have you ever.

Ew no. Especially because I don't think my dad was a player like that. At least I fucking hope he wasn't/is.

Ever had somebody pop on your facebook newsfeed and you don't remember who they are at first so you're: "WHODAFUCK?"
A couple times.

Ever get a facebook friend request from someone who's like 'omg I haven't seen you in forevers. I miss you!', and you're like 'DO I EVEN KNOW YOU?'
I do that on a regular basis. Crushes or not.

Have you ever watched a movie several times in a row even when you didn't like it?

Have you ever eaten something and then immediently regretted it and wished you could go back in time and change your decision?
One time. I got one of those free ones they give out at school. It was way too small for me. It..really hurt.

Ever wished you could change your name?
I've done it multiple times. I'm sure most people have at least once.

Ever been in a financial situation so bad you've constituted committing a crime such as robbery, or getting hit by a car to sue the driver?
No. I've used someone as a scape goat to cast doubt on my own guilt, but never actually framed them.

Have you ever had someone who was so drunk that you literally had to carry them somewhere to sleep it off?
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