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Interest Check: Fantasy/Political thriller

Jan 26, 2010
Story thread there:

I just want to know if anyone is interested in this idea. The world it's based off of is a fantasy world for a novel I've had in the works since I was five. I'm not putting in the acutal story or the characters, just the setting and the boiling point. If i get enough people interested, I'd like to do this as an open roleplay.

Basic story:

There are four kingdoms involved. Anstaria (situated in the middle of the map) has been at war for as long as anyone could remember with Loidi. The two kingdoms seemed to always butt heads, no matter the topic. Anstaria believed in protecting its women, while Loidi gave theirs more freedoms. Anstaria was pro-science and anti-magic, and Loidi still put stock in court wizards and healers. War tore the two kingdoms apart and the strain finally got to the respective kings.

Calling on a truce meeting, they invited two moderators from neighboring kingdoms. For Anstaria, the kingdom of Danbar is invited, their allies in the south. For Loidi, it was a surprise when they arrived with delegates from Goldspar, a warring kingdom to the far north that is in a constant state of politica upheaval. Both mediators have reasons for the status quo to continue and keep the truce from being signed.

The Kingdoms:

Anstaria (Anstarians)​

This is the most rigid kingdom of the four kingdoms. As the loser of the long-ago war that started this mess, they took several steps to never have that problem. After the end of the Hexen wars, Anstaria outlawed magic in all forms. They formed the Ritter Hex, special knights who hunt down any rumors of magic in the boundaries of the kingdom and erradicate it. They are the toughest warriors, and the products of nightmares. After the break of the kingdom, causing the princess to run off with a wizard and forming her own land of Hekata, the ruling Anstarian king had a wall built around the kingdom to keep out the evil influences of the other kingdoms. In time, only Danbar and a few other select kingdoms were let inside.

Women do not have much freedom. They must, at all times, be escorted when they leave. The women's quarters are always found away from the men unless he calls for his wife. A woman can own land if her husband is dead, but it is highly advisable for her to remarry quickly. The poor have more freedom then nobility, where women can work beside her husband and even have the run of the home.

Anstaria is ruled by the king and his son. The daughter is prized by her family and knows she will never inherit the throne and a perfect marriage is one that wouldn't jeopedize the throne of her homeland.

Loidi (Loidites)

The near polar opposite of Anstaria. As the winner of the Hexen War, they enjoy the magic and prestigue of their victory. They are very pro-magic, more so then any other kingdom. Magic is a way of life, and they look down on the Anstarians for their superstition (who, in turn, look down on the Loidites for being agents of evil). Through magic, they claim to be able to do anything that the science of Anstaria can do. When the idea of the truce came through, the prince of Loidi saw it as a great way to gain control over their enemies once he found out about the princess. However, he isn't stingy on how he gets to the Anstarian throne and is willing to settle, if need be, on using magic to get them to give up their kingdom and end the fighting.

Women in Loidi are equal to the men. They have the same freedoms as the men. They can own land and trade property and even fight in the army. They have a chance to get as much education as a man.

The ruling family of Loidi is the king, queen, the elder son and the younger son (who is training to be a wizard) and the uncle.

Danbar (Danbarians)​

This kingdom has enjoyed exclusive trading rights with Anstaria. A kingdom that does rely on magic, but enjoys the scientific advances of Anstaria. Their women have some freedoms, but not as much as Loidi. The women can own land and property, but their education is restricted and it is encouraged that they marry and stay with a man for protection.

Goldspar (Goldsparites)​

This kingdom is untrustworthy. Always in a political upheaval, they have a new ruling party nearly every year. Magic and assassinations are the norm. They are greedy and manipulative. The current ruler wants the rich land of Loidi, but will take Anstaria if they can. To get this, they are hoping to convince the two kingdoms that peace is out of the question, and pitting the delegates and hormonally driven heirs against each other seems to be a good idea.

Cast of Characters: (my profiles for the characters will be in the next post)

King -
Queen -
Prince/Heir - Gavin (ChocolateStrawberry)
Princess - Dione (ChocolateStrawberry)
Ritter Hex (if any) - Ser Gareth Eloran (GammaHeart)
Nobels (if any) -
Servants (if any) -

King -
Prince/Heir - Prince Tansen Haron (Skelace)
Younger Prince - Deston (Skelace)
Uncle - Alastor (Crazy Shank)
Advisors -
Bodyguards - Lana (Crazy Shank)

Delegates - Lord Martinez (Arc)
Bodyguards -
Soldiers -
Servants -

Delegates - Lady Masako (Raiden)
Valere de Morhban (Nihil)
Honoré de Morhban. (Temera)
Bodyguards - Reina Nilan (Raiden)
Wizards -
Soldiers -
Servants -
GammaHeart said:
Are women allowed to read in Anstaria? Are they educated?

