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The ^ < v Game. (Three steps to wasting hours of your life)

^I go to Gelbooru

< Loves women that can fight back

v Probably likes pancakes
^Likes Pancakes but LOVES waffles better

< Is dominate by nature but also has a passive side IRL

v Will tell me their favorite food
^ Be glad to - sausage lasagne!

< Is too easygoing to be dominant and too ornery to be subordinate... plays it pretty much down the middle, but does superb spankings!

v Likes to cook up interesting plots.
^ Is far more interesting than the black and white ava conveys!

< Yes I do like cooking up interesting plots.

v Knows more about anime than I ever will because I know nothing about it.
^ is only somewhat concerning, being that the kitsune could be easily crushed by said dragon

< is a flaming heterosexual (see what I did thar?)

v slept with a hamster and, as a result, now smells of elderberries
^ Has a witch......"fetish" for lack of a better word

< thanks burning is one of the worst ways to die

v will come up with a worse way to die
^ is right, assuming that by worse you mean more painful. Skinned alive, salted and marinated in lemon juice, defillibrated and then devoured by a horde of angry, diseased third-world rats.
To put things in perspective, third world people are about as picky eaters as first-world rats.

< Would honestly rather burn than go out in his sleep.
It's odd, I know. Just got a thing about seeing the guillotine.
Also, if murdered, would rather be killed on purpose than by mistake.

v belongs in a video game
^ Is more interested in taking a selfie than the fact that he is on fire.

< Doesn't seem to have some of these arrow thingies on his laptop keyboard.

v Is rather sexy based on their avatar and RP style alone.
^ Nemo judex in causa sua!

< Feels humanity's morbid talent for devising ever-more-gruesome ways to do their fellow man in is depressing.

v Is unquestionably going to Hell and will re-encounter most of us there.
^ Should be an attorney, for plea-bargaining eternity in Hell down to 45 days in Limbo plus Community Service.

< Has been told he is destined to occupy an adjoining circle of Hell to Doggy.

v Might skate with the right lawyer.
^ Always has some kind of wicked funny retort no matter what the subject is!
< Will definitely and happily be sharing the same circle of hell with Prince coz I couldn't afford a good lawyer!
v Is going to write something so funny I'll spit soda all over my keyboard--again!
^ cant wait to share his circle with Prince

< doesn't think he can make you spit out soda laughing again

v will follow the next person into an empty room
^ Is officially invited to join us in our circle of Hell.
< Had fun posting today and in a good mood
v Knows all the best raunchy jokes but doesn't share enough of them
^ Has me this time, but now what are you going to do with me?
< Is a very bad girl who likes
V Thinks this person just bought rope, duct tape, and ice cream.
^ Is likely to be in a spread-eagle position when she finds out!

< Knows that bad girls must be punished, and that this is a need as primal as oxygen and sustenance.

v Thinks all this is rather droll.
^ must be well vexed with duct tape and rope
< is giddy with anticipation
V does their shopping for fun in the bedroom at the hardware store
^ is may be a little to excited

< does not shop for those kind of iteams at a hardware store

v will join me in hiding in a dark corner

*hides in a corner*
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