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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Do you mean me? I'm creative, but only when it comes to writting and letting my imagination run wild. Also, I prever chunky peanut butter from the Netherlands, it tastes much better than penut butter from America.

< Loves the warm sunny weather.

V Has some good weather too?
^ Snuggly!

< Loves to wear long blue jeans when summer begins and it isn't meltingly hot.

V Loves it when his/her cat/dog lies between his/her feet when it isn't too hot.
^ I can stop to rp whenever I don't want to.

< Wishes that there was a Hot Topic in germany. Hasbro, y u no want my money? I want to buy some pony merchandise!

V Likes MlP too?
^ Yep! I just want some merchandise like some figurines and maybe a plushie from MlP as well as a mini tardis and/or a sonic screwdriver. Maybe a dalek and a wheeping angel too...and some t-shirts, but first I need the money for all that stuff...

< Doesn't have enough money to get a drivers license.

V Hasn't a drivers license too?
^ only wants the necessities.

< uses his California drivers license in Africa because the cops don't know what to do with it and let him go.

V forgot how to ride a bike.
^ Curious about what Revnarh can do that not many can do.

< Also likes talking to loners, geeks, outcasts, nerds, and freaks.

V Is one of the above.
^ Yes, I'm nerd, a loner and a freak.

< Can read very fast, look at text without reading it and still find a certain word and is a pro at skipping steps of stairs (I use two and sometimes three or four at once...up and down. I have ten years of experience of doing that and I never fell down once!).

V Is a freak too?
^ More an internal freak than an external one. I look normal, but I think freaky.

< Doesn't understand the appeal of political power. What's the big deal?

V Will be president someday. Of something.
^ I'm allready the president of the lunatic asylum...before I got thrown out of it.

< Looks normal despite acting/thinkin freaky too.

V Knows the answer to the universe, the question of life and everything.
^ Deep thougt XD I got that refference!

< Has only seen the movie and unfortunately not read the books...

V Has read the trillogy of five books of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
^ Never wore ear muffs, but never lived in any real cold.

< Finally got glasses for farsightedness last year.

V Falls asleep writing sometimes and wakes up to surreal phrases.
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