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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^ Ish wrong. More like "love it"! ;)

< Hopes she hasn't "over-dressed" for the occasion!

V Will share his/her pile of soft, fluffy pillows...
▲ Knows her too well.
  • ◄ Appears from a tunnel she has dug up from under the floor.
▼ Has been wondering what that digging sound was.
^is right in the way that I lost my trail

<is not happy about where he is

V will be willing to save me
^ The Beast with the fifty-thousand-dollar grin is in no trouble.

< Has had very good luck with his role-play partners over the years; their opinions are not available.

v Would rather be lucky than good anyday - and not just on the golf course!
^ Is completely right to this persons knowledge

< Is not the greatest RPer by ANY stretch of the imagination

v is probably a much better RPer then Sirix
^ Is far to quick to think ill of his fellow man to ever be considered angelic.

< Has learned more about the three-tailed Kitsune, Vulpecula Japonica, than he could ever have imagined.

v Has also viewed "the four videos" and is as puzzled as this poster.
^ is right, they are definitely confusing
< wants to know what anime they are based off of if any
v will tell us the truth of the videos hopefully
^ Is right I cannot figure it out

< Watches anime and needs more time to watch more anime

v Will suggest an anime that I should watch
^ I don't know your tastes
< but will still suggest Clannad if you have already seen it
v is going to judge me on my suggestion
< Passes; doesn't know from Clannad.

< Feels the Games Forum is much the better for the Kitsune's frequent presence but has difficulty understanding her sometimes.

v May well have a better angle.
^ Knows I have all kinds of 'angles'

< Feels that Clannad needs to be watched (likes funny, dramatic, and mystery in her hent---anime)

v Should let me be their Mistress
^ Yes, Yes I would be a better match if I am competing with myself

< Loves your pic of the dark puppy (tastefully evil)

v If one does searches for pictures where does one go?
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