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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ We do not exist. Put the Illuminati out of your mind. We do not exist.

< Wears jeans until they are threadbare.

V Has embraced a style in the past that is embarrassing now.
^ caught me there. Ok fine...sometimes.
< Is kind of embarrassed now.
V Likes pineapples?
^ Love 'em!

< Doesn't really buy the whole idea that men who drink pineapple juice have better tasting... juices.

V Is hard to convince sometimes...
^ I...yes. I can be a tad stubborn, just a /tad/. >.>
< Donno about pineapples. But I read a study on the juices of men who eat strawberries. Apparently it does taste better.
V Has personal experience in the matter of food -> juices?
^ Not yet, but I'm signing up to be a test subject in that study.

< Likes the sound of a boiling kettle and brewing coffee.

V Has been a test subject in a study.
^ Nope. I'm probably too "ordinary".

< Always had test anxiety in school.

V Has taken a field sobriety test...
^ Sort of. I was parked on the side of the road writing a text message and a South African policeman tried to scare me into giving him a bribe by accusing me of drunk driving. Tricky, since I was neither drunk nor driving.

< Always rocked tests, didn't do so well on the day-to-day schoolwork. Procrastinator.

V Always does everything they're supposed to do when they're supposed to do it.
^ :rolleyes: Well, let's just say I try to do everything I"m suppose to. I think it's a curse! Oh, and I'm a bit OCD. :s

< Has been told my apartment looks more like a 'show room' and not a place that is actually lived in. I don't like clutter.

V Doesn't mind clutter so much...
^ Interesting clutter = good / dirty clutter = bad

< Likes international travel except for long layovers in Heathrow.

V Has used a duty free shop.
^ So this is what you do to pass the time while stuck in the airport? ;)

< Has never used a duty free shop (had to google that one!)

V Has racked up lots of frequent flyer miles...
^ Actually, none.

< Hasn't flown commercially since the Terrorist Attacks of 2001. Trains are cooler, and they have club cars, smoking cars, Pullmans and Vista-domes.

v Has "earned" membership in the Mile High Club.
^ Nope. Terribly sorry to disappoint.

< Flew on September 11 after the attacks because tickets were $200 cheaper on that day.

V Has "earned" membership in the Mile High Club. (Pay it forward. We'll find the lucky winner.)
^ I never played croquet, but it can't be that hard, right?

< Would prefer to do something exciting than playing croquet.

V knows how croquet can be spiced up so it isn't so boring anymore?
^ *shame* googled croquettes. Chicken McNuggets, right? but with real meat?

< First car was a Honda Civic.

V First computer was a...
^ Mike. :(

< Hadn't thought of him in some time. Thanks, DS! :rolleyes:

V First name of the latest heart YOU broke?
^ Gunter (He taught me how to smooch!)

< Gunter was a cowboy who liked to rodeo. (bulldogging)

V Feels meloncholy when remembering first loves/crushes...
^ Yes. Christine, Mae, Deborah, and Mrs. Johnson, my fifth grade teacher. Sigh.

< What. Everyone has a crush on at least one teacher. Oh, and that trig teacher when I was a sophomore...

V Had an educational crush on...
^ I hadn't a crush on my teachers. They weren't hot enough to have a crush on them.

< Wishes I had enough money for a drivers license...and a little bit more to buy some merchandise.

V Has enough money to buy some merchandise like a mini-dalek or something else?
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