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Old ways in a new world II (Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress)

Mileena bit her lip a moment and then did her best. She was able to flip it, however when she folded it had a few cracks in it showing the filling she looked up at him hoping she did not ruin it.
Ashe ate hungrily. "You did good!" he said giving her a hug and a kiss. "We should bake cookies!" He sngged one of his mother's and offered the last one to Mileena.
Mileena was so happy that she was able to make some thing he enjoyed she laughed when he said they should make cookies "if you are willing to teach me I am willing to learn to cook anything"
"There's just one problem, I don't know how, but I bet if we look, we can find my Aunt Elizabeth's old cookbook. Its probably still in the house. She made great cookies."
He got up and went to the bookshelf. Looking for the cookbook he quickly found and old notebook. It was full of recipes written in Elizabeth's hand. He saw a section marked cookies and opened it. "here we go!" he said.
Mileena cleared the dishes once he went looking for the cook book. She took the plates to the sink and began to was them and then she got the other dishes to wash. "Oh good"
He turned the cookbook facing Mileena, and started looking for ingredients, hoping they had everything.
He stood behind her as she read, and slipped his hands playfully inside her robe, and kissed the back of her neck.
Mileena stopped reading when she felt him slip his hands inside her robe. She leaned back against him "what are you doing" she giggled a bit
"cooking!" he said with a smile, I'm practicing to knead the dough" He had a breast in each ahnd and was gently massaging them.
"Well, ok, but its a lot more fun practicing on you." leaving her be for the moment, he started getting out the ingredients.
Ashe remembered that when his mom made cookies she pre heated the oven, so he set the temperature while they mixed the batter.
Mileena put the ingredients together and mixed them pre the cook book instructions. She showed the batter to Ashe, "does this look like how you have seen it before?"
He stuck his finger in it and licked his finger. "seems about the same, did you butter the pan?"
"the batter tastes right and feels about the same, so it out to work, we just haveto watch so we dont burn it!
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