have you ever.

only once. It was 10 degrees, the transformer blew at 4 am, the power was out till 8 am. i was freezing.

Have you ever felt guilty about something that wasn't your fault?
Only if the weather affects something I was planning to do. Like rain. Although I've still gone to the beach in the rain with buddies, we did get in shit from the coast guard when we tried to swim.

Ever tried to do a stunt and ended up looking utterly retarded?
Nah. Club's not much of a crier.

Have you ever been chewing on a pen only to find teeth marks there that don't belong to you?
...no. But I have cut myself on metal shavings, and various other metal objects.

Ever waited so long to wash your car that you need to do it multiple times?
Yes... did it yesterday in fact. *sigh* EDIT: That was to the crying question. Looks like the thread updated weird?
Have you ever chugged a whole gallon of milk at once?
No. I'm a heterosexual male.

Ever had difficulty telling you rp partner their rping is bad, so you killed off your character?
EDIT- My reply was to the toothbrush question
No. I have stopped answering tho, if I don't feel like telling them why I don't want to rp anymore. Most of the time I tell people before I ditch. Most of the time.

Have you ever eaten an animal you killed yourself?
Yup. It happens to us people that say what's on our minds all the time.

Ever wish you could go back in time with the knowledge you have today?
Yeah, I think everyone has. Anyone who's not delusional, that is.

Ever given up something you really enjoyed because you knew it took up too much of your time?
no. I don't have enough other people in my life to need to drop a hobby to make time for something

Ever punched someone for insulting a loved one?
You forgot to ask a question. =|

Have you ever found yourself wanting to go up to someone and tell them they shouldn't be wearing the clothes they have on?
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