have you ever.

Yeah. I watched baseball for three hours once for LOML. FFS.

Ever given yourself a Sharpie tattoo?
You didn't answer...


Ever driven on the wrong side of the street on purpose?
Oh fuck no, if I don't like a band I don't go anywhere near it, unless they're doing a cooperative show with a band I love.

Like Nickelback, not a big fan, but they were traveling with Breaking Benjamin and Three Days Grace...i went to see that shit!

Ever listen to a band for so long that when they release a new album with a MINOR change in style so minute its not noticeable unless your an absolute hardcore fan, and decided they suck.
No, I like it when the bands I listen to change up their style a little! Keeps it from being the same album over and over.

Have you ever gone through your CD collection and found a CD from a band you really hate?
Yes, the group who sang Who let the dogs out...I can't remember their name for the life of me.

Ever gotten a handjob/fingerjob (in case its a guy or a girl who answers) on a roller coaster?
Never. Interesting idea tho. Especially if the coaster takes pictures. ;)

Have you ever farted in the car and locked all the windows so everyone had to smell it?
YES YES YES! FUCKING BEST THING TO DO! I did it one time after going to a seafood place and ordering shrimp, this was the day everyone found out that shrimp gave me chemical warfare grade gas.

Have you ever taken a shit so rank, that everyone in the house is afraid to go within ten feet of the bathroom door?
No. There's an air freshener, and a multiple-flush policy for such occassions. Even a candle. haha

Have you ever seen someone with a really bad pimple, and fantasized about popping it because it bothered you that it was there?
Yes. My dearest father. He hates Mexicans and Black people. Loves Asians, though. Particularly Koreans and the Chinese. Also my grandmother, hates Amerindians.

Have you ever had to live with someone who was sexist?
No. I'm not one for revenge, but I will secretly hate you for a very long time and fantasize about revenge, even knowing I'd never do it.

Have you ever tried to use a black light to see if there are any semen/vag stains on the wall or in a bed?
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