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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ not really o_o
< could give you a link to another song
V wants to listen to a new song I could give link for
^ Not at all, although I do prefer 'em sliced rather than spears or whole.

< Had a strange dream about a trucking company run by two women last night (no, there was no "threesome" involved).

v Frequently has memorable dreams.
^ I solved that problem with mesh laundry bags! :p

< Cannot wear socks in bed!

V Has worn mismatched socks...
^ Yes! although it's been a while.

< Gets dressed in the dark some mornings and only finds out later what he's wearing.

V Knows how to set a table, including dessert spoons, salad forks, coffee spoons, and salad plates.
^ I never took an etiquette class, so no, I do not know how to properly set a table. :( Maybe I'll study up on that via the internet. ;)

(Ooops..I'm too slow.) :p No, I prefer paper over cloth napkins! :D

< Or, go back and watch this scene in "Pretty Woman" (one of my all-time favorite movies)


V Thinks sex etiquette is just as important. ;)
^ Never had a class in that... anyone want to teach me? I learn fast.

< Knows when not to clap during a symphony.

V Knows when to break the rules.
^ yeah and it's AMAZING
<always goes on a big trip during vacation
V stays at home and does nothing like 90% of the time when they have vacation
^ I LOVE cream cheese, especially on a bagel.

< Is trying to watch what she eats for next few weeks, wanting to shed a pound or two before going on vacation.

V Has a planned vacation this summer.
^ Nope, just a cat (which isn't mine actually, but my hubby's).

< Isn't an animal person. (For some, that makes me a horrible person, right?) :(

V Does volunteer work in your community from time to time (i.e. animal shelters, feed center, schools, etc)
^ Not really, I straddle the line between introvert ans extrovert..according to personality tests anyway
< Has either Napoleon or Mastermind personality on the Myer-Briggs personality test depending on how she answers a single question
V Is looking at the above poster and going "who is this crazy bitch?"
^ I'm too crazy myself to judge the level of crazy of other people. Especially on the internet.

< Wonders when my ass stops to be on fire.

V Doesn't want to know why my ass is on fire. (Trust me, you don't want to know)
^ Looks curiously at the ass on fire...Trust me, I /do/ want to know.
< Is amused at how many people remark on the red hair.
V Is hungry. Make me food...pretty please with a strawberry on top?
^ I can be programmed if you want me to
< is in Florida, and found wifi in awesome hotel
V is curious where I am
^ Key West?
< Has fully caught up on her ten or something open roleplays. Is currently bored.
V Is hungry?
^ Only for another roleplay. Maybe we both could discuss something...;)

< Ioves red hair. Ok, but I warned ya...I discovered the fun of playing with your anus through a late night show and gave it a try. I liked it and used some...items...and my fingers to play with my ass (I was too young to buy toys and I didn't want to tell my mom about that). Long story short, I hurt myself by using the wrong item. One of my hemoroids got damaged, filled with blood and hurts now when I sit down, stand up or try to take a shit. I have to sit a whole hour when I want to lay an egg...

V Didn't want to know that kind of information (I know what curiousity in combination with the internet can do to you -.-).
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