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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ nope *leads her to a computer that already has the command to reprogram for a new master* *screen says to type the name of the master*

<feels lonely

V wants to find the computer and type their name instead
^ clueless to what were doing obviously XD and no I like showers
<not human so I don't need to eat
v *hears a robot turning off then rebooting*

< still feels lonely v.v

V loves my cuteness and wants to cuddle and hug me forever if they could

May the power of cuteness compel you!
^ *surprise-hugs you* I can hug you for all eternity...

< Is immortal so I can hug and cuddle my new cute robot-girl slave as much as we want. I have more than enough time to program you for my needs.

V Wants to be my master/slave?
^ already am
< doesn't feel awkward as long as I get a lot of love and attention from my master
V give me just that
^ Oh, I will give you a lot of attention and love in the future...

< Programs and modifies my new robotic slave so she can grow a cock thanks to nanobots.

V Feels now horny thanks to my new programm.
^ needs to update my original programming to have those settings and feelings
< stands there feeling a bit happy that she can serve her mistress even if she doesn't understand much of it
V will do just that
^ And you're upgraded once again (weird, that sounded like a cybermen...)

< Used technokinesis to reprogram you once again.

V You can now feel aroused, horny and every other emotion like a human being. Now come here and let us have somefun while we cuddle (I even installed the knowledge about sex and a few other things you might need so you are now like a human except that you can chose what kind of personality and personality traits you want to have).
^ software update complete *walks up to mistress and wraps arms around her*
< personality selection and upload complete
V will now use me like she wants now since there's nothing else to do
^ Will watch as Revnarh has her way with you. ;)

< Puts on some dancing music

V Will join me dancing in my chair....
^ Will sit him down in said chair and give "him" a lap dance ;)

< Has never lap danced before

V Will probably tell me to keep my day job because I'm so horrible at it... :p
^ Your place or mine? ;)

< Is playing some Bruno Mars (still upset that I didn't get tickets to see him last week!)

V Has been to a music concert in last six months.
^ will doubt it will even get that far for them XD
< sit down and leans against the wall boredly
V wants me to do something for them
^want no, appreciate yes

< can't think of anything at the moment

v is probably weird-ed out

(your place Camille ;))
^ Sits the robot down beside her

< Looks through her DVD's to find a movie

V Let's him/her decide what movie we shall watch!
^ doesn't really know about movies because of my program
< is sitting down beside Camille just quietly watching
V wants to hug/ cuddle with robot
^ really
< pushes the reprogram button so she understands moves, while hugging her
v wants to watch that movie
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