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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ I'm kinda used to needles thanks to blood donations. I never got a blood transfusion, and I hope I never will...

< Likes donating my blood from time to time

V Donates his/her blood too?
^ I love being bored sometimes, it can give me the best ideas for my short stories and other creative stuff like my RPG's or my poems...and for BM.

< Needs to continue my short stories

V Writes as a hobby too?
^ Shaved my legs this morning, I'm good. ;)

< Likes the unshaven look on men. Yummy!

V Likes beards and mustaches
^ I've had a full beard, a Van Dyke, and I'm usually scruffy.

< Finds it hard to get kissed with a beard.

V Has discovered the world's best shaving implement.
^ That is rude of you to point that out! *Pouts* :( (LOL! Kidding!)

< Is looking forward to vacationing in the mountains soon. Colordao here we come!!!

V Would rather be in the mountains than on a beach!
^ Absolutely. Grew up around mountains and I'm always lost in flat land.

< Feels like he should like soccer more than he does.

V Has a favorite team for World Cup.
^^ Uhmm...sure


Whichever team he's on, that's MY favorite team! :D

< Just a soccer-fan-wannabe. :(

V Watches a lot of sports on television
^ I don't know much about golfing either, but I'm sure I'd enjoy watching him sink a long one.

< Forgot that soccer was actually the real football game.

V Has a favorite team (any sport) t-shirt that he/she wears proudly.
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