Jugger x Nibbles


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
It was storming that day that he came to D-City. Heavy rains. Lightning storms. Not even any ghosts were out and about. Though one curious bolt of lightning hit the ground hard just a few moments away from the church. It lasted for several seconds rather than a half second like lightning normally did. And in the aftermath, a young man stood, looking determined as he looked toward the church. Making his way there, he readjusted his gloves as he approached the front doors, and began to knock on it.

He was sent there to keep an eye on two angels that had less than admirable actions taking place on Earth. They were there to hunt ghosts but they were abusing their position and were not sending a good image of angels to the rest of D-City. He knocked harder...and harder. He grew annoyed that Garterbelt would not hear him. He was about to knock again until he heard something laughing. "Chuck chuck chuck chuck". He looked down to see...this green looking dog-like doll laughing. He grew annoyed...temper raising and he picked up the creature and balled his fist before punching the door hard, breaking them down and causing Chuck to become split in half from the impact. He knew of Chuck and his regenerating powers and often hated the vile creature.

Walking in, he looked around. Empty. Not even Garterbelt? Where was he? A small cry came from his room. "G-Get! Aaaah!" He just barely moved out the way to see a young redhaired boy run out into the rain as Garterbelt descended a flight of stairs. "Bout time. Them angels need an ass kicking or two!" He said boomingly as he headed out into the rain after Brief. Glove sighed...and proceeded upstairs. "Angels Stocking and Panty! Present yourselves!"
Panty opened her eyes begrudgingly as she was prodded in the ribs by her younger sister's finger.

"Get up ho-bag, someone's yelling at us and its not Garter for a change." stocking mumbled in her normal grim tone. Her hair was in a toss and her face was as unglamourous as un-glamour can be for Stocking. Though she still managed to have a certain cuteness to her that not even morning sleep in your eye could stop that.

"Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?" Panty snorted, her face barely coming from the pillow.

"11am." Stocking replied "And come on I'm not gonna face this new Douchebag by myself, he's probably one of your old hook-ups looking for his wallet."

"Jesus, it's not even happy hour yet!?" Panty barked "Why the fuck are you waking me up. Go see what he wants and fill me in when my blood is more blood than alcohol."

"Fine, you cunt but you oh me." Stocking crossed her way to the door "Oh, drink honey, it thickens up your blood."

"Ew, and get cottage cheese thighs like you no thanks." Panty replied flopping back into her comfy spot.

"I was just trying to help asswipe, no reason to be a bitch about it." Stocking yelled, slamming the door and leaving to the stares. Her older sister was the assiest of assholes in heaven and Stocking met Gabriel. She honestly deserved to be on Earth. Stocking didn't really do that much in heaven, why is she banned? Guilty by association she guessed.

Stocking turned the corner and saw the angel below. Her eyes widened as she quickly fell head over heals for this sexy angel.

"Oh hot damn," she whispered to herself, briefly grooming herself in nearby reflective picture frame "Can I help you with anything, sweety?"

Her voice was thick with sugar coating, not undoubtedly like her pancreas. But there was an underlying sincerity to her tone... very underlying but it was definitely there.
When Glove saw Stocking for the first time, he was not amused to see that she was alone. Panty was gone from the group and he approached Stocking with his hands crossed. "I've been sent from heaven as a judge. I will be here for one whole year...judging you and your sister on your tactics and actions done on Earth, affecting both its people and how you hunt ghosts. If you pass....We are allowing you back into heaven. But fail...and you lose everything. Your eternal age, your powers, and your...ahem...fame. I cannot believe you all have let it get so bad that your nickname in heaven is the Anarchy Sisters. What do you have to say for yourself, Angel Stocking?" He tried to be serious, since this was his first major assignment...but being serious and official like this was growing tiresome and it was starting to become obvious in his voice.
Stocking's eyes drooped before Glove could even finish. "Look asshole, I don't know who YOU think you are but us "Anarchy Sisters" have done more than enough good for this shit-hole, Earth. In fact we're starting to enjoy it quite a bit, since we're pretty much fuckin superheroes. So just stay out of out way and we'll stay out of yours. Also don't do that creepy stalker shit Guardian Angels do, thats just weird."

"Oh my god!" shouts Panty from the top of the stairs "Will you keep it down, I have a fucking hangover remember?!?"

