Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I totally, completely, and thoroughly apologize. I never meant to hurt you in any way, shape, or form. I am sorry. I am so very sorry, and I will keep apologizing.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

A man is willing to apologize in public and open himself up to criticism and ridicule when he wasn't previously named. It says a lot about his character that he feels the need to out himself and ask for forgiveness. I find it admirable as he could have stayed hidden and dealt with it privately.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.


That's wonderful news about your son. I hope it all works out for him and everything ends up being positive. As for the other things, it seems the hornets nest is active enough without me adding my two cents, and since I know nothing of the situation, I've no right to add it anyway. ;)

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

To put it simple, I was a total ass, and I am getting a high colonic to stop it.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Do you think you strained the muscle, or perhaps something along those lines? I do hope the nerve is not pinched, as that can last anywhere from a day to several days. Not trying to scare you, but that has happened to me. Also, you may want to try alternating cold and hot, that does seem to help at times.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That is good. You have a son who is being responsible and a daughter who wants you proud of her for the right reasons, so let people talk! That is all very good, and I do agree with the teacher, as that is not that clingy. She will most likely grow out of it or get used to the class soon, as she needs you there to help with dealing with the new. The new what, well that is not for me to say or to judge on what it is. It may be some of the other students, the newness of it being during another period of time, etc. You are connected well with your kids, and it is all good and magnificent in everything and in every way. Her doing well and him wanting to participate in a way that was not disruptive are proof you are a good mother, and that is wonderful in my mind.

As for the nerve pain, I am sorry you are going through that, and I really hate that it is happening. I didn't mean to scare you with any of my "theories", just that I have had some nerve issues of my own that have little or nothing to do with my diabeties.. and some that have been either amplified or eliminated by it, but I digress. I am glad to hear that it will go away, just wish it were sooner for you. It sucks being in pain for any reason, and I do keep you in my thoughts that it will pass sooner than that.

I do hope that your day is going superbly, and that your daughter continues doing as well as she is in her dance class. Your son, well he is on his way being a great kid as well, but him starting school soon I do hope that will keep up. I think it will though, as it seems to be a very stable pattern of development you are encouraging and reenforcing positively, and again that is proof you are a good mother.

I seem to gush a lot on that.. but take it from me.. I know some bad mothers.. and you are so not a bad mother. I hope that sounds the compliment I am meaning it to be.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I will have them in my thoughts, and that is so not good at all. I really do hope they find something, and soon.. I would hate for any family to be in trouble on that deep a level for too long, as that is really just not a good thing. I am fearful for anyone who that is the case, but I know that it is even more so the reality when either it is a neighbor, friend or relative. I know only one of those is the case, but again I do understand and will be very much keeping them in my mind, and I am praying for them.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That is very good about your son, as he seems an exceptionally bright kid from what you have told me. Don't be too surprised if your daughter also is accepted into that later or something like that. I just have a feeling is all. *smiles*

I also think it is good that the teacher also can see that it is more of needing a little more encouragement to come out of his shell, and that she sees how bright and good a kid he is. I think he is going to fit into that class very nicely from what you are saying, and I think it will be very much a good year if not better for him as well. Her getting to have such one on one with him and seeing all that he is getting from you as well helps, as she also knows that she has full parental support, and as I have teachers in my family that is so very important, let me tell you.

Also, about what that girl said... I knew you could do it. Sometimes it is merely finding what works for things like that to happen, hon. It is perception, but it is also other things as well. They are all good, as now you know that others see you the way I see you.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

There is nothing boring about spending the day with your family. I had a similar day, but I got to watch my niece, who is on her high school drill team perform a dance she choreographed at a football game tonight. We won 56-34, but that was not the point. I am proud of her and that is that. I am very glad that you had a great day, and I also am glad you found all of the clothing that you needed as well as wanted.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That so sucks!! Why are people like that??? That is mean and stupid, and thoughtless to boot. Everyone has sour grapes, but that gives no right to make others drink the wine pressed from them! That sounds to me like her child was not on the same level as your son.

I know, that coming from me is mean spirited, but as you well know.. since when do you need to be nice to be right. She isn't right, because she is jealous and is not happy her child was not allowed in. This to me, not making you dwell but validating your anger.. is "The Incredibles" come to life to me. It is what is wrong with our education system because her attitude is what causes the "let's make all the children feel special" mentality that makes it where kids think excelling is wrong.

I know, a rant from me on someone else's child, but with me having my niece with me.. A LOT of what is wrong with our education system is glaringly obvious all over again to me. I am sorry she had to be a flaming harpy, hon.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That is so very good that your family is getting that things are the way they are, and that they are starting to understand more. I really understand about the entire removing your son thing, but I think that time with your family may only help him more with coming out of his shell. That is what I am hoping, and I also am hoping that everything that is happening just is more bonding for you and your family.

I also am hoping that everything else is going well as far as the wedding goes, as it sounds like they really are wanting the entire family to have fun and grow together more. That is wishful, but also highly likely as well if there are certain grown up behaviors happening that should be and perhaps have just been learned. As I have said, you have been the most grown up of your family so I am hoping that you are having a very positive effect on them.

I am hoping the wedding will go well, but I still also hope that it is more productive of that. I also am hoping that you are ready for anything to happen over the course of the week.. even "gasp" apologies from certain family members. (wishful hoping... but hoping for you none the less..)
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