Jugger x Nibbles

"I'm sorry darling." Scanty said taking off her thong and transfroming it into a magnum. With a single shot she obliterated the demon's head and its body exploded into a fiery miasma of ash and cinders. Kneesocks crumbled at the sight of her beloved pet destroyed. She collapsed into the ash and picked up its remains, crying into the flaming ruin of its body. "Now we killed it. And you owe us for it was a job only we could do."
His eyes widened at the brutality of this woman. She shot the succubus's head off and turned it into Ash! He felt bad for both the succubi and Kneesocks, who was now crying over the ashes of her pet. He glared, and shook his head. "I'll never owe a debt to you demons...Heartless...Heartless is what you are. Now leave before I deem you a threat and destroy you myself!"
"Alright, understood, come on kneesocks." Scanty said dragging her sister by her collar. "Though, Glove, I saw that lust in your eyes for the demon. You loved her wrapped around your manhood didn't you."

Scanty leaned in closely to Glove's ear, whispering seductively, sewing more seeds of corruption.

"I can give you sensations that you'd never dream of with Pantyor any other demons. All you need to do is ask." Scanty licked around Glove's ear and moaned before seemingly vanishing again. It could have been due to the stunning situation or due to demon sorcery.

"Hey there you are," Panty said approaching from affar. "I leave you for five minutes and you already have your pants down and a car blown up."
He decided not to say anything to Panty concerning the matter of the demon sisters. He turned to her, still erect and cock glistening in pussy juice as his gloves returned to normal. "Yeah...Just thought I'd have sex with a car or something while waiting..." He said sarcastically as he pulled his pants up and looked to her. "Where is Stocking? Is she still not ready? We must return to the Church in case of a ghost sighting." He walked back over to their car, and sat down in the backseat like he had done before the succubus caught his attention.
Stocking was right behind Panty walking out of the mall. This time she borrowed a shopping cart to crate her insane amounts of sweets around.

"Sorry, I needed to do my weekly shopping." She said walking up to the two and looking at the flaming wreckage "Holy shit, what happened here. We leave you alone for 5 minutes and you start blowing shit up."

Panty and stocking loaded their belongings into See-Through and hopped into the driver's seat. The two took off, like, ironically, a bat out of hell and screeched off into the clearing skies. As they disapeared, the ash reassembled itself slowly.
As they drove, Glove held onto the back of the passenger seat as he tried not to fly out of the car. "SLOW DOWN!!" He cried out as he was practically swaying in the wind from how fast they were driving. Eventually, unlike Stocking's food, he flew out of the car and landed onto the hard pavement while the two girls continued on. "Ow...Darnit...." He said as he wiped the dirt off of him and looked around. "D-City...Anarchy City..." He murmured. "It doesn't seem so...low and sinful. Though appearances can greatly be deceiving..."
"Indeed they can," hissed a sinister demonic voice. From the sky the succubus descended, landing closely to Glove, its lithe, burning body perfectly shaped and deviously enthralling. She approached her, her flaming high heels melting the asphalt as she approached. "I know you burn for me Glove." she spoke with a demonic reverb. "Was a god to you, never having fucked a fuck like me."

She grabbed his cock, singeing his clothes. "Do you want more? Angel?"
Hearing the voice, he fell for her trap once more and looked to the succubus as she descended now, entranced by her once more and feeling immobile as she approached. "No...I saw you die...You fell to ashes and that devil sister cried for you...Or was it all just some...some trick!? Dammit!" He said angrily before feeling her grab his cock, his eyes wide as he glared at her now. "No...I won't do this again..." He growled as he tried to fight the power immobilizing him...and so far only managed to turn his gloves into the spiked weapons they usually became. He was showing great resistance this time...
"Impressive glove," she said with a hiss "You are resisting me more." She leaned in and kissed him, her lips warm, filling his whole body with intense heat and energy. With a rip she tore Glove's zipper and reached in to start giving him a hot, fast handjob. She stroked as fast as she could, using his own precum as lube. No one around them seemed to notice. In fact, they were all moving eerily slow.

