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have you ever.

I’ve sang karaoke drunk >.> but, yes .. I was a professional dancer for many years, ballet and contemporary mainly. Recitals and concerts alike ~

Have you ever paid for a stranger's meal or drink, without them knowing it was you?
Nope. Closest I've been is knowing my existing card was going to expire while I was on holiday and try to get a replacement card from my bank before I left to go on said holiday; if it didn't arrive before I left, I'd have been pretty screwed. Fortunately, it did.

Have you ever received a story post from a partner, formulated the reply in your mind, thought about how you'd go about posting it...then receive a message from your partner a long while later wondering when you're going to reply?

Have you ever thought about something lewd so much you accidentally said something about it to someone you shouldn’t have?
Shot a gun. Yes. At targets, out in the desert.

Have you ever swam in the ocean?
Plenty of times. More when I was a kid than as an adult.

Have you ever shot a bow (recurve or compound, NOT crossbow)?
I tried when I was little and it didnt exactly go well

Have you ever had a dream that came true later? And if so what was it?
I have not.

Have you ever gone out on a date just because you know the other person is wealthy and to get them to pay for it even with no physical attraction?
No. I have self-respect and I can make money myself to pay for dinner. :p

Danced like nobody was watching, only to find out someone was?
surprisingly, no. or maybe not so surprisingly, lol.

have you ever lied about liking a book or movie because of its mature content?
Yes, I was very pretentious about "Justine" by De Sade. I have had people rave about it to me and I have raved back when I find (and I have only read the English Version) it to be weighty, filled down with tangents and I only said things to try to impress.

Have you ever used food as an element of sex?
I have. Strawberries and whipped cream.

Don't get whipped cream on your pubic hair people.

Have you ever lied to get laid?
Of course and to all of those women that I told I was "Member of Parliament from a Rotten Borough" I do apologize.

Have you ever used kitchen utensils in the bedroom?
Of course, I have used them to unclog a drain. Now, have I ever used them again after using them in the bathroom. The answer to that is no.

Have you ever broken up with/stopped pursuing someone because you didn't like their pet/pets?
No. I've never disliked someone's pets. 😂

Have you ever sent someone a dirty voice note? 🧐
By "dirty" do you mean foul or erotic. I have sent erotic voice notes telling someone they were "bad" and "needed to be disciplined". I have never sent a foul note (or what I would consider foul).

Have you ever made love in an elevator?
Up to interpretation! :3

No I haven't made love in an elevator. I think it would be too quick to be fun 😂

Have you ever had sex out in the woods?
Absolutely... This vibrator with a thrusting feature... Ended up being smaller & very cheaply made... I was deeply disappointed.

Have you ever had sex in a public place?
Yes, a box at a theater.

Have you ever been deeply disappointed by sex. You think the person is beautiful, everything is going well and then you are just like "blah"
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