The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

Bellatrix followed him as he led the way to there next destination. She looked at the sign on the restaurant and it said 'Howling' She thought that was interesting, never having been here before. She walked inside with him and didn't say a word, as the waiter took them to their table. Bellatrix sat in the chair that Shawn pulled out for her smiling at him, "Thank you" She said. "Quite frankly yes how did you manage this?" She asked curiously. "You never cease to amaze me...That was nice of your father."
"yeah I was shocked when he told me..." shawn looked when he heard his name called. he sttod up "ariel" je caught the little girl that ran to him in his arms. ariel giggled "shawn guess what I got my letter I'm coming to school with you next year! won't that be great" shawn laughed "ill have to warn the headmaster about who he's letting in to his school" shawn set ariel down. ariel turned around "hi bella" ariel look exactly like her brother except the green eyes.
Bellatrix also looked when she heard Shawn's name being called. Bellatrix thought it was so cute, how he was with his little sister. Bellatrix used to be able to pick Narcissa up in a similar manner but no longer could. Bella smiled remembering when her sisters were excited about going to school, she missed the good old days when the three got along. Bellatrix smiled at the little girl, "Hello Ariel, that's great news you have, I'm happy to hear you received your letter." She stated, it was uncany with how much they looked alike.
"ariel leave you brother alone and come help me please" a older version of shawn poked his head out from the kitchen. ariel nodded and gave her brother a hug before going back to the kitchen.
Bellatrix watched as an older gentleman who looked like, Shawn pop out to get Ariel to help in back. She smiled, "She's getting big." Bella stated smiling. Then looked to her bracelet turning it and admiring the charms, she absolutely loved it. Bellatrix knew that nothing but good things could come from this and she also knew that Shawn was the man that she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. Even though they were still young but they were made for each other.
"yeah I know it just seems like yesterday I was changing her diapers and bottlle feeding her formula" he said smiling. he looked at bellatrix and grinned "bell not only did I come here for my dad but for us cause I have a question to ask you" he took her hand "bell I want to take our relationship to the next level. " he snapped his fingers and a silver rose ring appeared in his hand. the rose was silver in color and in the center held a diamond "bell this is a promise ring. will you were it knowing that I want you someday to become mrs.zabini.....ill understand if you don't take it"
"I know I feel the same way with my sisters." She stated still smiling playing with the bracelet. Bellatrix looked up when he said that there was another purpose to why they were there. Her smile faded slightly and a look of confusion crossed her face. Bellatrix smiled brightly when he said he wanted them to take the next step in their relationship. She watched as a ring appeared in his hand, it was stunning. Her eyes grew wide upon seeing it. "Yes! Of course I'll wear it!! I'll wear it giving you the knowledge that I would love to one day be Mrs. Bellatrix Zabini." Bellatrix was excited, they knew each other forever and had been together happily for two years.
Shawn smiled at her "you just made me very happy bella" he said and slipped the rind on her finger. he then leaned over and kissed her "your so beautiful bell." he said to her and kissed her again
Bellatrix smiled at him looking at the ring as he placed it on her finger. As he leaned she did as well meeting his lips, nothing could ruin Bella's day. "and you are so handsome Shawn." Bella replied and kissed him back. Bella then stood walking over to him and hugged him kissing him softly.
"I love you more, Shawn." Bellatrix cuddled into him and kissed him back. She didn't care who saw them, they were in love, it was strange to see Bellatrix act that way toward anyone. Being the Dark wicked beauty that she was, normally hiding her feelings and actions but she was happy and couldn't help it just wanting to be close to him.
shawn ran a hand through her hair "like black silk" he said and wrapped hus arma tight around her abd kept kissing her on occasion nibbling on her lower lip
Bellatrix smiled as he ran his fingers threw her hair. "You know it love." Bella stated before meeting his lips once more. She liked the feeling of his teeth on her lips. Her hands went to his shoulders and began to knead her nails on them.
"careful. now love or you'll go back to your sisters with marks and sore" he whispered into her ear and ran a finger up her thigh. he grinned as a plate of various fruits dipped in chocolate was placed in front of them along with two glasses of pumpkin juice.
"Do you really think that bothers me, love? So long as they're not visible." She whispered and smirked back at him. Upon seeing the food and drinks come out she smiled softly. Taking a piece of fruit and held it in her mouth partially
shawn let out a small animalistic growl to her response "bell are you a bad girl? " he adked teasingly beforr captureing her mouth again woth the peice of fruit dancing between both of there mouths
Bellatrix smiled with the fruit in her mouth, "You know it baby." She stated moving the fruit over to clearly say it. Untill he kissed her with the fruit bouncing between the two of them, as they kissed.
shawn ran a single fingernail down her spine and at the same time grabbing a ice cube and placed in his mouth and started nibbling on the side of her neck woth the ice cube still in his mouth. he stopped when he heard someone clear there throat he looked up to see Lucius at the doorway l. shawn sighed "Lucius is here maybe ciss isn't to far behind " he whispered to her
Bellatrix's back arched and she shivered as he ran his finger down her spine. She sighed and arched her neck as he began to nibble on her, feeling the chill from the ice cube. Bella closed her eyes enjoying it still kneading her nails into his shoulders. Bellatrix didn't hear the person clear there throat not even knowing someone was there, until Shawn stopped and sighed. She opened her eyes, sighed in annoyance, and sat up looking over at Lucius, then turning back. "One day...all I wanted was one bloody day.." She whispered viciously. Bella stood up and retook her seat straightening herself out. Cissy then entered and stood by Lucius.
"I know baby I'm irratated to give me a moment" he said and went to Lucius "what the hell are yoy doing malfoy?" shawn asked "u came by ro give tou this dumbledore wanted you to have it abd wanted mw to tell you to take it before tonight what ever that means " Lucius hand him a vial of blue liquid and he rhen turned walking out of the restaurant. Shawn came back and sat down putting the vial in his pocket
Bellatrix sighed, "Alright I'll be here." Bellatrix ate a chocolate covered strawberry. She sat and waited for him to return. Bellatrix started to figget waiting. She smiled when he came back "So what was that about?" she asked. Narcissa went out the door with Lucius.
"apparently dumbldore hexed Lucius to give me my medicine for tonight for the wolf fever" he said to her and pickef up a chocolate dipped strawberry and bit into it
"Oh well at least you got you medicine, for this evening." She stated eatting another strawberry. Stand walking back over to him. "Now where were we?" She asked playfully.
Bellatrix smiled and laughed as he pulled her down to his lap. Sitting comfortably, passionately kissing each other. One hand resting on his chest and with the other Bella was running her fingers through his hair loving the feeling of it.
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