have you ever.

well, is still virgin, so i guess not

ever read a whole book on around 300-600 pages on lesser than 5 hours?
yes. my ex always just wanted to get to it, but i like heavy foreplay. if i make my girl cum more than once, i'm happy.

Ever took so long to masturbate, you just stopped?
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:
I also just realized you put me in your siggy. Took you a over a year! >8U


And yes, yes I have. Audioerotic MP3s are a curious thing...

Have you ever shone a flashlight in your eye to watch the funky colors when you pull it away?
I would like some of those......<.< Maybe? People usually flash me in the eyes and they get pissed cause it doesn't bother me like it would them. I'm used to it cause my eyes suck.

Have you ever pointed a laser pointer at your pet to see if they would freak out?
I haven't had any pets myself, but I've done it to my friends all too often. >>

Have you ever shot a missile from a toy missile launcher into your face by accident?
I don't see why not.

And in high school I did convince the majority of the school I was from Canada. >> <<;

Have you ever accidentally thrown a remote into a wall?
Azns are not from Canada.

And yes, yes I have.

Have you ever gotten so pissed at your video game, you yelled at it for a good couple minutes before turning it off?
A few times. Seven Tails in Command Mission is still a bitch and then I accidentally healed them to full. >_O

Have you ever had a bed collapse while you were sleeping?
no, but i have been punched in the face

Have you ever spent a whole day to think of what to do, then finding out, but then forgets it right before you shall do what ever you thought of?
No. But I do get annoyed at being told I look like the lead singer from Crash Test Dummies.

Do you ever have something so bad happen to you, or so unbelievable, that you feel like you're going to wake up from a dream?
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