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That she is. She's a product of 'only child who is a daughter and is wealthy and ridiculously sheltered and has blood ties to the Illuminati'. Yep, yep, yep. XD
Hehehe..... nice posts! Not sure how much I'll get to post today being the weekend. They are always so iffy for me with my family and all. But I shall try. I definitely will be able to this evening though. But anyway, nice!!! I posted for Laela. Princessy Illumati is princessy. haha. Jibril will hate her soooo much, haha! XD Yep, she's a gonna whine until she gets used to things. Poor sheltered girl. lol. XD
DA- don't be surprised if Jibril smacks her around or something. XD She's not very nice to women unless they earn her respect.

And now I have to go read the shenanigans. XD

Also- Jibril doesn't have her weapons in her hands, her shotgun and katana are visible though. Her knives aren't.
I expect poor Laela to be misunderstood. Poor thing has grown up hearing things from her influential and wealthy family. She's not political herself, she just knows what she's been taught and told. So...... But yeah, hard lessons for her are what I anticipate. Because as of present she IS a bit spoiled having known no other way. But she's NOT like her cousin. He's a freakin' bastard. I've yet to bring him into the mix though. I might upgrade him. I have to see yet since I'm not sure how much I'll play him. Time will tell though. lol. But I foresee him being a cruel and sadistic sort. In fact, it's possible he could even see opportunity to use his cousin depending on how things fare. He'd be the sort to do that if it meant personal gain.
Also, Laela hasn't ever truly met Hal. She knew him when they were little. But that's about it. And he's been on Charon for a while now on top of things. She has no clue how asshole-ish he really is. And obviously she'll eventually get several wake up calls about life and a slew of other things too. At least that's how I see it.
I kind of wonder if I should have the twins know who Hal is, kind of like a rub-salt-into-the-wound kind of thing. That's up to you though unless you wanna try to collaborate a story with me over PMs involving that.
Nice post, Rogue. I'll definitely have to have Zaphkiel explain to her why her charms aren't working like she wants. XD <3

But I'm probably gonna be gone most of the day. Gonna see some movies and a bunch of crap to do!
HAHA! Awesome posts!!! I shall post later and I sooo cannot wait!!! XD
I wonder what Laela's fate will be, hehe.

Also, Hahvy, sounds good to me that the twins either know Hal or know of him. Seeing as he's been on Charon for a while and such and is an Illuminati representative, etc it would make sense to me that they would given they live there and all. And even more so given what they do.
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