Jugger x Nibbles

"Well aren't you a sight for sore eyes." said a rather illustrious voice. When Glove turned to see the direction of the voice, he was met with the sight of two red-skinned girls, with green and blue hair respectively sitting at a table. One was wearing her hair in a pony tail, had thin glasses and long socks that covered her shapely legs. The other had big greenish hair, a short skirt that when sitting down revealed the strapping for two sets of thin panties.

"You must be Glove." said the first one.

"We'd been expecting you for some time." said the second. "Come have a seat with us and we'll explain ourselves more thoroughly."
Glove blinked in confusion upon hearing the two red-skinned women before him. 'Devils...? Why else would their skin be red...But then again, the Anarchy sisters are practically devils themselves and they aren't red.' He thought in his head as he approached the two of them. "You say you were expecting me? How so...? Only three people should have been known of my presence here unless you've been stalking me the entire time I landed on earth. Who are you two?"
"Stalking?" Said the second "You make us sound so vile. Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Scanty. This is my little sister Kneesocks."

"The pleasure is all mine I'm sure." Kneesocks said, extending her hand to Glove in a gesture of greeting whilst descretely eyeballing his body.

"We heard of an angel's arrival through a friend of a friend and knew, just knew that you were here to rid us of those terrible Anarchy sisters." began Scanty, playing up distress in everyway she could.

"Those heathens have ruined our reputation and way of life here in D-City, we were nothing but kind to them and they banished us from popularity and fame without hesitation. Things just haven't been the same since those two cruel sisters came along." Kneesocks pulled out an orange handkerchief and dabbed her eye of fake tears.

"Please tell us you've come to take them away from us so we can go back to our old life... we'll be, ever so grateful." Scanty laid a hand gingerly on Glove's thigh in a gesture of desperation.
Glove took her hand cautiously as he looked to the two sisters explain their situation due to Panty and Stocking's chaos having ruined their lives. "You two seem just fine and well prepped...your clothes look as if you're of the higher class so I don't understand how troublesome it could truly be for you two. But...I do believe you that they may have caused you dismay. However, I am not here to take them away. I'll be their judge for the next year, stuck on Earth to judge whether or not they'll become human as a penalty for their actions or ascend them to Heaven where they once came from."
"Oh really?" said Scanty, her voice suddenly becoming quite interested. "And, pray tell, is the exact outcome if they fail your test and are judged as failures."

"Indeed." Continued Kneesocks a hint of excitement lacing her voice. "What are the reprecussions."

The two girls were shady, thought they seemed desperate. And if their story wasn't capable of getting Glove on their side... to turn him against Heaven... then they'll just have you use their, admittedly, good looks and sex appeal.
He stepped back a bit when they seemed all the more interested in what he had just said to them. Glove felt like these two were dangerous...but they didn't seem dangerous outside of their red skin that clearly marked them as demons or devils. "If they fail and are not deemed fit to return to heaven...They'll turn into mortals and lose their powers and immortality. And the three of us will not be allowed to return to heaven, although I'll still keep my powers since someone has to stay on Earth and protect D-City."
"Oh what a shame." Scanty said. "I'd hate to have you be cast down forever. Its hardly fair that they should fail and you suffer as well."

"My dear sister is correct," Kneesocks included "After all those tramps are awful creatures to begin with, hardly worthy of the title of angel at all. Wouldn't you agree?"

"What if we could make a... proposal to you of sorts so that you never have to deal with those harlots again?" continued Scant with a devious smile.
"I'll pass. I'd rather be damned to earth as a mortal than make a deal with devils." He replied, and waved them off as he turned to continue walking, trying to ignore them. Everyone deserved another chance, even the Anarchy sisters...even if they barely earned one. "Now where is Panty...?" He murmured as he seemed to get lost in the crowd of the mall whilst looking for her.
"It seems we'll have to resort to more devious methods of tricking this one called Glove." Spoke Scanty somewhat annoyed. A barbed tail appeared from within her skirt. As did the barbed tail of her sister from her skirt likwise. Their eyes glowed and they're fanged grins showed devious intent.

