KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 20, 2013 #676 ▲ Has good tastes. ◄ Wants to do something fiendish. ▼ Will most likely kill someone some day.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 20, 2013 #677 ^ Tastes good (or so it is said)! < Family all say he was born to be hanged. v Is searching for a workable premise for a new role-play.
^ Tastes good (or so it is said)! < Family all say he was born to be hanged. v Is searching for a workable premise for a new role-play.
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 20, 2013 #678 ▲ Wondering if Happy actually does taste good ( ಠ_ರೃ ) ◄ Tastes amazing (●´□`)♡ ▼ Is wondering if Happy is a stalker ( ̄ω ̄; )
▲ Wondering if Happy actually does taste good ( ಠ_ರೃ ) ◄ Tastes amazing (●´□`)♡ ▼ Is wondering if Happy is a stalker ( ̄ω ̄; )
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 20, 2013 #679 ^ So stalk me, already! < Meets some amazing people here on the Games Forum. v Made it to the weekend wummo time!
^ So stalk me, already! < Meets some amazing people here on the Games Forum. v Made it to the weekend wummo time!
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 20, 2013 #680 ▲ Doesn't realize she's been stalking him for days. ◄ Has no clue what a wummo time is. ▼ Will probably explain what a wummo time is.
▲ Doesn't realize she's been stalking him for days. ◄ Has no clue what a wummo time is. ▼ Will probably explain what a wummo time is.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 20, 2013 #681 ^ Wummo time = American (Southern): one more time. < Is not an expert linguist, but a cunning linguist. v Likes a little good-natured tonguing now and then....
^ Wummo time = American (Southern): one more time. < Is not an expert linguist, but a cunning linguist. v Likes a little good-natured tonguing now and then....
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 20, 2013 #682 ▲ Has a certain appeal. ◄ Pictured a fat man in a hula skirt when hearing 'Wummo' for the first time. ▼ Enjoys feeding innocent victims to their fuzzy coat.
▲ Has a certain appeal. ◄ Pictured a fat man in a hula skirt when hearing 'Wummo' for the first time. ▼ Enjoys feeding innocent victims to their fuzzy coat.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 20, 2013 #683 ^ Leave my hula skirt out of this! < Usually sets the coat aside. v Needs to fuck some body or go stark raving mad.
^ Leave my hula skirt out of this! < Usually sets the coat aside. v Needs to fuck some body or go stark raving mad.
Camille Star Joined Jul 3, 2012 Apr 20, 2013 #684 ^ Indeed, I DO need to fuck some body, and it's no secret that I'm already a raving lunatic. Does this mean I'm "fucking crazy"? < Is completely exhausted from doing yard work today! V Would be willing to draw me a nice, hot bath and bring me a glass of chilled wine to soothe my tired, aching body?
^ Indeed, I DO need to fuck some body, and it's no secret that I'm already a raving lunatic. Does this mean I'm "fucking crazy"? < Is completely exhausted from doing yard work today! V Would be willing to draw me a nice, hot bath and bring me a glass of chilled wine to soothe my tired, aching body?
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 20, 2013 #685 ^ Look in your facsimile machine! < Had a batlanish day. v Might be the dreaded Mystery Poster.
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 21, 2013 #686 ▲ Owns a sexy, sexy hula skirt. ◄ Is stuffing her face with delicious pizza while playing Banjo and Kazooie for the 64. ▼ Is uber jealous and wants to stuff their face with delicious pizza while playing Banjo and Kazooie for the 64 too.
▲ Owns a sexy, sexy hula skirt. ◄ Is stuffing her face with delicious pizza while playing Banjo and Kazooie for the 64. ▼ Is uber jealous and wants to stuff their face with delicious pizza while playing Banjo and Kazooie for the 64 too.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 21, 2013 #687 ^ Would look good in a hula skirt. < Had a grandfather who was a slick hand with a banjo, but the talent didn't pass along. v Is particular about their pizza.
^ Would look good in a hula skirt. < Had a grandfather who was a slick hand with a banjo, but the talent didn't pass along. v Is particular about their pizza.
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 21, 2013 #688 ▲ Wishes they were the hula skirt. ◄ Loves BBQ Meatlovers with extra chilli and olives. Deadly, but delicious. ▼ Wants to boogie down all night long.
▲ Wishes they were the hula skirt. ◄ Loves BBQ Meatlovers with extra chilli and olives. Deadly, but delicious. ▼ Wants to boogie down all night long.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts Apr 21, 2013 #689 ^ Is a slow stalker, or maybe gets lost a lot. < Nails placards to trees along the trail: "He went this-a-way." v Understands that daring speedboat escapes require the presence of water.
