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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Indeed. Thighs, and silk. I wonder why.

< Wonders about things. Why do so many of us have the impulse to jump off of high places, yet so few of us do?

V Wrote a poem that they promptly tore up.
^ I'm no junkie. I can quit whenever I want.

< Wants coffee. Wants someone in a teddy to deliver it.

V Can convert C to F without a calculator.
^ Won't let it go to her head.

< Drank Zimbabwean style kool-aid today. Blackberry.

V Used to wish the big kool-aid pitcher would break through his/her classroom wall during math.
^ Immensely so.

< was a little high this one time, and I came up with this theory that the night sky was a veil that was wrapped around the earth, and that the stars were little puncture-holes to the brightness beyond that men had made in the past, throwing their little daggers into the sky. It goes without saying that I wanted to make another one, much to the dismay of anyone around me who was concerned about the risks of throwing knives at the sky.

v has also made their very own universe-defining myth.
^ Nope. You're picking losers today.

< Writing dirty stories in a coffee shop for the first time. How many people do this?

V Likes artichokes.
^ Uhhhhh, I lose my nerd card. Don't hate me.

< has lost an item that was in his hand while he was looking for it.

V Lost a bet. Had to pay.
^ You got one right finally. Weird redheaded cousin sometimes.

< Has had stitches *and* staples, but not on the same day.

V Passes out when there's blood.
^ No, not really. I can see blood as long as I don't have to see a limp that is missing its body. Also, being normal is boring.

< Loves extra spicy sriracha and habanero sauce. Not to forget garlic and wasabi...great, now I'm hungry for some sushi with wasabi...

V Loves sushi too?

< Learned to use chopsticks at Chinese restaurants in South America.

V Can name all the countries in South America. Without the Internets.
^ Can begin half of a greeting in Cantonese, but that's it.

< Speaks Spanish fluently, and Photoshop.

V Can write a computer program.
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