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Old ways in a new world II (Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress)

His grip tightened on the globes of her bottom, giving him something to press against and increased the speed and depth of his strokes. A heavy breath now came from him each time he pressed into her body and he paused at full depth each time savoring the pressure that her walls exerted on him.
He wrapped one arm around her back, pulling her tight against him, as his other hand continued to hold her bottom tightly. His thrusting becomming increasingly intense. "I love you Mileena!" he cried out.
When she felt her inner walls contracting around him, he was quickly pushed over the edge and his climax washed over him like a wave. His long cock delivering his potent seed deep inside her and flooding her body completely. "I love you so much, now we are truly one", he said. He smiled at her, gently kissing her face. "That is how it was meant to be! you were wonderful my dear!"
Ashe sat up and with her still impaled on his hard member he cuddled her in his arms. Now we can happily play in either form, human or wolven, we are free to do with each other what ever we like! I have never seen someone so beautiful as you in either form. You will soon be a mother. Are you happy about that?"
Mileena sat up and stared at him moving her body away from his. "What did you say? Was that what this wall about having children, I thought you were different , but your the same as the men I spent my whole life running from, all they care about is breeding. " she quickly changed form and left the house running into the woods, she could not believe him, with every she told him about her past the first words out of his mouth after having sex was hopes of pregnancy.
nightsorceress said:
Mileena sat up and stared at him moving her body away from his. "What did you say? Was that what this wall about having children, I thought you were different , but your the same as the men I spent my whole life running from, all they care about is breeding. " she quickly changed form and left the house running into the woods, she could not believe him, with every she told him about her past the first words out of his mouth after having sex was hopes of pregnancy.

Ashe sat there devastated. he didn't know what he had done. Why was this happening. He changed forms and ran after her, quickly catching up with her. " No! you don't understand! its not like how you are saying it! Its all about love, but being honest, children are usually the result. I was simply asking how you felt about that. I love you! Please don't do this!"
Mileena turned and growled at him. "About love really she couldn't even wait an hour so worried about getting me pregnant right away, and if you Truly cared how I felt about the matter then you should have asked me before don't you think. You are just like the rest if them."
He just sat there stunned for a moment. "Yeah! I guess i am just like the rest of them! I took you in the woods, raped you hard and left you bleeding! I didn't care that hurt or how you felt! Sure I'm just like them! How many of them ever asked a mate how she felt about it!? Answer that for yourself!" He walked slowly around her. "I've given you all i have to give! go if you must! I know I've been good to you! I didn't deserve this." he walked slowly back to the house and curled up on the porch. He couldn't have been more wounded if he had been stabbed in the heart.
Mileena just growled at him and went deeper into the woods letting him return home.

As Ashe lay on the porch aurora came up carrying a batch of cookies she had made she looked at her son and slowly took a seat on the stairs petting his head. "What's wrong"
"Mileena is angry with me. We mated and afterward I asked how she felt about being a mother, and suddenly I am a criminal. Mother, I don't know what else to do for her. She will just have to work this out herself." He put his head down and just laid there.
"Oh Ashe, I am afraid there is no such thing as her working it out herself. You two are mated now and you are bound to one another, but there is a bigger reason to work it out together, you love each other, and love is work. Unless you no longer love her."
"You know that's not true. mother. but she just keeps blaming me for things others did to her or things she thinks I will do but never did." He knew that his frustration was no excuse, so he got up and said "Thanks Mom, I think" and walked slowly back out to the woods following her scent. After walking several miles, he found her as he knew that he would.

"I'm sorry for the things I said. You hurt me, and I reacted badly, but the fact is I do love you and the wold isn't big enough for you to run away. I love you very much. We have to work this out somehow."
Mileena was sitting by a creek just staring into the water when she heard his voice. She did not look at him, "I was afraid I was going to hurt you and I have proven that was right."
"Yes, and i knew that you would, but hurt is no excuse for abandoning love. We will both hurt each other from time to time. I just hurt you with my words. Its what we do afterwards that counts. Forgive me please. I love you."
She turned her head a little and looked at him, "I love you too," she said softly and then she looked into the water once again
"I know this probably feels more like home right now,but its not our home. Its your old home. Will you please come home with me?"
Mileena look at him and slowly got up and started to walk back to the house but she stopped half way she turned and looked at him, "I am afraid Ashe, alright, I am afraid of being a mother, I don't even know what that means really, and how the hell am I suppose to raise a child when I am scarred to leave the house."
" I don't now all the answers Mileena, but I promise to be there with you, all the way. I can't promise any more than that. Whatever happens we'll face it together."
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