Panty's eyes adjusted to the light of the real world and for a moment her head stopped ringing, long enough at least to get a full look at the hunk of a man standing before her.

"Well very happy-fucking-unbirthday to me." she mumbled to herself batting her eyelashes a bit. She began slowly down the stairs, her younger sister, who obviously claimed dibs, giving her hateful glares the entire way. "What can I do to help you out sir." her voice was flirty and alluring... as it always was when she was trying to get a decent fuck.
He cleared his throat when he heard Panty and saw her begin to start making her way downstairs. "Well..." He sighed, and looked a bit annoyed. "Alright enough of this proper angel bullshit that they have me talking like. Look. You guys have gotten so bad that the High Angels sent me down here to keep an eye on you. You give the rest of the angels bad names and they want me to make sure that you two don't ruin the reputation any more. You may be 'superheroes' as your sister puts it, but that isn't a free excuse so that you can do whatever you want. Don't you want to ascend to heaven where you two belong or not? Either way, I'm stuck here now until you two ascend. But know that if you don't finish within the next year, I'll be forced to strip you of your powers; immortality and your non-aging bodies as well."
"Well fuck that bites" replied panty picking her ear as unattractively as possible. She suddenly realized that this one was probably not worth the trouble of seducing. Just another hard ass like Garter.

"So what, we have to acsend in year or we lose everything?" Stocking barked "Thats totally unfair we need at LEAST 18 months to get the proper amount of coins to buy our way back."

"Stocking's right for once." continued Panty with equal annoyance "The amount of Ghost traffic here has been stupid slow. It actually hurts being so lazy and that's saying something."
"Its not my orders. Its the higher ups that wanted this. They've given you plenty of time to get at least half of your required coins to get back into heaven. You don't even have that many?" He murmured and sighed. "Look. If you guys aren't able to do it, I'll try and extend the deadline a few more months but you guys have to get it together. This isn't some game anymore...You could really lose everything here. I'm trying to help you here, even I am going to help you fight these ghosts rather than you two alone. Now then...I was told I can take any room in the church that I wanted. Thats the the higher ups told me...Is there a spare bedroom or am I sleeping on the couch?"
"Well I WAS gonna offer you a space in my room" Began panty looking at her nails then glaring up at Glove with a smirk "until you walked in here with this high and mighty 'Oh look at me I have access to heaven still' attitude, but now I think you can stay in the attic with chuck or sleep on the couch."

"Yea same here," interjected Stocking "We honestly don't give a shit its not our problem."
"Er...Honestly..." He rubbed the back of his head as he looked to the side. "I don't have access to Heaven, exactly. I'm stuck here like you guys...The only thing I am doing down here in evaluating whether you'll be allowed to go into heaven or not by the time the one year time limit is over with." He murmured and moved to flop down on the couch. "Right here is fine. I don't need a bed to sleep. Well Angels...good night or whatever. Garterbelt ran after some redheaded kid a while ago. Don't know when he'll be back." He murmured and began to fall asleep. He still hadn't even told them that his name was Glove.
Stocking and Panty reluctantly looked at one another. Their faces looking most disgusted and displeased at what they were about to say, but none-the-less, they said it anyway.

"Ugh, We'll clean you a space upstairs" grunted Panty in distain.

"The least we could do is help another fallen angel out SOMEWHAT...I guess." Continued Stocking. "And really? Goodnight? Its like... noon..."
"Ever heard of that thing where you go to America from Japan and your inner clock is off? Well in Heaven, and I don't know if you guys forgot about it since you've been down here for so long, but in heaven we're above clouds and its always sunny. So I'm tired when I feel tired." He stood up and stretched. "But I don't need to sleep. I'll help you two out the room for me." He walked upstairs and patted Panty on the shoulder on the way, heading in a random direction as if knowing where the room was. He eventually stopped and looked inside to actually see he was on the right track at seeing a dirty room with a dirty bed in it. "Ah is this it? Its just a bit dusty is all." He walked in and grinned, his gloves becoming weapons that glowed and he began to start thrashing his arms about, causing a small whirlwind that sent the dust and debris out of the window that got knocked open....except for the bed of course. He walked over and fell down on it, sighing contently. "Its good to be me."
"Well damn," Panty said watching Glove rotate about the room and clear it of any refuse and dust that had collected over the years. "You got quite a gift there, uh- I never did get your name."