"Indeed we shall." replied Kneesocks with a toothy, vile grin.


When Glove found panty he saw her at a Fredricks eyeing some rather lacy lingerie.

"Oh there you are." Panty said with a smirk "I thought you got cold feet and didn't want to help me in trying on new clothes."

Clothes, you could hardly call them that. More like bits of cloth held together by strings. Panty already held a small pile of cloth in her hand and she made her way to the changing room.

"Just sit over there and tell me what you think." Panty pointed toward a small leather padded bench and closed the changing room door. From the bottom of the stall door you could see her thin, pink panties drop and her short red dress fell shortly after. It was hard not to imagine what was on the other side of that door. Even for an angel.
Upon finding Panty in the lingerie store, he walked in, oblivious to what it was until he saw Panty with the lingerie. Then he began to look around at his surroundings, and finally saw the mannequins wearing the display clothes and women in posters wearing such clothing as well. His face turned a slight tinge of pink, but he was not entirely embarrassed...At least not until Panty told him to help her try on clothes. Glove sat down where she indicated, and saw the panties and dress fall to the ground. He tried his best not to imagine her in the nude, like his brain was trying to make him do. "H-Hurry up already so we can go..."
"Whats a matter, Glove." she said swinging the stall door open "Afraid to see a little skin?"

Skin was exactly what was showing, Panty's body was almost completely uncovered save for a tiny bra and skimpy black thong. The bottom brim of the bra draped a gossamer cloth that allowed all to see her belly. Her form was perfect, an absolutely flawless body with absolutely flawless features. Any man would be insane not to desire her. Even if that man wasn't a man at all.
He saw her appear before him and blushed wildly at the sight of the woman before him. "Uh...Woah..." He murmured silently out loud as he saw her, and looked away for fear of another variable coming in to the mix that would embarrass him. "Tell me...Panty...Who are those devil girls? The red ones...Kneesocks and Scanty...? They approached me earlier, and were so eager to get rid of you by manipulating me, even going so far as to bribe me. Who are they and what is your connection with them? They said you caused them nothing but trouble since you two arrived."
Panty's expression went from flirty to furious in a matter of a split-second. She slammed the stall door and began changing back. "Did you talk to those two-timing sluts today? Here? At the mall, Glove?"

She was furious quickly replacing her clothes and not even bothering to replace the close she removed from the shelves. She stepped out back in her signature outfit, her pink panties swinging in her hand.

"Cause if their still here I want to pump their squishy little skank faces full of lead." she twirled her panties until them formed her Desert Eagle, glowing in its ethereal light.
He immediately stood up and went to her, putting his hands on her shoulder in an attempt to try and calm down the furious angel. "Panty stop! Calm down, they have done nothing wrong yet! You cannot just abuse your power to harm those who are innocent without sin!" He tried to remind her of their duties on earth. "They are innocent until they commit an act of evil. As devils, they are going to sooner or later...For now, just bide your time and wait...Alright? Remember...I'm here to evaluate you. Don't make me have to keep you here...Thats the last thing I want for you or your sister. Now come on...Lets go do something else. Take your mind off of this."
"Those girl are hardly innocent." Panty barked, making the store go quite "They tried to have me and my sister killed innumerable times. We haven't killed them yet because they keep managing to escape. You have to let me finish them off before they do something else insane and asinine."

Panty was breathing heavily, getting herself worked up over something that happened in the past. Panty was still furious, ready to kill. But god-damnit Glove was right. If she just attacked them in public it wouldn't look good. She smirked, poking at Gloves junk with her pistol.

