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The Trouble with Treaties

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Ser Eloran has the men on Masako, Reina, and the Loidites, spread out, one covering each hallway, and one stationed in each of the four corners of the meeting rooms. He sends one man to relay orders to the garrison, that they need another few men to cover the rest of the hallways. He has spread out the guard, but they are a no less ubiquitous sight around the palace. There are plenty of men to see everything, and to call reinforcements from adjacent rooms, while not specifically following the guests and putting them at unease.

Eloran doesn't really care about the guest's comfort. He doesn't think this has any chance of going well. Something was up, he can smell it.

He himself follows Gavin, a white shadow behind his Prince. He watches, uninterested, as the Comtesses present their gifts to him. It annoys him a little when they flirt with his Prince, but he has become used to the feeling, and only sighs. He asks a nearby servant to please dispose of the end of his cigarette, which has burnt down almost past his visor.
Gavin smiled. "My dear lady, it would only be improper if you had improper plans," he said with a wink. He made a mental note to learn which one was which. He couldn't keep calling them 'lady' for the whole trip. When they presented his gift, he was amazed. Goldsparite fur was highly prized. He, himself, only had a few articals of clothing with it.

"This is beautiful," he breathed. "I am deeply honored by your generosity." He put on the silver fox cape, looking in a mirror to see how it looked on him. Never had he dreamed of owning something so wonderful. This kind of fur was almost never exported from Goldspar.

Turning back to the twins, he smiled. "I see that the only thing that can hope to rival your beauty is your kindness."


Diane smiled as Lord Martinez escorted her into the bird cage. She made sure the door shut before the Ritter Hex could enter. That would give them a few moments of privacy. She had never been around a foreigner, so this was the most exciting moment of her life.

"It's a little loud, but I love it here," she said, bringing him over to a covered bench. "I used to hide here when I was little. Gavin knew where I was, but he'd pretend to look for me elsewhere so I could be alone."
He nodded slowly as he sat down on the bench, his eyes drawn back towards Diana. "It was the same for me when I was young, though my refuge was the library. Philosophies, histories, geographies, technical treatises," his eyes drifted back up, to the birds flitting about over his head. He let out a long breath, his shoulders dropping down as he relaxed. "They left me be there, when they could."

He turned slowly towards Diana, gesturing towards the book she had, "I take it you are a learned woman yourself."
Diane smiled. "Of course," she said. "As learned as I can be. I need to know how to read and write to run a household and take care of my servants." She grinned impishly. "Don't tell anyone, but I sometimes sneak books from my brother's library. I think he knows, but he spoils me."

She looked down at the thin book of poems. "I dream of when I marry, my husband will allow me to carry on my love of books. I sometimes worry that I'll marry some Anstarian lord who will keep me under lock and key, only letting me out so I can give birth to his babies."
Tansen walked back to his room, glad to find that there were no Hex's following. Upon entering, he sat down at the desk ordering his advisers in. Soon the real discussions would begin, and he wished to be prepared for the event. Many hours were spent discussing what to do, he was still in rather fine shape, not having to travel a long time to get to the land, he was still fresh.


Deston paced his room back and forth for no more than five minutes before he decided he was bored and should do something 'fun'. He walked out of his room, looking back to see if the men were still fallowing him. Fortunately they were not. He explored the castle, learning its twists and turns, careful not to bump into people that he was sure, would either tell him to go back to his room, or talk to him in some other boring fashion. Finding his way way to the great library, he decided to take a quick look at what the land had to offer.

Searching amongst the shelves for a book he deemed interesting, he found a book on Ritter Hex's. He took the book finding a desk, sitting down and beginning to read it, soaking in the knowledge, of only the very basics of the order. That which any experienced man would know.
He gave Diane a slight smile as she spoke of her future prospects. He kept his eyes on her, absorbing what she had to say. His gaze slowly dropped, down to her book of poems, curious as to just what that book contained. It was not too hard to imagine, typical maiden's dreams and wishes, poetry about love and beauty. He doubted it was one of her hidden cache just as much as he questioned how learned she might have been, sneaking away books.

"Fate is a fickle thing, Princess. When it seems certain it becomes murky. You may very well end up in a place you never imagined, with people unlike any you knew."
Diane sighed. "I know. I'm well aware of my role in all of this. I'm not so naive I don't know what my fate could be." she had heard the servants talking of how someone had overheard her father and brother discussing her future. Her father, though on his death bed, wanted Diane to marry the Loidite prince or a lord from Loidi to help cement the peace between them. She hated the thought. He was a magic-user! His people were magic-users! What would that mean for her? It was too alien.

