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werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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Daniel pulled the fabric on his hips down with Lilly and then all the way off, now completely naked as she was. The kissing had unintentionally aligned his swelling cock up to her pussy, and the male used it to his advantage, teasing her slightly by swirling the tip of his cock around her entrance.
Lilly let out a moan as his cock teased her pussy entrance . she then took a step back looking him up and down and said ";wow your hot". she then took a step forward and kissed him again making her pussy brush up against his cock before she slowly got to her knees and stuck the cock in her mouth.
Daniel smiled at her compliment and moaned as her moist pussy brushed up against his hard cock, sending shivers down his spine. Then, Lilly went onto her knees and began sucking him off, and Daniel really moaned out in pleasure. He loved the feeling of her mouth, even if she wasn't moving her head.
Lilly kept right on sucking on his cock. she was using her hands to rub up and down his shaft. She would use her tongue to run over the tiny hole at the top every now and then. she was moaning as she sucked his cock.
Lilly was doing wonderful at sucking his cock. He loved how she rubbed it with her hands as she sucked on him, and Daniel moaned out in total pleasure.
After December fed her son. She placed him down once they returned to her den for him to roam around. Axel stopped and asked if he could see his mommy 2 and daddy. She shook her head and told him not yet.
Lilly kept right on going seeing as she was doing a good job. she loved the taste of it his cock as well. She soon picked up speed as she worked his cock over.
Lilly nodded her head while sucking his cock to let him know she had heard him. she did not stop thou she kept right on going loving the fact he got pleasure from this.
Lilly felt the cum spew into her mouth and to keep from spitting it out and choking on it too much she swallowed it all. she even milked the rest of it out of him. she sat back once she swallowed it all saying ";you taste good Daniel your cock and your cum".
Daniel was proud of Lilly. She swallowed a lot of his cum, and she did like it. It was very sexy for him. He leaned forward when she sat back, and he kissed her, aligning his cock up with her entrance and teasing her.
Kat kissed him back and moaned when his cock teased her entrance. she knew what was coming and she reached up and gripped him hard around the back she was scared but in no way was she going to stop him. she was leaning back on the floor and knew he was about to deflower her and he be her first and her only and she was happy about that.
Daniel pulled away from the kiss. He looked into Lilly's eyes and liked the lust that he saw. He wanted to see her pain on her face as he deflowered her, to prove to him that he would be her only lover. At that thought, he slowly slid into her, not breaking her hymen just yet.
Lilly felt him go inside of her and she felt the pain start but it was not all the way in. she bit down on her bottom lip as she whimpered from the pain. she was trying to be strong but her face showed the pain she was feeling. her breathing picked up as she felt him go in.
Marethyu was talking to one of the wolves and told him about the new pup. This pup, Axel, his real father was a dark one, a former alpha. "Is he really" the wolf asked as Marethyu nodded.
Poison came down to hear the news and walked over saying "then it is vital he joins the pack if he is the pup of the former alpha. Poison smiled as she remember that alpha how deadly he was in battle and she had loved him when she knew him but she did not let that show for she felt love was not for her cause it would only get in the way. She twirled a strand of her hair deep thought about how weak lilly had become now that she was in love.
Daniel carefully thrusted his hips inside of her, never going deep enough to break her hymen. All he wanted to do was have her adjust to his cock and make it as painless as possible when he did break through.
She could not no longer hold back she screamed out in pain as she felt him work her pussy making it strech out to make room for him. she felt herself get wet from him being inside of her. she soon felt the pain go down to make room for pleasure and said ";It starting to feel good".
Marethyu nodded not turning to face Poison. "Indeed." A smile formed on his lips. "I think I should pay them a visit. Care to join? You might be able to go after Lilly."
Poison licked her lips and said in a cocky way "you sure know what this girl wants of course i shall join you never know i might get what i want".

Lilly soon tossed her head back and started to moan with her eyes close at first it was a small moan but soon she was getting louder.
Poison gave him a cocky smile then transformed into her wolf form and said "we shall".
Axel was throwing a tantrum and demanded to see Lilly and Daniel but December protested. He and his mom decided to take a walk around the forest. December changed into wolf form to match her son.
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