have you ever.

Dang, Prince! (Guess it's true what they say about a steering wheel having lots of 'germs' on it!) LOL

Nope, I've never masturbated while driving!

Have you ever gone to a drive-in movie by yourself and masterbated?
(No? I have! :D)

I hate to admit it, but there is one guy who for the life of me, I can't remember his name...LOL Is that bad? :(

Have you ever sneezed on your partner in the middle of getting it on?
DamningTheHeavens said:
i have, luckily she was fine with it.

Have you ever thought you loved someone you've never talked to?

No, never have. :)

Have you ever had sex with a person significantly older or younger than yourself?
I have not, but there's this older woman in my english class.... I would ravish her.

have you ever had sex with someone who as just so inept you felt sorry for them?
Nope. (The Librarian wasn't my type!) ;)

Have you ever been a participant in an "all night" sex-fest?
*Nods* Yeah, I have.

Have you ever thought of an "ex" while making out with a current girl/boyfriend or partner?
I have.... I didn't the now ex. And the ex before was someone I truly did love. I find it hard to perform well in kissing or sex if I don't FEEL something

Have you ever eaten something you hated cause there was literally NOTHING left to eat
*Laughs* I don't think as an adult I have, but...I can remember back when I was a kid and our mom only went to the grocery store once a week, and many times that last day or two before getting to go back and buy more groceries, our cupboards would get pretty bare. I use to eat mayonaise sammiches (well, I think then I had "Miracle Whip") because there was nothing else to put on them. We were lucky, though, to still have some sandwhich bread, as many times, it was "fry bread" mom had cooked because we ate all the good bread. LOL "Yes, I was born a poor, black child".

Have you ever....ate a mayonaise sammich? :p
I was always one of the last ones to finish taking a test, as I normally didn't do too well on tests to begin with, and I painstakenly went over each question two, sometimes THREE times, trying desperately to get them answered correctly. :) It always made me nervous when those "fast folks" started handing theirs in, making me wonder if I was being too slow and was going to run out of time! :p Bleh, so glad those days are behind me.

Have you ever rescued a hurt animal?
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