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have you ever.

I wouldn't say 'deeply' but... underwhelmed is a good word to use.

Have you ever talk in a suggestive or teasing way to someone you never have any intention of having 'relations' (sexual or even just romantic really) with?
I like to make people laugh and feel good and I have been accused of "flirting" so yes.

Ever been handcuffed to a bed?
Not yet... but it's on the list!

Have you ever hooked up with someone out of pure desperation to get off?
Nope. Too demisexual for that.

Have you ever regretted hooking up with someone?
Yes... The first guy I was ever with (consensually-ish) kinda pressured me into it, and when was 19 I had sex with a guy out of pity 😬

Have you ever engaged in sexual activity (masturbation or sex act with another person) at work ?
Yes and yes. I've masturbated at work. I've had phone sex at work. And I've fucked gf/colleague at work.

Have you ever paid for porn?

have you ever tried a sex toy you don't really want people to know you have tried?

have you ever denied someone an orgasm?
yes. too many times.

have you ever masturbated in public?
maybe... depends on one's definition of "public" ... :oops:
when i discovered i enjoy voyeurism...

have you ever experienced a "coyote ugly"?
no, had to google the definition.

Have you ever tried eating food from each others, you know, those parts? Any food.
Yes, with mixed results... I read something recently about glass rolling pins & am considering a purchase... For science...

Have you ever met anyone from online (not counting known hookup apps like tinder) for the specific purpose of having sex?
Yes... long story, but someone... no deets, just let your mind wander.

Have you ever masturbated at work?
No. I would have absolutely gotten caught and fired.

Have you ever baked a pizza after 1 AM?
as a stress baker, and a used to be cake decorator, I can attest to YES!! It's the bestest time to bake things!!

Have you ever brought a sex toy through airport security?
I have. Not telling what or how.

Have you ever had sex with more than one person the same day?
Never have I stolen anything.

Have you ever had sex/masturbated at work?
Nope. I'm quite boring. I have walked in on people having sex. "Mind if you put it back in your pants there chief?"

Ever been in a car accident?
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