^ Is a slow stalker, or maybe gets lost a lot. < Nails placards to trees along the trail: "He went this-a-way." v Understands that daring speedboat escapes require the presence of water.
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. Apr 22, 2013 #690 ▲ Has high expectations about stalkers. ◄ Gets easily distracted by a butterfly and walks off. ▼ Will turn into water to assist my daring escape.
▲ Has high expectations about stalkers. ◄ Gets easily distracted by a butterfly and walks off. ▼ Will turn into water to assist my daring escape.
Kiandra_Black Supernova Joined Feb 26, 2013 Location Washington State May 6, 2013 #691 ^ Do I have to turn into water!? Can't you make a daring Helicopter escape? < Waves from her yacht. √ Wants to be invited aboard.
^ Do I have to turn into water!? Can't you make a daring Helicopter escape? < Waves from her yacht. √ Wants to be invited aboard.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts May 6, 2013 #692 ^ Would, with alacrity, and after rendering appropriate naval courtesies at the quarterdeck, board Kiandra's yacht and thoroughly plank its mistress. < Understands it's a matter of the heat of the meat and the motion of the ocean. v "Permission to go ashore" with a softening cock and a widening smile.
^ Would, with alacrity, and after rendering appropriate naval courtesies at the quarterdeck, board Kiandra's yacht and thoroughly plank its mistress. < Understands it's a matter of the heat of the meat and the motion of the ocean. v "Permission to go ashore" with a softening cock and a widening smile.
Camille Star Joined Jul 3, 2012 May 7, 2013 #693 ^ Permission granted, sailor! < Loves a man in uniform!! V Has worn a uniform (military or otherwise) sometime in their past.
^ Permission granted, sailor! < Loves a man in uniform!! V Has worn a uniform (military or otherwise) sometime in their past.
Kiandra_Black Supernova Joined Feb 26, 2013 Location Washington State May 7, 2013 #694 ^ Does a sexy schoolgirl uniform count? < Is currently super busy and should not even be on.... :angel: √ Will punish for being a Naughty girl!
^ Does a sexy schoolgirl uniform count? < Is currently super busy and should not even be on.... :angel: √ Will punish for being a Naughty girl!
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts May 9, 2013 #695 ^ Will have to be naughtier than that (but I have faith in her)! < Sees the regulars are missing; it may be necessary to deploy the reserves. v Could handle a nice... mobilizing....
^ Will have to be naughtier than that (but I have faith in her)! < Sees the regulars are missing; it may be necessary to deploy the reserves. v Could handle a nice... mobilizing....
KimiDoll Star Joined Jun 8, 2011 Location Australia. May 11, 2013 #696 ▲ Thought he meant immobilizing. ◄ Looks down at the chains and whip she holds in her hands and makes a pouty face. ▼ Is eager to become her next victim.
▲ Thought he meant immobilizing. ◄ Looks down at the chains and whip she holds in her hands and makes a pouty face. ▼ Is eager to become her next victim.
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts May 11, 2013 #697 ^ Has an interesting sense of humor. So many do not. < Has no interest in victimhood, from either side, except possibly in pornflix. v Is ready for a serious Spring, not just vacant promises from the weatherman.
^ Has an interesting sense of humor. So many do not. < Has no interest in victimhood, from either side, except possibly in pornflix. v Is ready for a serious Spring, not just vacant promises from the weatherman.
Kiandra_Black Supernova Joined Feb 26, 2013 Location Washington State May 11, 2013 #698 ^ Hallelujah! < Is currently enjoying beautiful weather! √ Hopefully you are too?
XXtraPrince Supporter Supporter Joined Feb 19, 2011 Location Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts May 11, 2013 #699 ^ It's raining like a cow pissin' on a flat rock, but at least it's warm. < Is worrying about the Red Wings possibly losing to Huey, Dewey and Louie. v Has their own Stanley Cup favorite.
^ It's raining like a cow pissin' on a flat rock, but at least it's warm. < Is worrying about the Red Wings possibly losing to Huey, Dewey and Louie. v Has their own Stanley Cup favorite.
Kiandra_Black Supernova Joined Feb 26, 2013 Location Washington State May 12, 2013 #700 ^ Hockey? LOVE THE SPORT... But only to watch... < Could care less who wins! √ Doesn't care either.