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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Only has enough money for practical things.

< Wears glasses for farsightedness when he reads.

V Wonders if *anyone* is in the mile-high-club.
^ I do. I had the pleasure of visiting this art museum a few months back.

< Wants to see the movie, "The Fault In Our Stars"

V Enjoys watching movies on the big screen
^ Likes asparagus plain, steamed, boiled, grilled, or with cheese sauce. I'm an asparagus whore.

< Exaggerates for effect.

V Uses hyperbole often.
Rev, Rev, Rev... LOL! You crack me up, Darlin'!

Uhm...let me see, ass, try this. (Have no idea if it works, but might be worth a try!)

< Would never in a million years thought I'd be giving home remedies for hemorrhoids on a roleplay site... :s

V Doesn't have hemorrhoids (or not that they will admit to anyway) *sniggles!* :p
^ So...hemorrhoids...How about we talk about today's weather instead?
< Is enjoying white wine + Sprite
V Will explain how he/she came up with their handle. :3
^ Do you mean my name? I just thought about a name for this blue moon and created it with my sytem for names.

< Will try that remedy. Thanks, you're a sweety, my smexy cowgirl!

V Knows how to defeat the borg?
^ Hive minds can only be destroyed with hive plagues.

< Loves strawberry pie with a cream cheese base.

V Is going to get all Freudian on me.
^ Do you mean a Freudian slip? Nah, I'm not a psychologist.

< Knows that you can destroy everything with a black hole...or by traveling back in time and causing a paradox.

V Would like to have a mini-dalek as a pet?
^ Passes on the Dalek (to save the next reader the trouble of looking it up, a Dalek is kind of like an armored Furbie, which is admittedly a helluva concept).

< Learned all he knows about the human mind in the Sanitarium scene in "Strange Brew".

v Wears a slip now and then, although not necessarily a Freudian one.
^ Ugh. 8th grade I said, "Do not fold, spindle or masturbate." Then I pretended not to know what masturbation was.

< Never actually used computer punch cards.

V Needs more coffee.
^ Totally did that today. Forgot it on the counter. Nuked it, forgot it in the microwave.

< Forgets some things, remembers others.

V Has forgotten more about ______ than I'll ever know.
^ Unless they are charging you on a narrow dirt road. This happened at a game park a couple of hours away. Still amazing, but keep your distance.

< Has seen that elephant.

V Prefers little cute animals to large, majestic ones.
^ Nope. Victoria in Canada is as far North as I've been.

< Favorite animals on safari are elephants, rhino, and kudu.

V Knows all about feeding pet birds.
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