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have you ever.

No, but I have woken up gasping in the middle of my kitchen when I definitely went to sleep in my bed.

Have you ever played a hugely successful prank on someone?
Yes. I convinced someone to sign their name on a blank sheet of paper so I could 'examine their handwriting'... and then drew up a contract around that signature granting me ownership of that person's soul 👹

Have you ever burned anything down?
I had a friend who liked to burn things. He was seeing a shrink about that, which was kind of rare at the time in my country. Sometimes we would burn things. My parents found out and he became persona non grata.

Passing it on
Yes. Whoops!

Have you ever sent a long message to a deceased friend, knowing you won't get a response, but just doing so to feel close to them again?
Yes. Whoops!

Have you ever sent a long message to a deceased friend, knowing you won't get a response, but just doing so to feel close to them again?

I have not; yet, it sounds, in its own way, very platonically romantic and is akin to simply sitting at the graveside and talking to them.

I pass it on
I don't think I have, but I would talk in my head and perhaps even write a note?

Passing it on!
No, I reckon I'd just get too upset. Maybe one day though!

Have you ever smashed a mirror/walked under a ladder, or done some other superstitious thing?

Have you ever ordered a tub of buttered popcorn at the theatre all for yourself? :p (disclaimer, I always order a tub more for taking home and enjoying later)
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Wouldn't dream of it. Candy, though? Absolutely.

Have you ever gone on a long drive just to clear your head?
Gonna be a no from me, dog.

Have you ever passed on a gathering, be it with friends or family, because of anxiety?
Yes, my longest running was nearly a decade old when we decided to shelf it (we still chat today!)

Have you ever licked something and instantly regretted it?
yes my hands in recently time always taste like hand sanitiser

Have you ever wished you'd not googled something?
Yes. Searching for the meaning of a word I got a horrific picture as well.

Have you ever been to a new restaurant and ordered a dish you've never had (and it was the best thing you've tasted)?
No, but it would probably broaden my palette.

Have you ever looked through someone else's phone without permission?
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