"I wish I had a say," she confided. "I'd love to marry someone who understood me. Maybe, even loved me."
Masako continued her exploration of the castle with that bloody Ritter Hex still following her at a respective distance. It was so irritating, weren't any of the Hex women? The feminist in Masako was deeply aggravated and simply wanted to call it quits and leave, but doing that would make her lose face here. She walked with a challenging strut still, apparently completely unaware of it as she tended to take long strides. The three people Masako didn't want to deal with weren't anywhere in sight so she'd head for the castle library to see just what was really going on around here.

"Hmm?" She blinked as she entered and saw the young prince of Loidi reading a book after a few moments of poking around. "Why hello there your highness." She smiled at Deston politely. "What have you there?" she asked, walking over to have a curious look.
A soft sigh exhaled from between Honorè's lips. "Mais non. You do not have the full ensemble, your highness." A smile then as she lifted the jeweled collar and placed it around his neck and shoulders, the light from the jewels sparkling as the green blue set off his own blue eyes charmingly. It was heavier than it appeared.

"There. Now that is perfect." She turned to her sister. "Don't you agree?" She was thoughtful as she looked at her sister. There were somethings she couldn't have, and well she knew it, no matter how she'd have liked to have toyed.
Deston finished the page before looking up to see the woman standing there. He thought he recognized her as one of the people in the meeting, but he couldn't really tell who she was. He didn't pay attention when father had explained to him and his brother, who would be there. After a second glance he could tell she was not of the Anastari.

"Oh hey there miss...?" Deston laid the book down upon the desk facing so she could see the name of the book. He had found the book to be very interesting, learning a great deal about what was myth and what was fact about the Ritter Hex's since starting.
"The love within those books? With fiery kisses of passion that consume the soul and burn away all reason?" he asked softly. He was leaning back on the bench, his hands braced behind him. His eyes once more went to the flitting birds above. His mouth was barely turned down into the barest hint of a frown as his thoughts drifted.

"See that one," he pointed up to a particular bird who seemed to be cleaning out his wings. A small green bird with black accents at the wingtips and a white belly. "I first saw one in the southern passes, on a caravan. Several of them paced us for miles, flitting around, chirping songs, landing on our carts only to dart off again the moment someone reached out for them. Quite lovely creatures, and so fragile."

He looked back down to the Princess, his frown gone now, though he still was leaned back. "One resides in my study right now, back in Danbar."
Diane blushed, looking down. "I don't read books about fiery kisses and all consuming passions," she said. "Those would be too stimulating for a fragile woman like myself. Gavin caught me reading one once, and he said it was too dangerous. My heart was pounding fast and I felt hot. He said that was the danger of it. I haven't touched those books since. I mostly steal his geography books and pretend I'm traveling around the world."

She leaned back, looking up at the birds with him. "It must be nice," she said softly. "Traveling like that and seeing new lands. Someday, I want to visit all the places I've read about."


Gavin smiled, looking at the finished gift. "You ladies are a wonder," he said. For a moment, he wished he had thought of gifts for the delegates. Though, for the twins, he might make an exception. Something to show his appreciation for their thoughtfulness.

Turning back to the Comtesses, he said, "I am very pleased by this gift. Thank you both." He took their hands, kissing the backs. His lips lingered a few seconds longer then was proper.
"Your highness is too kind." Honore demurred politely. There was however a reckless streak in her and as the prince lifted her hand to kiss it, she turned it gently so that when his lips touched, it would be to the palm and bottom of her hand, where he could easily feel the pulse beneath her skin. A bit bold but that was part of her charm.
Gavin smiled as Honore turned her hand. When he kissed her palm, his tongue flicked out to lick her pulse. He wasn't sure if it was the same in Goldspar as it was in Anstaria, but kissing the palm was an intimate thing. He took it as a sign that she was interested in him. When he straightened up, he looked into her eyes. His eyes held a promise of delights to come. In order to keep the other delegates from knowing of his intentions with the Comtess, he would have to be careful.

"After dinner, I would love to show you the beauty of my kingdom," he said, including her sister in the invitation. "I don't believe you've seen our gardens. They are said to be one of the most spectacular sights in the world."
She smiled then, lifting her hand to brush against his jaw lightly as he stood, gently guiding him to look at her, without words, letting him see the promise in her own eyes. After all, what was fun without a risk of danger. "You do me much honor, your highness." it was a game she was born to play, this game of words and intent. It was as natural to her as breathing. "I adore horticulture." most of the time it was for things of more functional use, such as healing, sensation or otherwise, but beauty had many forms. Perhaps she could learn something.

"After all, part of our purpose here is to learn from one another..."the smile curved into a wicked little grin that hinted at all sorts of innuendo, as if her sister nor servants were in the room. " it not?"
Gavin smiled. "Learning has many forms," he said, taking her hand again. "I hope we can explore them as we get to know each other better." He moved between the twins, offering his arms to them both. "Our kingdoms can benefit from each other, and I feel that a closeness would be benificial."

