Enclosed in glass, on display for all to see, she stands there poised, arms reaching high above her head in a graceful arc. With languid movements, she lets them drop, the tension never faltering as she slowly rises up upon her tiptoes. The pain is excruciating, but the tinkling music plays on, while she spins round and round. Her head feels dizzy from the heat of the lights, her body aching, ready to fall. Beneath that picture of perfection is a fractured fairytale, her tiny body staving off the hunger, the desire to sleep. So much pain. Meanwhile, she dances and entertains, those cracks forging their way deeper, gutting her out until she becomes nothing but a hollow shell. Inside she is screaming, her mind longing for help, though she knows no one will hear. For no one can hear what is muted by the deafening glass barring the way, imprisoning her soul, while she continues her silly dance for the onlookers. Just how long will it last before those legs give way, those bones. Reak, those muscles just...stop. Her heart no longer beats. Her mind is no longer hers. Nothing she does is ever good enough.