have you ever.

Oh yeah. I usually try to find a way to finish.

Ever gotten so into a role that writing it became a cathartic experience?
no. That's intense. And if someone dropped one on me, I'd be intimidated. Maybe so much so i'd drop the rp.

Have you ever wanted to just scream until your voice failed?
Yes. And I have.

Taking a cue from DTH, have you ever dropped an rp because you were intimidated by your partner's writing?
Nope. Mostly i try to use it as a challenge to improve, I've just never been hit by such a monumental post.

Ever been smacked in the face with a glove, and challenged to a duel? (No joke, I have. it was a serious proposal)
No. Women are much meaner than that, they'd use their clawed hands not a glove. hehe
Have you ever licked someone else's food so that they would give it to you?
Never. Came pretty close once, but thankfully found the willpower to stop it.

Ever been the "other guy/girl"?
Yes. It took, er, three-ish years to work. We're not great friends now, either. We mostly ignore each other.

Have you ever felt better about yourself after seeing who your ex- chose directly proceeding you as their partner?
well, i can't really tell, been a single my whole life through so far

Have you ever laid traps around randomly, as needles and such
No, I've always had pets and wouldn't want to see one get hurt because of me.

Have you ever just sat out side and enjoyed a beautiful day because your pet was smart enough to led you there?
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