He let the suggestions hang in the air. In the twins, he felt lik he had found an equal. He never thought he'd think of women as an equal, but he knew he didn't think of them as below him. He would enjoy their company for as long as he could. Their time together would be bliss, and he intended to enjoy every moment of it.
Masako smiled at Deston's innocence and mentally grinned even more, he could be a fish on a gig if she did it right. "I'm Masako. One of the Goldsparite delegates your highness." She introduced herself and tilted her head some. "You're Lord Tansen's little brother right?" the blonde pressed gently. "You're such a handsome young man."
((I have permission to puppet Imp for a bit))

"I'm sure we can both learn a lot from each other, your highness." Due to his position, it -might- be less than Honorè would like, but she liked playing with fire. With a smile, she took the arm he offered, her silent sister taking his other arm and the servants trailing behind him with the princess' gift still within its chest.

It amused Valere to see Honorè do so. She, of course, knew what her sister was thinking, and even in this there was something to be learned. By due course, Honorè had laid first 'claim' and so Valere would so honor that claim, just Honorè would have done had their positions been reversed.

"So is our dinner to be a mixture of the delegates native foods or do we get to try some of the Anstarian fare that you are famous for?"
Deston smiled back at the lady. He was not accustomed to being to himself nor was he accustomed to people not knowing him to well. "That's right, I am. Though little in comparison only by age." He smiled and winked. He had never left his own land before now, and his frankness was always over looked in his land as long as his father or mother were not present. "You my lady are quite a sight yourself."
She just grinned. "Yes I know." She said without so much as batting eye as if she consistently heard that. But it was nice to hear it while she was here; she'd been convinced the Anstarians were either gay or simply didn't like her based on all the sneers and glares she got before. "I was just passing through and saw you reading, what'cha got there?"
Deston looked a little confused for a second then quickly regain composer, showing her the book on a history of the Ritter Hex's, "It's a look at Ritter Hex's through time. Nothing to specific but still interesting." He shrugged his shoulders. He was not used to women as blunt as Masako. The women he knew in his land would blush and deny such comments as his last. He was completely caught off guard by her reply.
"Travel is like many things, your highness. It is days of boredom, followed by minutes of excitement. But those moments, you never quite forget them."

A smile deepened on his face, his gaze drawing away from the woman, the very words themselves bringing back a pleasant memory of his travels. His right hand was fiddling, his thumb rubbing slowly across his index and middle finger in a slow, circular pattern.

"If you wish, I could loan you my personal writings. There are many things I have recorded in there that you might find interesting, things that are unlikely to be within the dry texts of cartographers and navigators."
Gavin smiled. "You will get to try Anstarian food another night. Tonight we will showcase Loidite cuisine. Tomorrow, will be Danbar and Goldspar following that. Since that is just dinner, you can try our famous cuisines for breakfast and lunch." He escorted them down the halls to the dinning hall. "If there is anything you wish to try, let me know. I would like your stay here be as comfortable as possible."

As he passed one of the Ritter Hex, he said, "Inform the other guests that dinner is about to be served and offer an escort to the dinning hall."


"I would love to read your experiences," she said. "In fact, I'd love to hear about your travels, if you don't mind indulging me with more of your company." She blushed, feeling a little forward.

Diane was enjoying Lord Martinez's company when a Ritter Hex entered the cage. Worried that she was about to be told to go to her room, a common punishment for any time she stepped out of line, she tensed and moved an inch away from Martinez.

"Your Highness, your lordship, dinner is about to be served," the Ritter Hex said. "Your brother requests your presance."

Diane nodded. "Lord Martinez can escort me there," she said. Looking at him through her eyelashes, she added, "Would that be all right?"
The Lord stood up slowly, his right hand offered down towards the princess, palm up to help her up off the bench in a more stately manner. He nodded slowly towards her, his smile still on his face. "It would be an honor to be your escort, your highness."

He would pull her up slowly and gently, leaving his arm for her to grab hold of as they walked to dinner. His gaze broke off, looking toward the Ritter Hex knight with a questioning look on his face, mouthing out the words, "Where is it?" to him out of the princess's sight. Nothing like wandering around lost to make you look like quite the fool.
Diane smiled, leaning close to Martinez. "Don't worry," she whispered, "I'll take you there. It's not too far from here." She took him back into the castle and down toward the dining hall. She was a little sad to see their time ending. She was sure that her brother would manopolize the delegates' time after tonight.

"Lord Martinez," she said softly, "I hope I'm not being too forward, but I'd be honored if we had more time to talk. I read in the garden nearly every afternood. If you can find time away from the discussions, I'd be honored if you came to see me."
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