"But you're not resisting me enough." she smiled kissing him again and letting him cum whenever he felt ready.
She was right...not enough. He had been trained in many ways when it came to heaven's training regime...but when it came to such sexual endeavours such as this...he was so new! Perhaps this was why Panty and Stocking were so easily corrupted on Earth? They had no idea what they were in for and took it all in at once, changing them and warping their minds to adapt...His mind snapped back to reality as he felt his seed shoot out of his cock, shooting onto the succubi as he came from her handjob. "Panty...Stocking...Help me...I can't break free from her..." He whispered out, feeling a bit weak and hoping they'd return soon...hoping they'd notice he flew out the back of Seethrough. He was at the mercy of this succubus...but he knew if he escaped, there would have to be some other training he'd have to do. Training only Panty might be able to help him with...safely anyway.
"Oh! So much cum!" she says licking it off her tits "You have so many eons of pent up sexual energy... lets make this last fuck last, baby."

She pushes Glove down, with a struggle, and climbs atop of him.

"Wait... you like your cock touched by a woman's foot don't you? You little freak." she smiles, laying down ontop of Glove sideways and toying with his cock using the tip of her open toed boots. "I sense your kinky side Glove... you're a fucked up little monster... just accept it."
"How did you...!?" He was surprised to find out that she could sense his little fetish. How could she know? It was surprising, shocking, and worrying to Glove as she would feel all of his little desires. He felt her boot play against the tip of his cock as she had him onto the ground, and he felt immobilized as his cock was played with by her foot. "I'm not some fucked up monster...No...I am a Holy Angel...I am not a sexual deviant...Your demonic aura...you succubus...you're bringing out the darker side of this angel...this is not me..." He murmured, trying to hold onto that one little shred of false reality he had left before giving in to his desires and falling prey to the sin of Lust willingly.
"Oh its you Glove." she said playing with the tip of his cock further. "Its more apart of you than you know." She continued to tease his hard, thick cock, letting precum ooze out onto her boots and the tip of his hard, fetish stricken dick. She licked his lips and kissed him, sliding her snake-like forked tongue into his mouth before spreading her legs wide in a split formation and dropping down HARD on Glove's cock.
He felt...immobilized. He couldn't hold on. His last bit of sanity was wasting from him. He felt her lick his lips, and then felt her own press against his before he felt her take his cock entirely, almost instantly as he felt how hard she came down onto his throbbing erection. He snapped...all sanity lost. He was now in a world of pleasure as sin corrupted his mind. His arms went to her hips, pushing her down as he bucked his hips, thrusting his cock into her. His tongue wrapped around her snake-like forked tongue as he kissed her back.
The kiss of an angel burned her pleasurably. Glove's throbbing cock jackhammering into her cunt made her body convulse with pleasure causing an influx of emotions, the only thing that bound her to this universe. Her body began to ripple as the angel fell from grace, her strength weakened and the succubus became submissive to Glove's cock, ravaging her soft, hot insides. "Fuck me harder" she moaned into his mouth, kissing the fallen angel back hard.
He could feel the corruption spread through his body...poetically anyway. He was starting to understand the pleasures that Panty and Stocking fell to as they fell from grace and became the Anarchy Sisters that they were. Greed. Lust. Gluttony. Pride. Envy. Sloth. Wrath. He could feel and understand them all as he continued to fuck the succubus. Greed, wanting more women for himself. Lust...Wanting to fornicate with those women. Gluttony...Stocking's obsession with sweets, though nothing of this sin has hit him yet. Pride, lost in his holy upstanding but gaining new pride in his ability to fuck a woman. Envy, envy that Panty and Stocking were on Earth where such pleasures were easily obtainable. Sloth, the laziness he was beginning to feel about doing his actual job and just wanting to convulge in other sins. Finally, Wrath...Wrath on wanting to destroy every ghost and demon that came in his way, especially this succubus.

