have you ever.

I have not. I find it hard to seperate sex from emotion. Having that sort of thing would be difficult for me

Have you ever wanted a friend with benefits or casual sex to be more than that
Yes, at least one time that I can remember and when it never moved beyond the casual sex? I was very hurt. :(

wanted to be "fed" by a lover's hands?
Starting a relationship with casual sex is hardly ever the way to do it. Not preaching just doesn't seem conducive to good relationships.

Yes I have wanted to.

Have you ever watched your lover please themselves and touch yourself at the sight?
No, but the opposite has happened, me masterbating while my partner watched and touched himself.

...licked (or ate) something "edible" off of your partner? (whipped cream, chocolate)
Oh of course. That's one of my favorite things to do :D

Same question, and have you ever been so hurt by someone everyone you've ever met after has paid the price
Yes, I've always enjoyed "playing with my food". :p

*Frowns* Hmm...yeah, I suppose I have punished other guys for the few bad seeds I've come across.

been cheated on by a lover?
More times than I can count. Never acted on it though.

Ever wanted to hurt someone who hurt you, but didn't because you care about them too much
(Have you been reading my diary????) *Sighs* Yesss...I'm too much of a softy!

put chips INSIDE your cold-cut sandwich? (Like the girl on "Breakfast Club" who put Frito's and pixie stix on her sandwich?)
I guess I can 'read' certain people well.

Hell yes. That shit is DELICIOUS. Well, the chips part. Pixie stix sounds.... odd.

Have you ever eaten ramen burritos? They're a jailhouse staple xD
LOL...I don't believe I've had Ramen burritos, but perhaps you could share yer recipe? :p

(Jailhouse? >_> When will you be out on parole?) ;)

had an online relationship?
Lol I was in jail for a short period of time when I was 18. Odd story lol.

Yes. I love online relationships just as much as 'real life ones'. A lot of reasons people spout for their illegitimacy make me llaugh

Have you? ANd have you ever met someone in real life you met online?
(Okay, no holding back...let's hear why you got locked up at 18!) LOL ;)

I have had online relationships, yes. A few. *Whistles* (I use to be a faithful participant in the yahoo community several years back). Most of them were of the D/s variety. But yeah, I got flack from people, too, about the validity of an online relationship. But I can attest that "real emotions" can become involved, both good and bad. And I've only met one person in real life that I met online.
Yeah I get what you mean. And look how many fucked up 'real' relationships their are. I think there's the same chance of someone who takes the online relationship can make a lifelong partner as the one who takes the in person relationship seriously. As long as there is the willingness to relocate in the future

There were these kids singing some songs by the flag pole at school one day, and they sounded like SHIT. I went up to my friend and said 'dude. Singing like this makes me wanna shoot something'. Apparently I was overheard and people started telling others. The rumor became that I said 'if I had a shotgun right now I would kill all you christian bastards'. So I got arrested for threats to minors.

Have you ever overheard something and blew it out of proportion?
LOL..oh nooo! :p That's kind of funny, but kind of NOT funny, with the recent shootings in CO. :(

Oh, I'm certain I have done THAT, as that is a fault of mine, that I listen in to other people's conversations too much and then try to repeat what I heard and only get about half of it right? Pssh...they need to develop a pill for that. :p

...ate an ice cream cone in less than a minute? :p
Oh dear god yes.... Ice cream was so tasty... It was like a flavorgasm

Ever eaten something you thought would be disgusting that you ended up liking?
(I am the CHAMP when it comes to eating ice cream cones! I can be popping the butt-end of the cone into my mouth when everyone around hasn't even BEGUN to bite into their cone! LOL Ice cream should be a food group all it's own, as far as I'm concerned!) ;)

Let me see...I don't think so. LOL If I "think" it's disgusting? I'm not even going to put it in my mouth. Like sardines? ICK no! Hominy? ICK no! Sushi? ICK no! There is alot of different seafoods that I won't try either.

experimented with weed? :p (It's getting late...the quality of my questions reflect that...lol)
(That's not good! Back when I tried pot, the only thing it did for me was make me sleepy! LOL I've never understood how it makes others "higher than a kite" and like, blab on and on and on!)

*Nods* :( Yeah....

(...and on that note, :( I think I'm going to go find my pillow. Was an absolute pleasure, D. Sweet dreams when you get there.)
I wouldn't really consider it homosexual. I made out with a girl that was transsexual, and still had a penis. She was a good kisser and I never had sex with her so.... -shrugs-

have you ever had to step on a bug MORE THAN ONCE on a hard floor to kill it?
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