Posting Order:
kikora (because she has two characters)
Asuarah Garretson
kikora (because she has two characters)
Rules- If a person as taken longer then 30 minutes (or not online) to post then you may skip them. If you know the person takes his/her time to post please give him/her the time needed.
The Posting order dose not apply when two people go off to RP one on one with in the RP. But please respect the other players wishes.
Please you the other forum to talk about what you want to happen in the story line

At the end of World War III, the United States had been divided by the countries that attacked. As a result, many independent powers were established, fighting amongst each other and trying to seize control. They developed a hatred of one another, leading the country into a never-ending spiral of a civil war between the attacking countries. There goal to find and take over a weapon that started the war in the first place. Our story opens with a gang of about six American soldiers and a small group of women. The fact is that the women are under the protection of these sexually charged soldiers. The women and the soldiers are trapped in enemy territory, separated from their main force, and they must find a way to rejoin the main force -- if they are to survive the war.
Our story starts with the group of the soldiers marching, a fire fight leaving three solder's dead and Cpl Parker's girlfriend dead. The blame falling on the only female soldier of the group, Ghost. After leaving her post to investigate something, she left the only way into the building her platoon was resting in unguarded. Enemy troops quickly attacking....
Ghost seemed to lead the group, even if she did not want to. The other five members of her team...she could feel there eyes on her. They did not say anything to her yet, but she knew they blamed her for what had happened back there. Only about an hour back they had been attacked by some enemy troops, killing three fellow solders and one of the men's girlfriend. If only she would have stayed where she had been told to, watch her post with out moving, it would have never happened. Or at less that's what it seemed the others thought, no one saying a word or making a sound sense they had left there dead behind. It was not like they could just carry them, the dead wait would have put them in more danger then they already where.
The large sniper rifle on her back digging into her spin, but she did not dare to try and fix it yet. She could do it with out stopping but she did not want to be the one to brake the silence. Fuck no she did not want to be that one, god only knew what that would start. But she could feel it digging, even threw her uniform. Fuck it hurt....she had to. With out missing a step she made the rifle move to another area of her back, hand pulling the sling tighter so the gun would hug her body better. Making a rather loud sound as metal and cloth moved. Just as she did so hearing there Platoon leader, Master Sergeant Spaight, call out for them to take cover.
For a small woman caring a rather large gun she moved fast, swinging that rifle around to the front of her body like it was a kids toy. Seeking cover in the door way of a near by building, her just the barrel of her rifle in view as she looked threw her scopes. Finding nothing in her cross hairs as she waited for what ever or who ever the Master Sergeant saw to come into her view.