"It would be a pleasure, your highness," he answered softly. His gaze came up to the dining hall before them. He stood tall, his step was measured. He seemed to take a moment between paces to assemble himself. His smile was gone, replaced by an impassive mask. His shoulders set back, his chin lifting, taking on an aristocratic air as they neared. By the time they reached the hall, he seemed a perfect cut of the lord, beyond the concerns below him, beyond the touch of those around him.
He paused at the threshold, woman on his arm, waiting for whatever proceedure of announcement and entry the castle maintained before he would step inside. He had shifted slightly, almost imperceptibly, to go from the princess leading to taking the lead himself, ready to guide her.
He paused at the threshold, woman on his arm, waiting for whatever proceedure of announcement and entry the castle maintained before he would step inside. He had shifted slightly, almost imperceptibly, to go from the princess leading to taking the lead himself, ready to guide her.