"Oh god...I'm cumming!" He cried out as his seed began to shoot out into the succubus' pussy, filling her with his heavy, thick angelic ooze.
The cum filled the succubus to the brim. Her body convulsing and rippling out of reality as the holy serum of Glove filled her unholy womb. She screamed in last ecstasy as her body exploded in a blaze of hellfire as soon as she too orgasmed. Leaving glove back in material reality, fly open, soaked in daemon cum.
He was rather...surprised at what had just happened. Did he just divinely destroy her with his orgasm? "That was...very weird..." He murmured out loud as he fixed his clothes, and wiped off the succubus's juices off of his body. He shuddered, feeling his corruption begin to die down but still leave their mark on his mind mentally, changing his personality and way of thinking. "Now those damn angels have gone and forgotten me..." He sighed, and began to walk toward the Church. Upon arriving an hour later, he opened the doors to the church and trudged in, hoping that the smell of sex was not strong on him like he felt it was the entire way there.
"Well look who finally decided to show up." said Panty not looking over from the TV, her interest clearly on picking her nose or whatever unladylike activity she was partaking.

"Yea, when did you bail on us, ya asshole." joined in Stocking, who, too was busy looking at a magazine to look up and acknowledge Glove's presence. "why don't you sit down and take a load off, since you had to walk the whole damn way."
"Gross." Glove murmured as he saw Panty picking her nose as she was watching TV. He sighed a bit. "I didn't bail on you guys. I fucking fell out of your car and then got raped by that succubus." He trudged over to the couch and sat down on the edge, leaning into the arm rest and closing his eyes as if trying to relax, trying to ignore whatever the two Anarchy sisters would do to make his life even more annoying at the moment.
"You should probably stop being raped." Chimed in Stocking "Thats not a very healthy lifestyle."

"Yea," continued panty. "And at least tell me you killed the bitch when she was done, fingerquotes, raping you." Panty made the approriate quotation marks with her fingers clearly in disbelief that an angel of Glove's stature sucame so easily to a demon.
"She WAS raping me. She came at me like a bat out of hell and forced herself on me...The...details are a little fuzzy but I knew if I came inside her something bad would happen...I think...Gah my head hurts..." He stood up and held his head as it became dizzy. "I...Am going to retire early..." Glove replied as he began to slowly stumble upstairs. He nearly made it to his room before falling over onto the ground. "Why does my head feel so...dizzy..." He picked himself up, and moved himself into his room and into his bed where he curled up and fell asleep almost instantly.
"Yea, if you came inside her you'd have to pay child support." Replied Panty. "And that dizziness is probably the clap, if you start to itch or ooze out your dick stay away from me."

Glove was awoken to the lights in his room flickering and the sound of groaning filling the room. The noise seemed to howl with pain and was flowing in tandem with the lights. The origin of the sound was clearly coming from within the upstairs of the church. Something was very amiss.
Glove awoke suddenly to the eerie sounds filling his rooms with the lights flickering on and off. For the first time in a long time, he forgot he was an angel and began to cower, thinking a specter had taken refuge in his room...but then he grew annoyed and pissed with himself and punched his cheek to knock him back into his senses. He stood up off the bed and crept out of his room, and crept toward the source of the sound.
The sound, along with other fluxuating lights, seemed to originate from Stocking's rooms. The sounds of static electricity and groaning became louder and clearer. The groans became moans of pleasure. Whispers of curses and cries of pleasure could be heard, escaping from under Stockin's door. She moaned more, shouting now in pleasure.

"Oh god yes! Oh fuck!" she moaned "Im gonna cum! Im gonna cum! Im gonna....AAAAAAAAAAGH!" The lights surged brightly and then finally dimmed.
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