn't know how to deal with this situation. As her underwear had been pulled down to her knees she felt herself very exposed and more afraid now. "I really don't have much choice do I? I... I've never done this before... I..." She stopped when her ear had been nipped and she felt the head of the cock pressing against the folds of her womanhood. Her breathing was becoming more heavier as she swallowed hard again and knew what was next and feared it.
"Shhhh, you want this as much as I do." Lara whispered before nipping her ear a little harder as she pushed her cock inside of Sesshi. The elf was tight, warm and tight. Lara strained to push the rest of his shaft inside the druid. It took a minute for her to get to her hilt. This was the first time she'd ever experienced anything like this. Lara moaned loudly. Pleasure was everywhere in her body and she gripped Sesshi tighter before drawing her cock back only to thrust it in again. "Oh yes, yes...!" he exclaimed in a breathless tone. Lara was fully on top of Sesshi now, pumping away at her pussy, each thrust feeling better than the last. "Oh I love this...yes!" Her eyes were closed and her mouth open as her body moved forwards and back, her breasts dangling down, swaying with the motion.

Lara looked down and opened her eyes to see Sesshi under her. Her eyes locked with the Blood Elf's, "Don't you like this...this feeling...me...inside you...deep, pushing deeper and deeper..." Lara licked her lips. "You feel so good...so good, Sesshi. I love your body."
She didn't want this at all but her body was slowly betraying her against her will. "P-Please stop." She whimpered again as she felt her ear being nipped at a bit harder this time as her eyes grew wider when she felt the cock push inside of her. She yelped out in pain as she felt it push inside of her more and then bit her lip hard as she muffled a silent scream when her cervix had been broken. A few tears trickled down her cheeks as the pain was so horrible and she could feel the cock inside of her was throbbing. Never in her entire life had she felt this kind of pain before and she hated it. The woman's grip on her tightened as she felt the cock slide out of her but thrusted back inside of her causing her to muffle another cry of pain out.

Lara was fully on top of her now as she was thrusting in and out of her. The pain was starting to slowly go away but she could feel everything starting to slip from her. Her body was slowly starting to enjoy it but her mind was screaming and yelling at her, telling her to get away from this woman. But she had pretty much just been stripped of everything once her virginity had been taken from her. Not only had she been captured by the enemy, but now she was getting raped by the same person who had captured her! When Lara opened her eyes and looked down at Sesshi, letting their eyes lock she could see nothing but pure lust in them. "Please... Just stop... Just let me go please... I promise to never return and I will give Garrosh false information... Just please... Nnnn..." She was cut off by a small moan as she could feel her body starting to betray her even more now! Damn it... No mater how hard my mind fights against this my stupid body keeps betraying me completely! She thought as she could now feel her lower body starting to buck slightly as she could also feel a form of moisture coming from her lower region.
Lara heard Sesshi's words but didn't stop. She continued to thrust away into the Elf. "I can't...I need this...please." he said, straining as pleasure made the words catch in her throat. "You'll like this...give it time, Sesshi." She gasped and continued to fuck the Elf.

Lara's breasts lowered and were now rubbing against Sesshi's. The worgen closed her eyes and grunted over the Elf. She could feel an intense head travel down her body to her cock. It throbbed a few times and Lara moaned a little before she bit her lower lip. "You're...you're so warm...so tight and warm...I never knew it was like this...never...ah!" Her eyes closed again as he began to rub her pelvis against Sesshi's folds when she went in hilt-deep.

"How am I?" Lara asked, eyes still shut, mouth open, breathing loudly. "How do I feel when I'm fully inside of you?"
Part of her could sympathize with this woman but she still did not want this, not like this. Like this? She'll like this in time?! She didn't want this in the first place! But she was forced into this and knew there was no turning back now.

Sesshi could feel Lara's breast rubbing against her own through the leather top and could feel that underneath her top part of her armor, her nipples were getting a bit hard. She could feel every twitch and every throb the cock made inside of her and caused more of her juices to start to flow out of her. Her body was betraying her more as she felt Lara start to rub her pelvis against her folds as she was now buried deep inside of her.

