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The Four Aces (always open)

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Sarah went out and got in the drivers seat and looked out the front shuild window and thought okay i got to get us all home well maybe we all can go to the same spot after all she had a lot to think about and she did not want to be alone. She watched as the other came and got into her car. She put some gum in her mouth and said ";okay sarah this time no driving crazy";.

Stacey got into the passenger side of the car with a smile and said "I brought the booze if all want to have some fun later tonight if not all the same to me". She put the alchol down on the floor board so that no cops would see it.
He could see the worry in her eyes, he had to feel sorry for the girl. He put his hand on her cheek, looking at her with a smile.
"There's no reason he wouldn't be." He said, pulling her into a hug.
Blackjack let her rest her head against his chest, he gently stroked her hair in a comforting manner.
Elena felt his hand on her cheek and blushed when he pulled her into a hug, she hugged him back, resting her head on his chest.

*pretty boy smiled and told his goon's he would catch them later*
"so where we off to?"
*pretty boy follows everyone into the whip and boy sure is it cramped. he felt his knee buckle ageast the other guy to his left, some sort of racer.*
"you try that again, and your dead."

*he spotted the bottle being pushed under the seat and smiled*
"gonna be a fun night for whatever this is but im in"
*he chuckled*
Blackjack moved his hand from her hair and started lightly running his thumb across her smooth cheek. He was pretty sure she could hear his heart beating, so she knew he was capable of being human at least when she needed him to be.
Elena felt herself blush at his touch but managed to keep her lips to herself. She knew of his personality and one would think of him diffrent but she knew him well.
Samson tapped om Sarah's shoulder. "If we can. I would like to go to a local nearby bank. I have a few things to pick up."

Xander looked at him in confusion, "aren't you rich enough?"

Samson shrugged his shoulders in reply before laying back.
Blackjack slid his thumb from her cheek to under her eyes, feeling the slight moisture from where tears used to be.
Elena lifts her head up to look at Blackjack. She knew of his name and hated it but for some reason her mouth wouldn't stay shut up. "John."
After a very long time, he had heard someone call him by his real name and he didn't even mind that she did. He forgot that he hated it and for now, he accepted it. He looked down at her, her eyes drawing him in.
"Yes?" He muttered, feeling himself lean closer to her.
For one moment, John was losing himself in her eyes. Then he truly drifted away when their lips touched. He held her neck in his hands as he kissed her and there was no way he could disconnect his passion from the kiss.
As Elena felt him kiss back, she could feel his hand moving to the back of her neck. She wanted to stay like this forever but knew it wasn't possible so she decided to enjoy the moment.
This was all he ever could need from her. A kiss. A taste of her lips. Here he was, locking lips with the daughter of his boss who was now missing. Could it have been mistimed? Did John even care anymore what was going on around them? All he seemed to focus on was the kiss. His hands now moved down her back, resting at her waist where he wrapped his arms around her and held her body to his.
Elena felt herself being moved closer to him as they kissed. She was kissing one of her father's clients and she knew it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss.
The kiss deepened and John's tongue emerged through his lips and entered her mouth in search for her tongue. He found that he was walking slightly forward and she was going back. Eventually, they'd reach something but at this moment, he only thought of her.
Elena felt his tongue on her mouth and came in contact with her's. A slight moan escaped as she left her legs walk back as he walked forward.
He felt her moan against his lips and it only made John deepen the kiss further with his tongue in her mouth. They kept walking until they reached the coffee table, hearing her hit the edge. He put his hands on her hips and lifted her onto the table, their lips still kissing.
Elena entwined her tongue with his and fel body hit a table soon she was lifted up while they continued to kiss. With one hand she ran her fingers through his hair.
John then pulled his lips away but only for a little bit while he removed his shirt from his body. He didn't care that she could the scars over his body, he leaned in again and continued to kiss her, his hands on to holding her thighs.
Elena took the opertunity when he removed his lips to breath before kissing back. She did notice the scars on his chest but didn't matter to her it meant that he was strong as any true man. Her hands snaked down to his chest and rested there, she also felt his hands on her thighs and couldn't help but feel them tingle.
John's hands now ran up her legs to her waist and then he found her stomach, lifting her top just enough to put his hands over her stomach and feel her skin. Her smooth, flawless skin contrasted to his rough, solid skin. His hands rested on the small of her back, taking hold of her waist in both of his hands.
Elena moaned a bit when age felt his hand run up her thigh and on her stomach a bit. She removed herself from the kiss and lifted her shirt up leaving her bra on then she kissed him again.
Sarah looked at him thou her marrior on the windshield and said ";alright then but make it snappy not sure what go on blackjacks nerves tonight but he seemed quick to wisk away Elena and pull that hood off so we got to be on our gaurd okay". She looked at STacey and said ";hey girl hand me a stick of gum got to chew a peace when i drive ". Stacey picked up a peace of gum and handed it over to Sarah. Sarah took the gum and put it into her mouth and pulling out but going the speed limit she headed out to the bank. She then saw head lights of a car as it drove by her nerves all shot but so far so good.
He continued to kiss, her now nudity meant his hands traversed up her back over her bra. While they kissed, John put his hands on her breasts and gave them a light squeeze.
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