When i did research for the novel the kingdoms came from, a lot of my sources stated that women learned how to read and write purely for the purpose of running their households. Just basic reading and writing (think about elementary level as compared to the male's highschool/college level education), maybe some maths. Books available to the noble women of Anstaria are very limited. Flowery poems mostly, things not meant to be too exciting. A woman is more pursuaded to do other things, like needlepoint or music, than read.
She tries. I never said she understood what she read. Mostly the adventure books, but if they get to be too stimulating, they're taken away from her and she's often locked in her room as punishment.
Question: are there anything like "squire" or "apprentice" Ritter Hex? Like people who want to join but maybe don't yet have the correct discipline or spirit?
Raiden said:
Question: are there anything like "squire" or "apprentice" Ritter Hex? Like people who want to join but maybe don't yet have the correct discipline or spirit?

Yes. They would have squires or knights-in-training. Until they are made a ritter hex, they are not privy to the whole operation of the ritter hex.

In reference to the book in the rp on Ritter Hex: It contains a basic history. Basically, after the Great War that started the feud between Loidi and Anstaria, a wizard seduced a princess of Anstaria and she left her home with a few followers, creating a very female-driven kingdom. Seeing the corruption of magic-users, the kingdom of Anstaria guarded itself and established the Ritter Hex. They are the elite soldiers and are the only ones equipted to fight magic-users. They mostly track down instances of magic in the boarders of Anstaria, such as a farmer's daughter that might suddenly cause sparks or a miller's son who makes it rain, and 'deals' with it. They have even executed a few members of the royal family in the past if one shows sign of magic.

This is all public knowledge of Anstaria, and in the book. As for Masako's quarry on female ritter hex, the answer is no. Remember, women are not seen as equals in Anstaria, and thus would not be part of the elite knights.
Hmm I see.

Is there an equal but opposite group of Loidites? Like Eldritch Knights (in inversal of the Ritter Hex) I'm just curious to know more is all.
Raiden the Ritter Hex aren't following you anymore, but they are in every hallway and room keeping an eye on things. Including the library, since you guys walked in there, some have followed. They keep distance, but they are watching.
That's what she means, she can kind of "feel their eyes" on her. Like how you get that feeling whenever someone watches you for too long.
Man, them Hex's are lame, getting between everybody and making everything safe and boring.... :roll:
Which reminds me...

Name: Jet Endurain
Race/Nationality: Anstarian
Status: Soldier
Job: Ritter Hex Squire

Physical Description:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""> ... er-UBW.jpg</a><!-- m -->
Raiden said:
Which reminds me...

Name: Jet Endurain
Race/Nationality: Anstarian
Status: Soldier
Job: Ritter Hex Squire

Physical Description:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" rel="nofollow" href=""></a><!-- m --> ... er-UBW.jpg

Raiden, I need the bio.
Huh? *curses* I thought i'd posted it. It must've gotten deleted when I edited the post or something. I'll add it on shortly.



Jet is a hardcore Anstarian, born and raised in the castle city itself and was exposed to all the ways of life there. However, when he was 9 years old, he bore witness to the Ritter Hex "Dealing" with his very mother when she wasn't careful about her sorcerous talent and had simply made it rain a bit on some flowers she was tending to. She'd told him all his life that she didnt' have any kind of talent like that and it turned out that it was nothing but lies; his childhood had been full of lies. He had never really known his father and now was orphaned by the mandate of the state. However, he had been impressed with the cold efficiency of the Hex and tried to model his own life and behavior after them. But hsi spirit was too free and chaotic to stick strictly to the discipline it required.

Thoughout his teen years he repeatedly found problems with the opposite sex thanks to visitors from Danbar that had thought they were immune to social stigmas and acted more open than Anstarian women did and were shameless about it. He'd grow hard toward them and began to develop a misogynistic streak thanks to that; growing to display Contempt for the fairer sex and kept mostly to himself.

Currently, he's apprenticed to the Hex and trying to earn a position in those ranks. But with the truce and peace delegates in the city; he's more antsy and irritable than usual. He doesn't trust any of them particularly the members from Goldspar, thinking them all to be liars and charlatans. But he's smart enough not to voice such opinions in public or within their earshot. But toward others he's generally nice, if distant in his relations.

He does not support the treaty. He feels it's a play by Loidi and Goldspar to cause Anstaria to drop it's guard. And if the Treaty is ratified, the Ritter Hex are going to be relegated to being "police" officers instead of "elite warriors." or worse: totally eliminated.
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