Panty sauntered over to Glove, her low cut pants hugging her perfectly shaped ass and waist as she approached. It would be almost impossible to escape the allure of this blonde beauty, though for an angel it was much less tempting.

"Glove I'm a assuming." interrupted Stocking dumping a glass of ice water onto her sister. "Angels aren't necessarily cleverly named now-a-days."
"Well...Uh..." He murmured as a blush rose to his face from seeing her in clothing quite like that. "Must resist temptation for it will be the fall of me..." HE murmured silently to himself before hearing Stocking pour ice cold water onto Panty. He stepped back a bit, looking a bit...uncomfortable. "Yes...My name is Glove as you can see..." He replied as he got off of the bed so as he wouldn't fall into a situation where he would be damned. "What is it you two do around here whenever there are no ghosts to slay...? I have not been on earth in...well...I've never been on earth."
Panty, nearly about ready to strip her bottoms off and blow her sister away was stopped by Glove's peculiar demeanor and interesting statement.

"Never been on earth huh?" questioned Panty, still dripping wet with cold water, her bra-less nipples showing through her wet, white shirt. Both panty and Stocking smiled at each other, a briliant moment of clarity shining between the two of them. The nod to each and head to the door.

"Be ready in an hour new guy, We're gonna show you the best D-City has to offer." Stocking said with a smile as she headed through the door. Panty blew glove a little kiss but then bit her tongue and made a naughty gesture to him all implying what she wanted to do to him.
He blushed a bit as he watched Panty's gestures as she went out the door. He gulped and soon got up, wondering what there was to do in D-City. He figured it was probably going to be something that keeps him on Earth rather than ascending up to Heaven like he was supposed to. He sighed, and began to head out. He went down to the main entrance of the church and leaned against a pillar, waiting for the two angels to come down and show him what they wanted to show him. He didn't think he would have to be careful around Stocking, but Panty was another story and he should watch his back around her.
Panty and stocking immediately began making themselves ready. They'd become pro's at dolling themselves up in rapid time. In fact, most of the hour the gave to Glove, they spent doing things like going back to sleep, eating sweets or masturbating. But in no time at all still the Anarchy Sisters had themselves looking as good as they always did. Stocking in yet another traditional Lolita Dress that matched her signature stockings, and Panty wore her signature red dress and heels that barely covered her name-sake weapon/garmet.

The two girls came outside of the church at exactly an hour to the mark. They were both stunning, as angels should be, but it was that swagger they walked with that made them who they were. It was their sheer bad-assery that made them sexy and desirable in the first place. Even an angel would have a hard time resisiting such temptation.

"Hey you're actually coming with," said Panty "Well, get in."

Stocking pressed the unlock button for See-Through. The pink hummer flashed and beeped, making its gaudy pressence aware. Though it was not the only pink and glowing figure infront of this church. A small pink doll with blade-like arms watched from the trees, hissing like it does, observing the new arrival with the grim intent of its mistresses.
He saw them both begin their stroll downstairs and he pulled on the collar of his shirt, letting out some steam that had accumulated from just the short amount of time of having seen them like this. He felt like he wouldn't be able to resist temptation by the time this year was over with, and prayed he'd not burn on earth by losing his powers...then again...it wouldn't be as bad as they would have it if they truly failed. He heard them talk about getting into something, and he looked to see Stocking press a button for the pink car to suddenly appear. He felt...awkward and he slowly climbed into the back. This was their ride? He expected something more out of these two, but he wasn't complaining. "So...Ladies...Where are we going?" He questioned, looking up to the noonish sky and holding his hand over his eyes somewhat to block the sun.
"First off," said Panty climbing into the driver's seat, her sister taking shotgun. "You grab a beer for each of us, sit back and shut up."

Panty started the engine and the car shook to life, roaring with power. Throwing all caution to the wind, Panty put See-through in gear and powered into downtown Dauten-City.

"So where to first?" Panty said to Stocking, almost ignoring their guest.

"Eh, I think the mall would be a good place to start, lets hit the mall, theres a cinnabon opened there just recently and I'm craving sweets." stocking replied

"Sweets? You just had pudding fat ass." Spat Panty in distain as she speeded onto the freeway.