"And what exactly did you have in mind cowboy?" she joked looking up at him with big blue eyes.
His eyes went wide as he felt his crotch being poked at by her gun. He hadn't even meant for them to do THAT but apparently she took it that way. He cleared his throat and tried to get a better posture as he spoke to her. "If...This will get your mind off of killing those devils...then so be it. Though know two things. One...You will have to do the work, for this is not for my pleasure. And two...I am a virgin, so I would not even know what to do anyway...I've tried hard to stick by heaven's rules...but we aren't in heaven, are we? And this is just to help calm you down."
"Wow for real?" she said watching Glove's demeanor change. "Sure, but don't lie to me and tell me this isn't for pleasure. I say you looking at my ass multiple times." She said with a wink, pulling Glove into the stall and locking it. "Go ahead cowboy, sit down and unzip!"

Panty placed one leg up next to him on the seat, lifting her dress up enough to see her perfect angelic womanhood. "See anything you like down there cowboy? Don't be afraid to touch, you WON'T break it."
"You don't have to speak to me like I'm a virgin either...Thats just embarrassing." He replied as he looked to her pussy, seeing it up close made him erect in his pants. Glove unzipped, and pulled out his cock...embarrassed about the whole ordeal as he reached forward and rubbed his fingers against her pussy. He grew more aroused the more that this went on, and looked up to Panty, as if wondering when she would continue...Though a part of him told him this was wrong, he felt like he should at least try and enjoy his time on Earth. He pretty much assumed that he'd have to deem them unworthy of heaven in the end anyway...so he'd be stuck on Earth with them anyhow. 'Might as well enjoy this...'
"Mmmm," panty moaned, as he played with her womanhood. She ran her hands through his hair and pulled gently. "Go ahead, put your fingers in."

She lifted up her dress and took it off, standing completely naked save for her signature red stilettos. She began to moan some more, pulling at Glove's hair as he toyed with her pussy. She reached down with her other hand and began stroking Glove's already hard, and impressively sized member. "N-not bad cowboy." she said as he more vigorously rubbed her.
He didn't say anything to her as he continued to rub her pussy with his fingers. Once she had given him the OK to go further, he began to slowly press his fingers into her pussy, two at a time, until he went to the knuckle. HE could feel her walls around him, and he slightly moaned out when he felt her hand place itself onto his cock and stroke him. "Panty..." He said gently as he felt himself becoming more and more aroused as this went on.
She too said nothing, leaning down to kiss Glove deeply. Her tongue swirled around in his mouth as her hand twisted around his cock pleasingly. She moaned into his mouth and leaned in further desiring more of what he had to offer. "Wanna fuck me baby?" she said bluntly into his ear, stroking his precum-leaking cock harder and faster as each moment passed.
"Stop. Don't say such things..." He murmured as he felt her stroking his cock harder and faster. "This is only so you don't go on one of your murderous rampages..." He did, however, like the feel of her hand playing with his cock...but he'd never admit it out loud to her. "Come on...Get this over with, Panty. We must return to the Church in case a ghost appears within the city..." Glove felt embarrassed the entire time this went on. He felt regret on having allowed Panty to do such a thing to him...but honestly, this was a lot more sane than whatever it was Stocking was doing.
Panty quickly sat down next to Glove, laying her legs across his lap and raising her long sensual legs up against his body.

"Care to take them off for me?" she asked, gesturing toward her shoes. She lowered one foot and began teasing Gloves thick, hard tip with it. "Hehe, you don't seem to mind when I do this to you now do you?"
He felt her legs lay across his lap, his erect cock placed between them as she asked for him to remove her red stilletos for her. He looked confused, but simply did as she asked as he began to start taking off her stilettos, only to feel one of her feet to tease the tip of his cock. His eyes went wide, and his head fell back as he began to enjoy this, feeling embarrassed for enjoying such a thing while she said such things to him. "S-Shut up Panty..."
Panty began to toy with his cock faster moving it around quite a bit. She began using both her feet to pleasure his cock, delicately playing with it but still being speedy and sensual. "Hehe, whats wrong mister tight ass? You finally found something to help you loosen up?" she teased him and laughed rubbing his cock faster as she began to finger herself quickly and roughly, moaning out loud.
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