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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Used to have parakeets. I just fed them grains ._.
< Love all the big cats. Tigers, lions, cougars, jaguars..
V Is a cat person?
(What..did the cat bark or something? Wag? o_O)

^ A few times. Sadly I didn't see any manatees booping their noses into the glass. :c
< My fish died. I don't think I was meant to raise fish.
V Has a pet?
(I have never seen a cat play fetch. Now I'm intrigued)

^ I love me some good old veggies. Balanced diets is where it's at.
< Probably going to grill some squash later. Maybe with chicken.
V Would tell where I can get a cat that plays fetch.
^ Yes, I like pets. I had several guinea pigs, a few hamsters and two birds (a budgerigar and a canary) in the past. And an aquarium with a few fishes.

< Has two cats, an eleven year old epileptic cat and a one year old orange cat who is a little bit bigger than the old one.

V Has cats or other pets too?
^ Maybe one additional inch. I'm pretty happy with my height.
< Just took the most refreshing shower.
V Also showers at odd hours?
^ There's no odd time for a shower.

< Is fascinated with dessicant packets.

V Has been tempted to taste the little crystals in the "do not eat" packets.
^ Into my second glass of Shiraz/Cabernet Sauvignon. But I'd drink a JD with a prince.

< Is jonesing for Mexican food. Preferably taco truck.

V Is jonesing for ________
^ I'm jonesing for a good masturbation session. Gods, I'm so horny right now...

< Opens new tabs to google for some porn.

V Is horny too and would like to give me a helping hand? ;)
^ Thinking the best help is to give you some privacy.

< Likes marmite, especially on toast with mature cheddar, grilled until the cheese starts to brown.

V Likes the burned bits of bacon.
^ In the past five years, an overpowering bacon hunger has swept North America. Here, you can even get bacon in a milkshake! I draw the line short of that.

< Likes bacon on a cheese dog.

v Brings home the bacon.
^ Always, when the opportunity presents itself.

< Has been eating cherry tomatoes at every opportunity.

V Has had a tomato squirt out of their mouth at an inopportune moment.
^ Bet on it!

< Learned in Houston: the rattier-looking the Mexican restaurant, the better the food (up, or should we say down, to a point)!

v Enjoys private taco snacking, whether the diner or the main course!
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