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Stream of consciousness and perhaps even some insight...

RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.


In the State of NC our insurance is on our Registration. >.> So we don't necessarily have to have that Insurance card with us. We also can just get a replacement DL for $10 online. I gather however you guys have lived at your house for longer than 30 days which was why he got fined >.>;

BUT every state is different xD;
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

Thank you! I hope to have a relaxing 5 days at least. Or at least more relaxing than yours as I only have one IL coming.

Ugh, NaNo. 'nough said.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

That's a sucker's bet, definitely >.> Mhm.

Your way of discipline seems very reasonable but stern DA! I don't see anything wrong with it.
RE: DarkAngel's Ramblings, etc.

I'm actually friends with someone who does sex parties. o.o She lives in Maryland but she does have a website if you guys decide you want to order anything from her >.>;
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