"First of all don't call me a fatt ass when your own ass is starting to bubble." barked Stocking "Secondly it was flan it was sugar free."
"Wait...Where are the be-" He couldn't finish his sentence. Panty had roared see-through to life and sped off, causing Glove to barrel out of his suit backwards and had barely enough time to clamp his hands down onto the leather of the seats as she drove, his body flying around like a kite in the wind as he tried desperately not to let go. He was taken by surprise about this, and he almost got left behind because of it! "S-Slow down dammit!" He called out as he tried to pull himself back into the back seat, and once he had...they already arrived to the mall. He fell forward when the car would stop, whether it was gradually or instant, and hit his head against the back of Stocking's seat before slouching to the ground. "Ow...Ow ow..." He murmured as he slowly began to get up and out of the car, legs wobbly. "Gotta get used to your driving...Anyway...whats a 'mall' or a 'cinnabon'?"
"Oh shit I forgot we brought you," Panty said as Glove slammed into the back of Stocking's seat. "You were so quiet during the trip over here it was like you weren't even here."

"Yea you need to loosen up buddy." Added Stocking as they both exited out of their vehicle. "You're on earth now."

As she said those words Glove's attention was drawn to the massive building before him. Its exterior a archetectual masterpiece, its walls astrew with neon strings of light. The structure was easily 3 stories in height, and the activity around the outside was as buzzing and lively as it was on the inside. Inside was just as lavish and gaudy an experience. Something truely marvelous to the eyes of someone completely new to the subject. Sprawling lanes filled with people of various nature amungst towering stores that sold goods of all kinds.

"Well I'm gonna hit a few stores to see if I can't find something to wear for tonight." Said Panty heading off into one direction.

"Same here, though I'm starving so I'm gonna find that cinnabon." Stocking headed her seperate way as well leaving where Glove went up to him.
"W-Wait!" He called out as he saw them suddenly split up. He looked at the two of them and frowned, biting his lip as he was confused as to what to do. Who to follow? He felt safer going after Stocking for now, and so he made off after her. He bumped his way through the crowd, not moving for anyone as he just kept walking, pushing anyone aside with his body until he made his way up to Stocking. "You and your sister are very...non-hospitable...I believe is the word." He mentioned to her as they arrived to the Cinnabon. He looked up and smelled the scent of cinnamon in the air, and his stomach growled a slight bit. "What is that intoxicated aroma I smell?"
"Non-hospitable?" said Stocking, mildly offended. "You're not the most easy to get along with yourself buddy, and our 'hospitality' will only decrease if you don't loosen up."

As they arrived at the American resteraunt chain, the smell of cinnamon and sugary glaze filled Glove and Stocking's nostrils. Stocking's eyes lit up and she drooled a little. Somehow managing to be cute while doing it none-the-less. "That my stuck-up friend, is D-City's first Cinnabon." She ran toward the store, smiling and waving for Glove to follow. "Come-on slow poke, you want some to don't you?"
"I don't know...!?" He called out as he saw her wave for him to follow after her. Glove ran out toward her, feeling a bit awkward about the whole situation. The scent of the cinnamon buns smelled strong and hit his nostrils harder as he closed in on the restaurant until he stood beside Stocking, looking into the store with wonder as he saw the wheat treats that filled the row and aisle display. "The scent of cinnamon is strong here...Is it healthy to eat such a thing...? Though...It does smell amazing..." He approached the counter and looked at the treats. "What do you recommend?"
Jugger82 said:
"I don't know...!?" He called out as he saw her wave for him to follow after her. Glove ran out toward her, feeling a bit awkward about the whole situation. The scent of the cinnamon buns smelled strong and hit his nostrils harder as he closed in on the restaurant until he stood beside Stocking, looking into the store with wonder as he saw the wheat treats that filled the row and aisle display. "The scent of cinnamon is strong here...Is it healthy to eat such a thing...? Though...It does smell amazing..." He approached the counter and looked at the treats. "What do you recommend?"

"I'll take one of everything." Stocking said with stars in her eyes, ignoring Glove's comments about being "healthy." She turned to Glove, a huge smile upon her face.

"Oh I nearly forgot, did you want something?" she said, her mouth watering as the aroma assaulted her senses and intoxicated her.
"You mean..." 'None of what you ordered was for me at all...?' He shook his head and smiled weakly. "You go ahead...I think I'll uh...Go find your sister..." Taking the risk, he turned and left Stocking to her diabetic meal. He explored the mall, having loved the sights and people as he rolled through it in search of Panty. "Hm...Where would she be?" He wondered as he seemed lost in the giant D-City Mall.
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