Her mind was now racing as she closed her eyes and felt her body buck slightly more. She didn't know how to answer Lara when she was asked those questions. "This is wrong... I don't like this at all! This is my first time and I'm being taken against my will!" She replied as her body shuttered slightly. "I do not even know how to answer your questions when I do not even know how to begin to explain this!" She panted as her breathing was now starting to become slightly harder for her.
"Oh! But it feels...so...good!" Lara said as she continued to push in. She could feel how wet Sesshi had become, and she knew that that was a reaction to pleasure. "You're wet, I know it...I can feel it against my body." Lara sighed and reached a hand down to let her fingers rub against Sesshi's clit. The small ball of flesh over her pussy that Lara had heard off. it took her time to remember about it since she was so consumed by pleasure. She was panting loudly like a dog over the elf. Lara then looked down at Sesshi and kissed her, the worgen's tongue invaded the elf's mouth and caressed the elf's tongue in an almost loving way.

In fact Lara wasn't riding Sesshi hard and fast, she was fucking her like a lover would.
"Maybe to you!" She whined as her pussy was continuing to be used for this Worgen's own pleasure. She lowered her ears when she was told that Lara could feel she was wet, confirming her body had betrayed her even more. She let out a small moan when her clit was now being rubbed, causing her body to arch slightly and press her clit more into Lara's finger. The moment she had opened her mouth to let that small moan out her mouth was then invaded by the Worgen's long and rough tongue as her own tongue was now being caressed.

Even her mouth was no longer safe as it had now been invaded by the other's tongue. Even though Lara was riding her at a decent pace, it still felt like she was going slightly faster and quiet hard. But that was just to her due to her refusing to accept this position she was now placed in against her will. She had heard of how this was supposed to be a very important moment of her life, but she was enjoying it. Nor had she chosen this woman to be her lover. But her body was wanting this despite what her mind wanted. She didn't know what was going to happen to her after Lara was done with her body and feared for the worse when she was handed over to the others when they came back.
the throb in her cock was increasing, Lara could feel the inner walls of Sesshi's womanhood as she continued to thrust away into her. That heat she felt earlier seemed to collect in her groin and was slowly working its way up her shaft. "yes! Yes! Yes!" Lara moaned over Sesshi as her hips pushed into the Blood Elf over and over again. The tip of her cock tingled and she knew something new was going to happen. Lara's eyes widened and she hunched over Sesshi. "Oh I can feel it." She whispered, "Something's coming out!" She said and gripped the Blood Elf's shoulders hard.

Lara began to thrust faster, urging her release. She was grunting louder and swearing a little bit. "fuck! Fuck! This is so good!" She gasped. Soon enough she felt a jolt through her shaft and her penis gave one final throb before she began to push out semen into Sesshi's body. Lara moaned deeply for some time, each thrust sending out a wave of cum inside the Blood Elf. Lara bit her lower lip and thrust in some more. Then she stopped and stayed over Sesshi, still deep inside of her as she felt her own seed begin to leak out of the Elf's pussy.
Sesshi's eyes shot open in horror as she could feel something trickle inside of her pussy and knew more was to come soon. She had heard about this before and knew it was the precum, meaning Lara was close to cumming inside of her. "Please! Stop no! Don't cum inside of me!" She pleaded as she tried to pull herself from under Lara but she was pinned down preventing her from doing so. Hearing Lara's words that she could feel something was coming out made her fears become reality as she knew what was going to happen next.

As Lara began thrusting faster Sesshi knew she was going to cum inside of her and then her own body was screaming for it's own release as she heard Lara swearing. Her body shook as she closed her eyes and bit down on her lip again as she felt her own orgasm take a hold of her the moment she felt Lara's semen enter her body, filling her with her seed. Each and every thrust sent more and more of her seed deep inside of her womb causing her to worry if it was even possible for her to become pregnant by another woman. But then again this wasn't a normal woman. Lara continued to thrust more into her as she continued to push her seed deeper and deeper into Sesshi's womb till she began to slow down and was staying over her. She too could feel both her own cum mixed with Lara's seed starting to slowly leak out of her pussy as she then slowly opened her eyes.

Part of her mind was now slightly broken as she had just been claimed by this Worgen. She had heard of imprinting before, but she never knew that she'd be marked by this woman. She now belonged to Lara and she knew that Lara knew this fact now. But would she keep her for herself? Or would she still hand her over to the others? She didn't know what fate had in store for her now, but one thing she knew was for certain, she had been mated with and she was now property of Lara.
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